this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Episode 8

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Molly and Bill's house. We see Sarah sitting on the couch and Molly walk out of the Kitchen

Sarah: So is Dad asleep?

Molly: Ya. His foot still hurts but I think we will be ok

Sarah: Good

Molly: I am glad your father is asleep it gives me a chance to talk to you alone

Sarah: Oh, what do you want to talk about?

Molly: You and Joe

Sarah: Why do you want to talk to Joe

Molly: Well you said that you too broke up

Sarah: Yes

Molly: Well why

Sarah: I told you why he did not want me to come to Somerset

Molly: Well why is that

Sarah: I do not know he just said he did not want me to leave Boston

Molly: Well there is a reason for everything and there has to be a reason for that

Sarah: I do not know mother and I do not want to talk about

Sarah gets up and walks into the kitchen, Molly just looks at the door

We see a shot of Kane and Mary's beach house then we see a shot of Mary and Kane's bedroom. We see Kane lying awake in bed he sits up and turns on the lamp

Mary: Kane what are you doing

Mary sits up in bed

Kane: I can't sleep

Mary: Is it Leo?

Kane: I don't know, maybe, I guess

Mary: I remember you lying awake before because of Leo but not for the reason you are this time

Kane: What do you mean?

Mary: I mean when you first found out you were a Kurtz you use to lay awake all night just thinking what you would next

Kane: I think that is what I am doing now

Mary: You think

Kane: No, I know

Mary: You know you can't help the police find Leo no one can

Kane: I know but I keep thinking there is something I can do

We see a shot of Victoria and April sitting on the couch in Victoria's apartment

Victoria: Who would want to hurt Julian

April: I do not know, everyone liked Julian he had no enemies

Victoria: Ya. Oh my god wait I know

April: You know what

Victoria: I know who could of shot Julian


We see a shot of Sarah in the kitchen, then Molly walks into the kitchen too

Molly: Sarah, why did you blow up like that

Sarah: I don't know, I think the subject of Joe does that to me

Molly: Oh I see

Sarah: I am sorry it happened but Joe is the last person I want to talk about know

Molly: It's ok

Sarah: No it's not I should hold of not blown up at you like that just because me and Joe broke up

Molly: No Sarah it is ok! Hey why don't we do some unpacking

Sarah: Ya! I think that is a good idea

Molly: Ya I think we should of done that a while ago then your father would of not hurt his foot

Sarah: Oh well we can unpack now and keep other from falling over the boxes

Molly: Ya, Well lets get started , lets start in here

Sarah: Ok

Molly Opens one of the boxes and So does Sarah

We see a shot of Kane and Mary sitting up in bed

Mary: You know it is not good to worry yourself it is not good for or Leo

Kane: You know what, I am not all that worried about Leo

Mary: What?

Kane: I am not worried about him

Mary: But Kane

Kane: No Mary!

Kane gets out of Bed

Kane: Why would I worry about I man I never meet before, a man who never even acknowledged I was his son

Mary: Kane he did not know

Kane: We do not know that! People keep saying that but I do not think that is true

Mary: Kane, why do you say that

Kane: Because I do

Mary: Well we may never know

Kane: Ya

Mary: Kane come to bed

Kane: No I can't

Mary: Why? You just said you are not worried about Leo

Kane: No I am not! But I am worried about Uncle Stan and Ginger they are very worried and upset

Mary: Yes but they will be ok

Kane: You don't know that, they keep worrying about that man and it is all his fault this is happening to him

Mary: Kane!

Kane: It is true! That man should of known better then to get involved with the mob

We see a shot of Victoria and April on the couch in her apartment

April: You think you know who shot Julian

Victoria: Yes I do

April: Who

Victoria gets up walks over to the desk and starts looking for a number

April: Who do you think shot Julian Victoria

Victoria: I don't want to say till I check something out

April: Well what are you looking for

Victoria: A number, Oh here it is

April: A number for what

Victoria: A number to a Sanatorium

Victoria: Sanatorium

Victoria picks up the phone dials number

April: Victoria

April gets up walks behind Victoria

Victoria: Hello Ridgewood Sanatorium, yes I am calling about one of your patients, Who Zoe Cannell


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Molly and Sarah standing in the kitchen. All the boxes are gone

Sarah: Wow we did a lot of work

Molly: Ya I know, I did not think I could work this much any more

Sarah: Ya me either

Molly: So you think its time to go to bed

Sarah: I do not think I could sleep

Molly: Ya me either

Sarah: Do you feel like unpacking some more

Molly: Ya why not

Sarah: maybe we can get all the boxes unpacked

Molly: Well if were going to do that lets get started

Sarah: Ok

Molly and Sarah walk out of the kitchen

We see a shot of Kane and Mary standing in their bedroom

Mary: Kane I do not think it is good to talk like that

Kane: I am only talking the truth. I would think that Leo Kurtz would know not to get involved with the mob

Mary: Well he did

Kane: Ya and it was a dumb move, he had a family and he knew what the mob was all about he knew they killed people but still he did it

Mary: Well Kane that is the past people can't change the past but I bet your father wishes he could

Kane: Ya know that those people want to kill him

Mary: I bet he would want to change it anyway

Kane: I doubt it

Mary: Kane I do not want to talk about this anymore

Kane: Fine ok

Mary: Its late I am going to bed! You can stand here and do whatever you want

Kane: Mary

Mary: Goodnight

Mary gets in bed. Kane walks over to the window looks out into the night

We see a shot of Victoria on the phone with April standing behind her

Victoria: Are you sure she did not get out, she has done things like this before

April: Victoria, what is she saying

Victoria: Ok, well thank you goodbye

Victoria hangs up phone

April: So

Victoria: Zoe has is there

April: Well that is good

Victoria: Ya I guess

April: You do not sound happy

Victoria: I am but I just thought well Zoe is the only one who would kill Julian

April: I thought Zoe loved Julian and she would never hurt him

Victoria: Zoe is crazy she would kill anyone if she felt a little threatened

April: Oh

Victoria: Look I want to be alone now could you leave

April: Yes, I will be back tomorrow

Victoria: Ok

Victoria and April hug

April: Ok bye

Victoria: Bye

April leaves

Victoria: Oh god Julian what am I going to do

Victoria walks over to the chair in corner sits down, there is a picture of Julian next to it she picks it up and holds it

Victoria: Oh Julian I need you! Why did this happen? Why?

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role!!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset


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