this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Episode 10

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Ellen in her back yard sitting down drinking tea, then we see Molly pop her head over the fence!

Molly: Hello Ellen

Ellen: Oh Hello Molly

Molly comes through the gate into the backyard

Molly: Beautiful day today

Ellen: Oh yes its going to be a nice day

Molly: Ya

Ellen: Oh forgive me would you like some tea

Molly: Yes thank you

Ellen gives Molly some tea and Molly sits down

Ellen: So did you get much unpacking done

Molly: Oh yes me and my daughter worked into the night

Ellen: Your daughter?

Molly: Oh sorry my daughter Sarah came here yesterday

Ellen: Oh that's nice I would like to meet her

Molly: Oh you will see here around

Ellen: Yes I bet I will

Ellen looks down she looks worried

Molly: Ellen is something wrong

Ellen: Oh no

Molly: Are you sure you do look worried about something

Ellen: Well I did get some bad news yesterday

Molly: Really

Ellen: Yes someone I know died

Molly: Oh Ellen I am sorry

Ellen: Thank you

Molly: Did this person live in Somerset

Ellen: No he lived in Dallas

Molly: Oh my

Ellen: Yes his name was Julian Cannell

Molly: What?

Ellen: Julian Cannell

Molly: Oh my god

Ellen: Did you know him

Molly: No but my sister did

Ellen: Your sister

Molly: Yes my sister Avis Ryan

Ellen looks at Molly

We see a shot of Victoria's Dallas apartment, we see Victoria asleep in the big chair in the corner. Victoria awakes for a nightmare

Victoria: Julian!! Oh your not here

Victoria looks at a picture of Julian, then she gets up and walks over to the phone and dials a number she is calling April. April answers the phone

April: Hello

Victoria: April it is me

April: Oh Victoria are you OK

Victoria: No I just woke up and called out Julian's name. Oh April I need Julian

Victoria starts to cry

April: I'll be right down don't move

April hangs up the phone so does Victoria

Victoria: Oh Julian

Victoria walks over to a picture of her and Julian, picks it up sits down in the big chair in the corner again and holds it!

We see a shot of Tony in his and Ginger's California Apartment. Ginger walks out of the bedroom

Ginger: What time is it?

Tony: 9:15am

Ginger: Oh god we have to leave now!!

Tony: Just calm down we will leave in a couple of minutes

Ginger: Fine

Tony: Why are you in such a hurry?

Ginger: I just want to get it over with

Tony: Get it over with? You were the one who wanted to go

Ginger: Ya but now I don't

Tony: What?

Ginger: I don't want to go, take those bags back into the bedroom I don't want to go back to Somerset


We see a shot of Ellen and Molly sitting in Ellen's backyard

Ellen: Your sister is Avis Ryan?

Molly: Yes

Ellen: I did not know that

Molly: Ya well she is and when she hears the terrible news about Julian Cannell she is going to be very upset

Ellen: Oh yes her and Julian worked together before

Molly: yes they did, and every time Avis talked about him she always sounded so happy. Oh god this news is going to hit her hard

Ellen: Oh my

Molly: Oh Ellen would you excuse me? I think I should go call Avis and tell her about Julian before she hears it from someone else

Ellen: Yes of course go

Molly: Thank you, see you later

Ellen: OK bye

Molly: Bye

Molly walks back over to her house

Ellen: I forgot about Avis Ryan. Oh my I hope she does not take the news about Julian to hard

We see a shot of Ginger and Tony standing in there Dallas apartment

Tony: Ginger now your starting to sound like me

Ginger: I do not want to go back to Somerset Tony put the bags back

Tony: Oh Ginger! Come here and sit down

Ginger and Tony sit down on couch

Tony: Listen Ginger you have been taking the news about your father really hard and I think you should be back home so you can be around family

Ginger: Yes I know but

Tony: No buts Ginger you need to be home your family needs you and you need them

Ginger: OK your right, but I have not been back to Somerset in so long

Tony: I know it will be hard but you need to do this Ginger you need to go back to Somerset

Ginger: OK fine, I'll go

Tony: Good

Tony kisses Ginger. Then Tony looks at his watch

Tony: Oh look at the time we have to go if we want to catch that plane

Ginger: OK

Tony and Ginger get there bags turn off the lights in there apartment and leave for the airport

We see a shot of Victoria in the big chair. Then we hair a knock at the door

Victoria: Oh come in!

It is April she walks into Victoria's apartment

April: Victoria its me

April sees Victoria crying in the chair

April: Oh honey

April walks over to Victoria and hugs her

April: Honey are you OK

Victoria: NO! I need Julian April I need him

April: Oh Victoria

Victoria: Oh god April I need Julian I can not live without him

April: Oh sweetheart

Just the picture of Victoria and Julian falls onto the floor and the glass brakes

Victoria: Oh no!

April: Oh

Victoria: Oh Julian

Victoria gets onto the floor on her hands and knees and picks up the picture

April: I'll get something to clean this glass up

April runs into the kitchen

Victoria just looks at the picture drops it. She starts picking up the glass and she cuts herself, her hand is bleeding but she does not care she just keeps picking up glass. April runs back in with a broom

April: Here

April sees the blood

April: Oh Victoria stop that

Victoria drops the glass

April: Here I'll help you up

April helps her up walks her into the kitchen brings her to the sink and washes her hand!

April: Oh Victoria your hand you have to watch what you are doing

Victoria: I don't care if I bleed, I don't care what happens anymore


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Molly standing by the phone dialing a number

Molly: Oh please be there Avis please

Avis picks up the phone

Avis: Hello Avis Ryan

Molly: Avis it is me Molly

Avis: Oh Molly how are you

Molly: I am fine dear how are you

Avis: Just fine, you just caught me I was almost out the door

Molly: Oh really

Avis: Yes! Molly is there something wrong?

Molly: Why do you ask?

Avis: Well the last two times you called this early in the morning you were calling with bad news!

Molly: Well Avis I am afraid I do have bad news

Avis: Oh I see, well you might as well come out and say it

Molly: OK. Avis do you remember Julian Cannell

Avis: Yes of course I do, what is there something wrong with him?

Molly: Yes Avis something happened

Avis: What

Molly: He is dead Avis

Avis: What?

Molly: He is dead!

Avis: No! No!

We see a shot of Victoria and April at the table. April has but a bandage on Victoria's hand

April: Oh god Victoria why did you touch the glass

Victoria: I don't know

April: Honey why don't you go back to bed I'll clean up here and bring you in some tea

Victoria: No I have to call a funeral home

April: No honey you don't have to do that now

Victoria: Yes I do! Julian needs to be at rest and I am going to make sure he is

The phone rings

April: I'll get it

Victoria: No I'll get it

Victoria gets up walks to the phone and answers it

Victoria: Hello

There is a man on the other and of the line

Victoria: Oh my god it is you

We see a shot of Tom Conway

Tom: Hello Victoria

Victoria: Tom

April looks at Victoria, Victoria just looks surprised

We see a shot of Ginger and Tony in the airport in California

Tony: Are you ready to go

Ginger: Yes

Tony: OK

Ginger and Tony walk up to the desk give the woman there tickets and starts to walk on the plane Ginger stops

Ginger: OK, here I come Somerset

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset


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