this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Episode 4

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Mary and Kanes Beach House. Kane is still on the phone with Stan

Kane: Ok Uncle Stan Goodbye

Kane hangs up the phone

Mary: Kane what was that about you said Leo did something happen

Kane: Yes the mob found him

Mary: After all these years?

Kane: Yes

Mary: Oh no! Well what are the police going to do?

Kane: They are trying to find my father now

Mary: You mean they do not know were he is

Kane: No, when he found out the mob knew were he was he just took off did not stop for anything

Mary: Oh god So what are you going to do?

Kane: I am going to call Ginger

Mary looks at Kane

We see a shot of Ellen's House

We see Ellen sitting in her Living room Jill walks in

Jill: Mother

Ellen: Oh Jill

Jill walks up to Ellen and Hugs her then the both sit down

Jill: Have you called Victoria?

Ellen: No

Jill: Why?

Ellen: I do not know what to say to her

Jill: Do you want me to call her?

Ellen: No Jill, I Think we should give her some time

Jill: Ok, Oh mother poor Victoria I wonder how she is taking his death

We see a shot of the hospital in Dallas. Then we see the door that says Hospital morgue on it

We see Victoria Standing over a body and Doctor Dempsey Standing behind her

Doctor Dempsey: Are you ok

Victoria: He looks so different

Doctor Dempsey: Well I told you he did

Victoria: I know but I did not think he would look like this

Victoria starts to cry

Victoria: Could you give me a minute alone please

Doctor Dempsey: Yes of couse, I will just be outside

Victoria: Thank You

Doctor Dempsey leaves the room

Victoria takes Julian's hand

Victoria: Oh my love


We see a shot of Kane and Mary's Beach House

Kane: I have to call Ginger

Mary: Oh Kane do you think you should

Kane: Yes she has to know what is going on

Mary: I know but you know how Ginger feels about you, maybe it would be best if Stan called her

Kane: No Stan asked me to do it and I am going to do it

Kane picks up the Phone and deals a number

We see a shot of a apartment building and the words Oakland California come across the screen

We see a phone it is ringing, then we see a hand pick it up it is Ginger

Ginger: Hello

Kane: Ginger it is me Kane

Ginger: Kane! What do you want

Kane: I need to talk to you Ginger

Ginger: Kane I do not want to talk to you

Kane: But Ginger this is important

Ginger: No Kane

Kane: It is about Leo

Ginger: Dad what about him tell me what's wrong

We see a shot of Ellen's house Then we see Jill walk into Ellen Living room with a tray of coffee

Jill: Here mother

Jill sets tray down on coffee table

Ellen: Thank you

Jill: So do you think Victoria is going to be ok?

Ellen: I do not know I hope so

Jill: Do you think she will come back to Somerset now?

Ellen: I do not know. She has no family her now, they are all in Maine

Jill: Yes but this is her home and her and Julian lived here for many years

Ellen: Yes they did so she will not want to come home

Jill: What do you Mean?

Ellen: Well her and Julian did live here for many years and there is lots of memories in Somerset for her

Jill: I see what you mean, well Victoria is strong she should be ok

We see Victoria Standing over Julian's body still holding his hand

Victoria: Oh honey

Victoria gets a chair sits down

Victoria: Hey do you remember when we first moved to Dallas, boy Dallas is far from Somerset you said and it was still is, We made a home here and I learned not to live without you so how I am I going to do that, how am I going to go on without seeing your face everyday. Oh Julian! Why did this happen why

Victoria gets up throws chair across the room Starts crying

Doctor Dempsey runs in

Doctor Dempsey: Are you ok

Victoria: No! I am not ok! He's dead my world is gone,now what am I going to do what?

Victoria falls to the floor crying


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Mary and Kane's Beach House

Kane: Ginger

We see Ginger in California

Ginger: Tell me what happened to my father

Kane: Ginger the mob found him

Ginger: What? No!

Kane: He is on the run Again

Ginger: No he can't be

Kane: He is the police called Uncle Stan and told him

Ginger: I knew this would happen one day! No they can not find my father no!

We see a shot of Kane looking at Mary worried

We see a shot of Ellen's House

Ellen: Victoria will be ok

Jill: Good. Well mother I am going to go

Ellen: Ok

Jill gets up hugs Ellen

Ellen: See you later

Jill: Ya, call me if you hear anything about Victoria

Ellen: Ok

Jill: Ok Bye

Jill leaves

Ellen gets up from the couch walks over to the desk in the corner there is a laptop on there

Ellen: I should try to find out the number to That hospital in Dallas

Ellen sits down Starts Typing

We see a shot of The Hospital in Dallas

We see Victoria walk out of the morgue she is still upset, Doctor Dempsey walks out after her and shots door

Doctor Dempsey: Are you going to be ok Miss Paisley

Victoria: Yes I'll be fine

Doctor Dempsey: Would you like me to call you a cab

Victoria: Yes thank you

Doctor Dempsey walks into the office across from the morgue

Victoria: I wonder if the people in Somerset know about Julian

Victoria walks over to a chair sits down

Victoria: Oh my god, Zoe! Kate! What are they going to do when they find out Julian is gone?

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset


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