this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Episode 11

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Victoria on the phone

Victoria: Oh Tom is that you?

Tom: Yes Victoria it is me

Victoria: I have not heard from you in such a long time

Tom: I know 3 years now

Victoria: Oh has it been that long?

Tom: Yes it has Victoria. Look I am calling for a reason I heard about Julian this morning

Victoria: Yes

Tom: Oh Victoria I am so sorry

Victoria: Thank you Tom

Tom: Oh honey is there anything I can do?

Victoria: Can you bring Julian back?

Tom: What

Victoria: Can you bring Julian back to me?

Tom: Victoria

Victoria starts crying

Tom: Victoria what are you talking about

Victoria: I am talking about what I want I won't Julian back that is the only thing you can do for me

Tom: Victoria

April: Victoria are you OK

Victoria: No

April: Here give me the phone

Victoria gives April the phone and goes into the kitchen

April: Hello who is this

Tom: This is Tom Conway,who is this?

April: Hello Tom this is April Davis I am a friend of Victoria's

Tom: Oh hello April

April: Victoria is not feeling to good right now this whole thing has been a shock to her

Tom: I can imagine

April: Look Tom could you call back another time?

Tom: Yes just tell Victoria I hope to talk to her again soon

April: I'll do that

Tom: Thank you

April: Ok goodbye Tom

Tom: Goodbye

April and Tom hang up the phone

April walks into the kitchen, we see Victoria sitting at the table she looks up at April. April hugs Victoria

We see a shot of Ellen's house. We see Ellen sitting down watching TV then the phone rings. She walks over to the phone and answers it

Ellen: Hello

We see Jill at her office at Delaney Brands

Jill: Hello mother it's me

Ellen: Oh Jill what do you want?

Jill: I want to talk to you mother

Ellen: About?

Jill: About Victoria Paisley

Ellen: What about her?

Jill: Well have you called her yet?

Ellen: No why?

Jill: I think one of us should call her

Ellen: I will call her soon

Jill: When is soon

Ellen: It is soon OK Jill, Victoria needs some time to be alone.

Jill: Yes but

Ellen: No Jill, now I know what she is going through. I went through the same thing when I lost your father. It is hard to lose someone you love

Jill: I know mother I lost Mitch the same time you lost Dad and I lost Craig

Ellen: Oh yes the two men you said you loved

Jill: Oh mother do not start that know

Ellen: Look Jill I will call Victoria today OK

Jill: Good I am glad

Ellen: Fine I have to go now goodbye

Jill: Goodbye

Both of them hang up the phone

We see a shot of Ellen

Ellen: Oh what will I say to Victoria

We see a shot of Molly on the phone with Avis

Molly: Oh Avis are you OK

Avis: No I am not OK you just told me Julian Cannell is dead a man I loved is dead

We see a closeup of Molly's face


We see a shot of Molly on the phone with Avis

Molly: The man you loved?

Avis: Yes I loved Julian Cannell Very Much and I still do

Molly: Oh Avis did you have feelings for him?

Avis: Yes I did I loved him

Molly: You never told me that

Avis: I did not tell no one that I loved him

Molly: Oh Avis

Avis: And now he is gone

Molly: Yes

Avis: When is the funeral

Molly: I do not know, I just found out he was dead

Avis: Oh my I have to Call Victoria

We see a shot of Victoria and April hugging

Victoria: Look April I know you said that Julian funeral arrangements can wait but I do think I should take care of it now

April: You do what you want honey it is up to you

Victoria: Thank you

Victoria gets up and walks into the living room, then there is a knock on the door. She walks over to the door and opens it. It is Sergeant Jones

Sergeant Jones: Hello Ms Paisley, how are you this morning?

Victoria just looks at Sergeant Jones

April walks into the room

April: Oh no not you again

Sergeant Jones: Hello Mrs Davis

April: What do you want?

Sergeant Jones: I want to talk to Ms Paisley

April: Well she does not feel like talking

Victoria: It is OK April I will talk to him. Come in Sergeant

Sergeant Jones walks into Victoria's apartment. Victoria shuts the door and walks over and sits on the couch

Victoria: What do you want to talk about Sergeant Jones

Sergeant Jones: I want to talk about Julian, I want to know who could of killed him?

We see Victoria just looking at Sergeant Jones


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Molly on the phone

Molly: Who is Victoria?

Avis: Victoria is the woman Julian has been with for the past 31 years

Molly: Oh. Are they married

Avis: No they never got married

Molly: Why?

Avis: Well Julian married two woman and both were psychos

Molly: Psychos?

Avis: Yes. First was Zoe Matson she was a case. I was not in Somerset when she went out of her mind and killed two people and almost killed another person named Andrea Moore. Zoe is in a mental hospital today

Molly: Oh who was the other one

Avis: That is Kate Thornton she had a abortion and killed Julian's baby. Then she tried to kill herself and ended up in a mental hospital just like Zoe

Molly: Oh god that is bad

Avis: Ya. Now you can see why he did not want to marry

Molly: Ya I do

Avis: But he did love Victoria so much and I knew they would be together forever, and they were till Julian died. How did he die anyway?

Molly: He was murdered

Avis: Murdered! By who?

Molly: They do not know

Avis: Oh my god poor Julian I hope they find out who killed him

We see a shot of Victoria

Victoria: You what?

April: I do not think Victoria would know that

Victoria: I do not know who would want to kill him

Sergeant Jones: Well did he have any enemies

Victoria: No everyone loved Julian

Sergeant Jones: Well from what I learned about Mr Cannell he has two wives in a mental hospital. Do you think either of them could of killed him

Victoria: They are both in hospitals and have not been out in years.I do not think it could of been them

Sergeant Jones: Well I will check it out anyway

Victoria: Fine

Sergeant Jones: Mr Cannell also worked at the local paper. Did he have any enemies there?

Victoria: Julian never talked about work so I don't know

Sergeant Jones: Well I will go check it out after I leave here

April: I think you should leave now

Sergeant Jones: What?

April: Ms Paisley is upset and needs her rest you can come back tomorrow

Sergeant Jones: Fine. I am going to go to the paper where Mr Cannell worked when I leave here to see what I can find there

Victoria: Fine

Sergeant Jones: Well I will be in touch

Victoria: Fine goodbye

Sergeant Jones: Goodbye

We see Sergeant Jones leave then we see someone follow him into the elevator they just look at him

Sergeant Jones: Hello

The person does not answer

We see Victoria sitting down in here apartment

April: I am going to go now I will be back later

Victoria: Ok goodbye

April: Bye

April leaves

Victoria gets up walks into the kitchen gets some water and then goes back into the living room. The phone rings, Victoria answers the phone

Victoria: Hello

It is Ellen

Ellen: Hello Victoria It is Ellen Grant

Victoria: Oh Ellen Thank god it is you

We see a shot of Ellen's face

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset


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