this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Episode 9

Announcer: This is Somerset

It is a new day in Somerset

We see a shot of Molly and Bill's house. We see Bill limp out of the room he sees that all the boxes are unpacked

Bill: Wow! Molly! Molly where are you?

Molly and Sarah walk out of the kitchen and into the living room laughing

Bill: Molly what did you do?

Molly: Oh Bill your awake

Molly hugs Bill

Sarah: So how is your foot today dad

Bill: It is ok, it feels a little better

Sarah: Good

Bill: So what did you guys do last night?

Molly: Oh we could not sleep so we thought we would unpack

Bill: Wow you sure did unpack you guys must of worked all night

Molly: We did

Sarah: Ya we did

Bill: Well you must be tired. We don't you go get some sleep

Molly: Well I am a little tired

Sarah: I am not

Bill: Sarah are you sure? You were up all night

Sarah: I know but I am still not tired

Molly: Well I think I will go lay down for awhile

Bill: Ok

Sarah: Ok have a good rest mom

Molly: Thanks

Molly walks into bedroom and closes door

Sarah: Well I am going to go for a walk

Bill: A walk!

Sarah: Ya I need to get to know Somerset better

Bill: God I guess your not tired

Sarah: Ya I am not

Bill: Ya

Sarah: Ok well I am going to go for that walk so bye

Bill: Bye honey

Sarah walks over to the table gets her coat then leaves the house

Bill: Oh this place does look nice

Bill looks around the room and smiles

We see a shot of Jill's downtown apartment

We see Jill walk out of the bedroom all ready for work

Jill: Oh now where are my keys

We here the doorbell ring

Jill: Oh! I am coming!!

Jill walks to the door and opens it. Mary is at the door she walks into Jill's apartment

Mary: Good morning mother

Jill: Mary

Jill closes the door

Jill: What are you doing here so early?

Mary: I wanted to catch you before you went to work

(Jill works and owns Somerset's main employer Delaney Brands. She bought it 15 years ago when the business went bankrupt)

Jill: Well what did you want?

Mary: I wanted to talk to you about everything that is happening

Jill: you mean with Leo Kurtz

Mary: Yes. Mother you should see Kane he is very upset

Jill: Well Leo is his father

Mary: Kane says he is not worried about Leo

Jill: What?

Mary: Ya! He says he is worried about Stan and Ginger, he pretty much said he does not care what happens to Leo

Jill: Well that is the Kurtz's for you they only care about themselves

Mary: Mother it is not like that!

Jill: Yes it is Mary and that is why you have to get away from Kane and the whole Kurtz family

Mary looks at Jill

We see a shot of Ginger in her bedroom sitting on the bed in her California apartment looking at a picture of Leo

Ginger: Oh Dad! Where are you?

Tony walks out of the bathroom and into the bedroom

Tony: So you all packed

Ginger: What?

Tony: I said are you all packed

Ginger: Oh yes

Tony: Hey where were you a second ago space?

Ginger: I do not know where I am or what I am doing

Tony: Ginger you need to calm down

Ginger: I can't calm down my father could be dead how can I calm down

Tony: Ginger you do not know if that is true your father could be fine

Ginger: But what if he isn't? What if the mob got him this time?

Tony: Honey please

Tony sits down next to Ginger and holds her

Tony: Ginger your father will be ok

Ginger: How will we know

Tony: What do you mean

Ginger: I mean how will we know if he is ok.

Tony: Well the police well tell us what is going on

Ginger: The police

Ginger gets up and starts walking around the room

Ginger: Ya maybe the police will tell us he is ok but how will we really know? We can never see my father again because of that damn mob so how we know if he is really ok! Damn it!!

Tony: I know this is hard Ginger

Ginger: Yes it is hard, and I hate it I hate it more then anything else in the world


We see a shot of Sarah walking into a Diner named 5th street Diner. Sarah walks up to the counter

Sarah: Can I have a coffee please

We see Sarah walk over to a table in the corner and sit down. She looks around then picks up her purse and pulls out her cell phone

Sarah: I wonder if I should call Joe?

Waitress walks up to table

Waitress: Here is your coffee Hun

Sarah: Thanks

Waitress: Can I get you anything else?

Sarah: No thank you

Waitress walks away

Sarah looks at cell phone starts dialing number, we hear a mans voice

Man: Hello

Sarah just listens

Man: Hello who is there?

Sarah turns off cell phone

Sarah: That was a mistake

Sarah throws money on the table and gets up, just then a man walks by and Sarah hits into him and knocks his coffee all over him. The man is David Foster

David: Ahh you stupid woman

Sarah: I am so sorry

David: You should watch where you going! ahh!!

Sarah: Look I said I am sorry ok

David: No its not ok I put up with people like you all day and I am so tired of it

Sarah: Well why don't you watch where you are going you hit into me too

David: Oh don't you true and turn this around on me

All the people in the Diner are watching Sarah and David

Sarah: Well this is not all my fault

A man walks over

Man: Is there a problem here

Sarah: No! No problem I was just leaving! Goodbye!!

David: Goodbye!!

Sarah walks out of the Diner

David turns around

David: You can all go back to your breakfast now!!

We see a shot of Jill's downtown apartment

Jill: Mary this family is all the same and you need to take your daughter and get out while you can

Mary: Mother stop this, Kane is my husband and he is Angela's father

Jill: Were is Angela?

Mary: She is at home with Kane

Jill: Oh great

Mary: He is her father mother

Jill: Ya ya

Mary: Mother you need to end this thing you have against the Kurtz it is not good for you!

Jill: It is not good for you to be around them

Mary: Mother a man is dead and Leo is missing we should not be doing this

Jill: Fine then

Mary: Look did you here anything about what is happening with Julian Cannell

Jill: If you mean about a funeral no!

Mary: Well do you think his girlfriend will have his body flown back to Somerset

Jill: Oh doubt it. That woman does not like Somerset never has

Mary: What do you have something against her to?

Jill: Let's not go into that

Mary: Fine

Jill: Look Mary I have to get to work

Mary: Fine mother

Jill: Ok well I'll walk you to your car

Mary: No it's fine I am can walk by myself! Goodbye mother

Jill: Goodbye

Mary leaves the apartment

Jill looks at her watch

Jill: Oh god look at the time

Jill grabs her purse and some papers and runs out the door

We see a shot of Ginger standing by the bed in her bedroom with Tony sitting on the bed

Tony: Honey please sit

Ginger: No Tony I can't

Tony: Look it is only 6:30am you should get some sleep you did not get any last night

Ginger: Ya well if I didn't get any last night what makes you think I can get some now

Tony: Well fine then just lay down your tired

Ginger: No we will have to leave for the airport soon

Tony: Not for another 4 hours now you should get some rest

Ginger: Fine I'll try

Ginger lays down on the bed and Tony walks out of the room and closes the door

Tony: Oh Ginger I wonder if going back to Somerset is the best thing after all


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Sarah walk throw a park, she stops and looks down at her watch

Sarah: Only 10:30am damn I thought it was later then that

Sarah keeps walking then bumps into someone again it is David Foster

David: Sorry!

David looks at Sarah

David: Oh great it is my new best friend

Sarah: Oh god

David: I wonder why I keep bumping into you, are you Stalking me?

Sarah: Oh yes, I have nothing better with my time so I just follow you around

David: I would not doubt it

Sarah: Oh get over yourself

David: You know you are a pain the butt

David starts to walk away

Sarah: So did your boss at the Diner fire you for being so into yourself or did you quiet

David: Neither

Sarah: Well then why are you out of work so early?

David: Well I can leave anytime I want my family does own the Diner

Sarah: Oh

David: Do you have to know everything all the time

Sarah: Well as a matter of fact I do

David: Well go bug someone else because I am not in the mood to answer your questions

David walks away

Sarah: Well goodbye then

Sarah walks in the other direction

We see a shot of Mary walking into her and Kane's beach house

Mary: Kane! Kane I am home

Mary puts her keys down and sees a note

It says

Dear Mary gone to the store for some eggs and milk with Angela.Kane

Mary: Oh I see

Mary puts the note down. She walks over to the couch and sits down

She looks at a picture of her Kane and Angela and Smiles

Mary: You are wrong mother dead wrong

We see a shot of Tony sitting at the table drinking coffee he looks up

Tony: Oh Ginger why do we have to go back to Somerset? Why?

We see a shot of Ginger sitting up in bed

Ginger: The last time I was in Somerset Bad things were happening and I said I would never go back now I am! Oh god why are you doing this why?

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset


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