this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Episode 7

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Victoria's Apartment in Dallas

Victoria: I need you can you come now, ok thanks bye

Victoria hangs up the phone and walks over to the wine bottle picks it throws it in the garbage

Victoria: Just like my life now in the garbage

We see a shot of Kane and Mary's beach house. We see Mary on the couch

Mary: Oh its been such a long day

The phone rings, Mary gets up answers the phone

Mary: Hello

It is Jill

We see Jill at her downtown apartment

Jill: Hello Mary

Mary: Mother what do you want

Jill: I am calling with bad news

Mary: Ya will I have bad news to

Jill: Oh great that's all I need is more bad news. Ok you go first

Mary: Well We got a call from Kane's Uncle Stan

Jill: What did he want

Mary: He said the police called him with news about Leo Kurtz

Jill: Leo! What about Leo?

Mary: The police said the mob found him

Jill: Oh no! So what are they going to do now?

Mary: I do not know

Jill: You see that is why I do not want you to be part of that family. They still have the mob after them

Mary: Mother do not start on that now

Jill: Ok fine. Your right now is not the time

Mary: So what is your bas news

Jill: Do you remember Julian Cannell?

Mary: I only meet him once but you told me a lot about him

Jill: Ya well I got so horrible news about him

Mary: What?

Jill: He was murdered

Mary: Oh my god!

We see a shot of Tony and Ginger's house

Tony: Are you sure going back to Somerset is the best idea

Ginger: What do you mean it is my home

Tony: Yes but you have been back to Somerset in 31 years

Ginger: I know but I just need to be home now

Tony: I see what you mean, ok I will call the airport and see when the next flight to Somerset is scheduled to leave at

Ginger: Thank you honey

Ginger kisses Tony


We see a shot of Victoria's Apartment

Victoria: Oh god

Victoria looks at the desk walks over to it opens up phone book to yellow pages

Victoria: I should find a good funeral home

There is a knock at the door, Victoria walks to the door and answers it. It is Victoria's friend April Davis

April: Oh Victoria

April hugs Victoria

Victoria: Come in

April walks into the apartment

Victoria: Thank you for coming

April: Of course Honey

Victoria: God today has been the worst day of my life

April: I know how you feel

April hugs Victoria again

April: I was just like this when Richard died

Victoria: Oh god April Julian was my life, I loved him so much and I don't think I can go on without him

We see a shot of Mary and Kane's Beach house

Mary: Oh mother how horrible! When did this happen?

Jill: Just today

Mary: Oh god that is such terrible news

Jill: I know and so shocking he was the last person I thought would be killed

Mary: Do the police know anything yet]

Jill: I do not know, all I know is he was murdered by a gunshot

Mary: Oh god this has been such a bad day

Jill: I know. God this day reminds me of what Somerset use to be like. It was all murder, mob and bad news all the time, I just hope that does not start up again!

We see a shot of Ginger in her bedroom packing a bag, Tony walks in

Tony: I called the airport

Ginger: Could you get us a flight out to Somerset

Tony: Only tomorrow

Ginger: Ok that us fine

Tony: Look Ginger I do not think I will be able to get the time off of work

Ginger: Have you talked to your boss

Tony: No but I do not think he will give me the time off

Ginger: Is that it or do you just don't want to go back to Somerset

Tony: No That is not it

Ginger: You know Victoria Paisley is not there she is living in Dallas with Julian

Tony: I know

Ginger: Well then you don't have anything to worry about

Tony: I guess your right. Ok I will go call my boss now

Ginger: Ok

Tony leaves the room

Ginger: Now what else

Ginger sees a picture of her father picks it up and holds it

Ginger: Oh dad I hope you will be ok


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Mary sitting on the couch with the phone in her hand

Mary: Well mother it is getting late I have to go

Jill: Ok, and lets hope tomorrow is a better day in Somerset

Mary: Lets hope so

Jill: Ok, bye

Mary: Bye

Mary and Jill hang up the phone

Mary: Oh god what a day

Then Kane walks throw the door

Kane: Oh God I am tired

Mary: Oh Kane! How's your Uncle Stan

Kane: Upset but I think he will be ok

Mary: Ya I think so to

Kane: Lets all hope we hear from the police tomorrow

Mary: Ya well lets go to bed

Kane: Ok

Kane puts his arm around Mary and they walk upstairs

We see a shot of Ginger sitting on her bed holding her fathers picture

Ginger: Oh dad

Tony walks in

Tony: I talked to my boss he said I can have the time off

Ginger starts crying

Tony: Hey don't cry honey

Tony walks over to Ginger and hugs her

Tony: It will all work out you will see

Ginger: Oh Tony I hope so, oh how I hope so

We see a shot of Victoria and April sitting on the couch in her apartment

April: So do the police know anything?

Victoria: I don't know. They have not told me anything. There was one cop here before you came asking questions

April: Oh god, the nerve of those cops don't they have a heart

Victoria: I guess they are just doing there job

April: No! They had no right to come here so soon not after everything you have been through

Victoria: Ya I guess your right

April: So did you talk to the cop?

Victoria: No I told him to leave

April: Good, you did the right thing

Victoria: I think they are trying to find out if I know who shot him

April: Like you would know anything about that

Victoria: I don't know anything about it. I just keep wondering who would want to kill Julian? Who would kill him?

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset


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