this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Episode 6

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Victoria's Apartment in Dallas, then we see Victoria and Sergeant Jones standing at the door

Sergeant Jones: Can I come in Ms. Paisley

Victoria: Yes come in

Sergeant Jones walks into Victoria's Apartment, Victoria closes the door

Victoria: So why do you want to talk about Julian?

Sergeant Jones: Well because he was murdered and it is very important that that we get all the information we can get and since you lived with him we thought we would come to you first

Victoria: Well I do not want to talk about this right now

Sergeant Jones: Well Ms. Paisley it is very important and I will not take much of your time

Victoria: Do you people have hearts? The man I love was murdered today and you want to ask me questions I do not want to talk to you not so leave right now

Sergeant Jones just looks at Victoria

We see a shot of Ellen's house, She is on the phone

Ellen: So Victoria Paisley left the hospital? Ok I see thank you bye

Ellen hangs up the phone

Ellen: Victoria must be at home, I have here number somewhere, now where is it?

We see a shot Ginger and Tony's House in California

Tony: Ginger calm down

Tony and Ginger walk over to the couch and sit down

Tony: Now tell me what is wrong

Ginger: It is the mob they found my father and he had to go on the run again

Tony: When did this happen?

Ginger: I don't know, Kane just called me, and he said that Uncle Stan got a call from the police, and they said My father is missing and they heard that the mob found out were he was hiding

Tony: After more then 30 years!?

Ginger: Yes I could not believe it at first either

Tony: Oh Ginger I am sorry, is there something I can do

Ginger: No there is nothing no one can do, all we can really do is just wait to hear from the police. Oh Tony I am scared what if the mob finds my father and kills him


We see a shot of Ellen's house, Ellen is looking in a desk for a number

Ellen: Were is that number

Ellen's phones rings, Ellen picks it up

Ellen: Hello

It is Terry

Terry: Hello Ellen

Ellen: Oh Terry it is you, How are you?

Terry: I am a little worried

Ellen: Why?

Terry: Well we just got a call from the police

Ellen: The police! What did they want?

Terry: They were calling about Leo

Ellen: Leo, Leo Kurtz

Terry: Yes

Ellen: Well what about him?

Terry: The police said that the mob found out where he was

Ellen: Oh no! So what are they going to do move him to a different location

Terry: Well they would if they knew where he was

Ellen: I don't understand

Terry: The police can not find Leo he just up and left and the police have no idea where he is

Ellen: Oh no! How is Stan taking it

Terry: Not to well, he is very worried

Ellen: I can imagine. Oh god that is the second bad news a heard today

Terry: Second? What is the first?

Ellen: Oh you don't know

Terry: Don't know what? Ellen what is going on?

Ellen: It is Julian Cannell

Terry: What about him

Ellen: He was Shot

Terry: Is he ok

Ellen: No he is dead

Terry: Oh no

We see a shot of Ginger and Tony's house in California

Tony: Oh Ginger if your father has survived the past 30 years without being killed I do not think he will be killed this time

Ginger: Yes Tony he has lived these past 30 years,but for the past 30 years the mob did not know where he was or what his new name and life was and now they do and I am afraid this could be it for My father

Tony: Ginger do not say that

Ginger: It is true Tony. God why is this happening

Tony: I do not know. Do any of us know why anything on this planet happens

Ginger: No but it seems all the bad stuff happens to my family

Tony: I bet everyone on earth would say that

Ginger: Yes but not everyone on earth has a father who's life is in danger because of the mob

Tony: That is true but I bet everyone feels like bad things happen to them all the time

Ginger: Well it is true for this family just look at everything that has happened these past 36 years so much I can not ever remember

Tony: Ya I know

Ginger: I wonder why it is always us,what has this family done to deserve all of this?

We see a shot of Victoria's apartment in Dallas

Victoria: I want you to leave Sergeant Jones

Sergeant Jones: But this will not take long

Victoria: I do not care I just want to be alone leave

Sergeant Jones: Alright but I will be back

Victoria: Bye Sergeant Jones

Sergeant Jones: Goodbye

Sergeant Jones leaves

Victoria: Damn cops

Victoria walks into the kitchen gets some wine and a glass and sits down at the table

Victoria: Maybe this will help

Victoria takes drink


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Ellen's house

Ellen: I know it is horrible

Terry: Do you know how Victoria is?

Ellen: I do not know, I have tried to call her but I can not find her number

Terry: I think I have it

Ellen: It is ok I think I will wait till tomorrow before I call her

Terry: I think that is a good idea

Ellen: Ya well I guess all we can do now is hope that Leo is found by the police and that Victoria pulls throw this ok

Terry: Lets hope

We see a shot of Victoria at the table on her 4th drink

Victoria: I need more wine

Victoria gets up walks into the kitchen can not find any wine, she throws wine glass at wall. Victoria sees phone walks over to it dials number and sits down

Victoria: Hello, thank god you are there I need you

We see a shot of Tony and Ginger house

Tony: Can I get you anything?

Ginger: No

Tony: Are you sure?

Ginger: Yes I am sure

Tony: Ok

Ginger: Tony I think we need to do something

Tony: What?

Ginger: I think we need to go back to Somerset

Tony: Somerset! Why?

Ginger: I think I need to be in the place I grow up and be with my Uncle Stan

Tony: Are you sure?

Ginger: Yes we need to go back to Somerset!

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role!!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset


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