this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Sorry I did not post episode 5, 6 ,7 yesterday like I said I would. I will post 5, 6 ,7 today and 8,9, 10 tomorrow!!!!

Episode 5

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of the hospital in Dallas, we see Victoria sitting in the corner of the basement by the door of the morgue

Victoria: Oh what will Zoe and Kate do when they find out julian's dead

Doctor Dempsey walks out of the office

Doctor Dempsey: I called a taxi it should be here soon

Victoria: Thank you Doctor Dempsey

Doctor Dempsey: Your welcome and don't worry we will take good care of Mr. Cannell

Victoria: Thank you

Victoria walks up away and walks to the elevator

We see a shot of Kane and Mary's beach house, then we see Kane still on the phone and Mary on the couch

Kane: Ginger calm down

We see a shot of Ginger standing in her living room

Ginger: Calm down, I can't calm down the mob is after my father he might die and you want me to calm down

Kane: I don't think it is good for you to get all upset the police will find him and he will be ok

Ginger: You do not know that, this might be it for him oh god why is this happening

We see a shot of Terry and Stan's house, we see Stan in his office on the phone

Stan: Thank you. Goodbye

Stan hangs up the phone

Stan: Oh god Leo were are you?

Terry walks in

Terry: So what did the police say

Stan: Oh they do not know anything they said they will call when they here something

Terry: Good

Stan gets up from his desk and walks over to his mini bar to get a drink. He picks up the glass and throws it at the door

Terry: Stan Oh my god

Stan: Damn, why is this happening its been over 30 years since Leo went into the witness protection program and the mob only now finds him.

Terry: Well Stan you could not help him

Stan: Yes I could of, I should of helped him before things went to far and I did not. Damn why Leo why is this happening to my brother and my family


We see a shot of a apartment in Dallas, we see Victoria in her room

Victoria: Oh were is that number

Victoria flips over one of Julian's shoes, Victoria picks it up walks over to the couch and sits down

Victoria: I bought these shows only three weeks ago, you only wore them once last night at dinner, oh god

Victoria throws the shoe at the wall starts crying

Victoria: Why god why did you do this to me? We were happy I mean really happy for the first time in years, we had no problems and our life seemed great and then this. Oh god why?

We see a shot of Ginger on the phone with Kane

Ginger: Kane tell me everything uncle Stan told you and don't leave anything out

Kane: He just said that Leo is missing, he has not called any of his friends in days, and they called the police who went to check on him but when they got to his house he was not there and all of his clothes were gone

Ginger: So he is on the run. Where would he go?

Kane: I don't know

Mary: Kane what is Ginger saying?

Kane: She is very upset

Ginger: Kane are you there

Kane: Yes I am here

Ginger: Well tell me what else Uncle Stan said

Kane: That's all he said he knows as much as the police do and that is not much

Ginger: Well that is a lot of help

Kane: Sorry I could not tell you more

Ginger: Look have to go, call me as soon as you hear something

Kane: Fine Goodbye

Ginger: Bye

Ginger Hangs up the phone, so does Kane.

We see a shot of Terry and Stan's house

Terry: Stan please Calm down, here come sit down

Stan: I can't sit down I need to to stay here by the phone in case the police call

Terry walks over to Stan and hugs him

Terry: Stan I bet it will all be ok Leo will be found and everything will go back to the way it was

Stan: I do not want everything to be the same, I want to see my brother everyday, I want to talk to him everyday, but I can't because of the damn mob. And now they might kill him this is not fare and it should of never happened


Announcer: and now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Victoria's Dallas apartment, Victoria is still crying

Victoria: Ok I have to calm down for Julian

Victoria gets up and walks over to a desk

Victoria: I have to find a good funeral home and make plans to lay Julian at rest

There is a knock at Victoria's Door, Victoria walks over to the door opens it

Victoria: Who are you

We see a man standing at the door

Man: Hello Ms. Paisley, my name is Sergeant Jones I am with the Dallas police

Victoria: Ya so what do you want

Sergeant Jones: I Want to talk to you about the murder of Julian Cannell

Victoria just looks at Sergeant Jones

We see a shot Terry and Stan's house

Stan: I need to do something I can't just sit here and do nothing

Terry: What can you do Stan?

Stan: I must be able to help in somehow

Terry: How?

Stan: I don't know, I just don't like sitting here doing nothing

Terry: I know but there is nothing you can do now

Stan: I know but I just feel like there is something I can do

Terry: I know

Terry hugs Stan again

Terry: Everything will be ok you will see it will all be ok

Stan and Terry keep hugging

We see a shot of Kane and Mary's beach house

Mary: So it seems that did not go to well

Kane: It didn't. Ginger is very upset

Mary: Ya well that is understandable, she does not hear much about her father in over 30 years then this

Kane: Ya well I hope she will be ok

We see a shot of Ginger's house in California

Ginger: Oh Daddy why? Why you? Why now after all this time why now?

We see a man walk into the house it is Tony

Tony: Ginger I am home

Ginger sees Tony and runs to him and hugs him

Ginger: Oh Tony thank god your home it is horrible

Tony: What is?

Ginger: My father the mob found him and I think he is going to die

Tony hugs Ginger as she starts to cry

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits role!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset


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