this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Episode 12

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Sergeant Jones at a newspaper office

Sergeant Jones walks up to a desk with a woman at it

Sergeant Jones: Hello can you please point me to Julian Cannell's office please

Woman: May i ask why you want to know

Sergeant Jones: I am with the Dallas PD and need to take a look at his office

Woman: Oh i see well it is over there

Sergeant Jones: Thank you

Sergeant Jones walks over to Julian's office door and walks in the first thing he sees a picture of Julian and Victoria

Sergeant Jones: Oh Nice couple they were. Well i better see what i can find

Sergeant Jones walks behind Julian's desk and starts looking around. We see someone looking in the window watching Sergeant Jones

We see a shot of Somerset airport

We see Tony and Ginger walking around

Ginger: Oh god i can't believe i am back in Somerset after all these years

Tony: Is that a happy oh god i can't believe i am back or a sad one?

Ginger: Both I guess

Tony: Oh well, I am going to rent us a car i will be right back

Ginger: Ok

Tony walks away. Ginger sits down

Ginger: Now i am going to have to go see my fathers bastard son Kane

We see a shot of Kane and Molly's Beach House

We see Molly and Kane and Angela sitting on the couch

Molly: Ok honey now your going to go take a bath

Kane: Ok bye Angela

Kane kisses Angela on the head. Molly and Angela walk upstairs, there is a knock at the door. Kane gets up and answers the door, It's Stan and Terry

Kane: Oh uncle Stan come in, Hello Terry

Terry: Hello Kane

Terry and Stan walk into the house and sit down on the couch

Kane: What are you doing here?

Stan: Well we need to talk to you about Leo

Kane: What about him

Stan: Well a police detective came to see us not long ago and he said he was going to be coming to see you

Kane: What did he want?

Stan: He wanted to talk about Leo and ask a lot of questions

Kane: Questions? Well i never meet the man so I do not think I could answer any of this man's questions

Terry: That's what i told him but he did not listen to me

Kane: Well let him come here i will not be able to answer any questions he has for me

We see a shot of Ellen's house

Ellen: How are you dear

We see a shot of Victoria sitting in her Dallas apartment

Victoria: Oh Ellen it has been so hard for me

Ellen: Oh honey i know how you feel

Victoria: Ya well I wish you were here to help me

Ellen: I wish i was there to dear. Maybe you should come back to Somerset

Victoria: No Ellen i can't. I can't go home to Somerset


We see a shot of Ellen's house

Ellen: Why Victoria?

Victoria: I can't leave Dallas Julian is going to be buried here and I can not leave him

Ellen: Well maybe you should bury him in Somerset

Victoria: Somerset why would i bury him there?

Ellen: Well he lived here for many years, and this was your home for many years to

Victoria: But we lived in Dallas for a long time and I think it would be best to have Julian put to rest here

Ellen: Well I think you should come home Victoria and you just said you well not do that without Julian close to you so I think he should be buried here

Victoria: Oh Ellen i don't know what to do, I just don't know

We see a shot of Somerset Airport

We see Tony walk over to were Ginger is siting

Tony: Well there is a car ready for us

Ginger: I do not know if i am ready to see my family after all these years

Tony: I think this is best Ginger

Ginger: I don't know Tony

Tony: Well I do and you have to go see your family so get up and let's go

Ginger: Alright

Ginger gets up and takes a deep breath

Ginger: Let's go

We see Tony and Ginger get up, grab there bags and walk out of the airport

We see a shot Kane and Molly's beach house

Kane: Would you both like some coffee

Terry: No

Stan: No thank you Kane

Kane: Ok

We see Molly walk downstairs

Molly: Oh hello Stan and Terry

Terry: Hello dear

Stan: Hello

Molly hugs both Stan and Terry

Kane: where is Angela?

Molly: Oh well she finished her bath and now she is resting

Kane: Oh good

Molly: So why are you guy's here

Stan: We came to tell Kane about the detective who is going to come see him

Molly: Detective! Who is this

Terry: A guy from the Somerset police who wants to talk about Leo

Molly: Oh

We here a knock at the door

Molly: I'll get it

Molly walks to the door and opens it we see a tall man

Molly: Hello

Man: Hello my name is Detective Steve Harper

Molly: Hello

Detective Harper: Hello can i please talk to Kane Kurtz if he is home

Kane stands up

Kane: I am home

Detective Harper walks in

Detective Harper: Are you Kane Kurtz?

Kane: Yes I am

Detective Harper sees Stan and Terry

Detective Harper: Well hello again

Stan: Hello

Terry: Hello Detective Harper

Kane: Well what do you want Detective

Detective Harper: I want to talk about Leo Kurtz

Kane: Fine. What about him?

Detective Harper: Well i want to know if you know were he is

Kane: Me? How the hell would i know where he was

We see a shot of the Sergeant Jones in Julian's office

Sergeant Jones: Oh there is nothing here

Sergeant Jones sees a closet in the corner. He walks over to it and opens it up

Sergeant Jones: Oh I think I hit the mother load

We see the guy still watching outside the window. The guy halls out a gun from his pocket and points it at Sergeant Jones


Announcer: And now the Conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Mary and Kane's beach house

Mary: Kane calm down

Kane: Well how would i know where Leo is

Detective Harper: I am sorry, I did not mean to upset you I am just asking a question

Kane: Do you think if I know where Leo Kurtz was I would be standing around here talking to you?

Detective Harper: No I do not

Kane: Well good

Detective Harper: I just wanted to ask you some questions

Mary: Maybe you should talk to him Kane

Kane: Fine sit down, what do you want

We see a shot of a window outside of Mary and Kane's beach house then we see some guy walk up to it and look inside. Then he hears voice's and hides on the side of the house

The voices are Tony and Ginger's

They walk up to the door

Tony: You ready

Ginger: Yes

Tony knocks on the door

Mary gets up and answers the door

Mary: Hello

Stan sees Ginger

Stan: Ginger!

Terry: Ginger and Tony?

Kane: Oh my god

Ginger just looks at everyone

Ginger: Hello everyone

We see a shot Of Ellen's House

Ellen: I think it would be a good Idea if you came home Victoria

Victoria: I do not know Ellen

Ellen: Well tell me you will think about it

Victoria: Ok I will think about it

Ellen: Ok good

Victoria: Well Ellen I am tired now can i call you back later

Ellen: Of course dear. I will talk to you later

Victoria: Ok bye

Ellen: Bye

They both hang up the phone

We see a shot of Victoria

Victoria: Should I go back to Somerset?

We see a shot of Sergeant Jones in Julian's office

We see the guy in the window pointing the gun at Sergeant Jones. The man
hears a voice, he puts the gun back into his pocket

Sergeant Jones takes a box out of the closet in Julian's office. He brings the box over and puts it in the desk opens it and sees some papers in it. He takes one out of the box, it says Leo Kurtz on the paper

Sergeant Jones: Leo Kurtz who is that?

We see the guy outside of the window take out his cell phone and deal a number

Guy: Hello Tiny it is me Joe. Ya how are things in Somerset

We see the guy standing outside of Mary and Kane's house. He is Tiny

Tiny: Oh they are OK. I am standing outside of the Kurtz house now

Joe: Good! I am at the Newspaper here in Dallas I am watching our friend Sergeant Jones

Tiny: Good you know what to do if he gets to close to the truth

Joe: Yes I know what to do

Joe takes out his gun again

Joe: I take care of him

We see a shot of Sergeant Jones looking at the paper

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role!!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset



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