this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Episode 34

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

We see Sarah laying in her hospital bed, Molly and Bill are in the room with her

Sarah: I hope i can get out if here in the next couple of days

Bill: Why do you have somewhere to go?

Sarah: No, but i hate being in the hospital

Molly: You have been like that since you were young

Sarah: Yes, that's why I want to get out of here

We see Ellen walk to Sarah's hospital room door and knock, Molly sees Ellen

Molly: Oh Ellen come in

Ellen: I just stopped by for a visit

Molly: Well thank you, you remember my husband Bill?

Ellen: Yes, Hello

Bill: Hello

Molly: And this is my daughter Sarah

Ellen: Hello Sarah, how are you feeling dear?

Sarah: I am fine

Ellen: Well that's good

Molly: She really wants to leave the hospital

Ellen: I don't like hospitals much either

Sarah: Yes, I hope i can be out of here in a couple of days

Ellen: Well you seem to be in good shape so i think you will be let go. So have they got the guy who did this to you?

Sarah: Yes they caught him

Ellen: Well that's good, we can't have criminals running around Somerset not again

Sarah: Again? Was there many before?

Ellen: Oh Sarah dear don't even ask

We see a shot of Stan sitting in his wheelchair looking at the floor

Terry: Stan?

Stan: Terry, I just want to be alone

Terry: I don't think you should be alone Stan

Stan: I don't care Terry, just leave me alone

Terry: Stan

Stan: No Terry! Leave now, right now!

Terry: Fine

Terry walks out of the room

Stan just looks down at the ground again

Stan: Why? Why did this happen to me?

We see a shot The Somerset Inn

We see Victoria walking around in her hotel room

Victoria: Now where is that paper?

April walks i the room

April: You should see my room its really big

Victoria: Really

April: Yes. Are you feeling better Victoria?

Victoria: Yes, I am just looking for that paper i have to give to the funeral director

April: Are you seeing him tonight?

Victoria: No tomorrow

April: Well why don't you look for it tomorrow?

Victoria: I want to find it now!

April: Ok, I will help you look

Victoria opens her hand bag and pulls out a picture of Julian, she puts it by her bedside. The phone rings

April: I will get it

April picks up the phone

April: Hello, Victoria yes, Victoria some man

Victoria takes the phone

Victoria: Hello, what? He's dead but how?

April: What's wrong, who's dead?

We see a shot of Tom in a car with Tiny

Tom: Its almost dinner time

Tiny: Yes

Tom: That's when we will do it, do you have the smoke bomb

Tiny: Yes, Its in the back seat

Tom: Good, Soon Zoe Mattson Cannell will be a free woman


We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

We see Stan sitting in his chair

Stan: Why did this happen to me? What did i do to deserve this, are you punishing me for my brothers crimes?

We see Terry standing outside Stan's hospital room door listening

Stan: I never did anything in my life to deserve this, I always helped people that's why i became a doctor so i could help people, and this is how i am rewarded!

Terry begins to cry

Stan: Why? Why? I always did my best to do good and to help so why does this happen?

Stan picks up a glass and throws it on the floor

Stan: Why, Do you hate, me is that it?

Terry runs in

Terry: Stan

Stan: I told you to leave Terry

Terry: No Stan

Terry walks to Stan and hugs him

Terry: I am not going anywhere

Stan: Why did this happen to me Terry? Why?

We see a shot of A shocked Sarah

Sarah: Did all that stuff really happen?

Ellen: Yes, some of the worst times in Somerset i say!

Bill: Sure sounds like it

Molly: For sure

Sarah: I bet the police force were very busy back then?

Ellen: Yes, and I hope they never have to be that busy again

Molly: Same here

Bill: Yes

Ellen: Well i should go, i just stopped by to say hello

Sarah: Thanks for coming

Ellen: No problem, we will have to get together when you get out of here?

Sarah: Yes we will

Ellen: Well bye

Bill: Bye

Sarah: Bye

Molly: I will walk you out Ellen

Ellen and Molly walk into the hall

Molly: So your sister came home today Ellen?

Ellen: Yes, and alot of good and bad things happened

Molly: Good and bad?

Ellen had a upset look on her face

Molly: Do you want to talk alone?

Ellen: No, you have to get back to your daughter

Molly: No, just hang on

Molly sticks her head back in the door

Molly: I am just going to the cafeteria with Ellen for a while

Bill: Ok

Sarah: Ok

Molly: Ok lets go

Molly and Ellen walk away

We see a shot of Victoria and April

Victoria: So what is going to happen to the case, fine

April just watches Victoria

Victoria: Somerset, but? Fine Goodbye!

Victoria hangs up the phone

April: What happened?

Victoria: Jake Edwards is dead!

April: When did he die?

Victoria: They said he was killed in the hospital

April: Oh my god!

Victoria: And the Dallas police are turning most of the case over to the Somerset Police

April: What?

Victoria: Yes they said a man named Detective Daniel Hunter will meet with me tomorrow

April: Oh, so does that mean?

Victoria: Yes, I will have to stay in Somerset longer then I planned

April: I am sorry Victoria!

Victoria: No, they need to catch Julian's Killer and i will make sure they do!

We see a shot of Tom and Tiny in the car, Tom looks at his watch

Tom: Ok its time, throw the smoke bomb into the building then when all the fire alarms go off run in and get Zoe!

Tiny: Fine

Tiny grabs a bag from the back seat and gets out of the car

Tom: Now the fun begins!


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Sarah in her bed

Sarah: This hospital food is gross!

Bill: Well eat it anyway, you need to keep up your strength

Bill's cell phone rings

Bill: Oh, I will go take this outside

Sarah: Ok

Bill walks out of the room

Sarah: Oh gross food!

We hear a knock at the door

Sarah looks up and sees David standing there

David: Hello

Sarah smiles

Sarah: Hello!

We see Ellen and Molly in the cafeteria

Ellen: It was all a disaster

Molly: Her ex-husband

Ellen: Yes, the man whore!

Molly laughs

Molly: Sorry

Ellen: No it seems like a joke, I wish it was!

Molly: What are you going to do?

Ellen: I don't know, but I am not going to pick up the pieces when he dumps her this time, and believe me he will!

Molly: How do you know?

Ellen: I just do, and believe me he has the record for it. India is dumb i don't think she will learn!

We see a shot of Victoria and April

April: Well I think they will find Julian's killer

Victoria: I hope so

Victoria's phone rings again, Victoria answers it

Victoria: Hello

It is Tom

Tom: Hello Vicky

Victoria: Tom?

Tom: Yes, so your in Somerset

Victoria: How did you know which hotel I was at?

Tom: Oh I have my ways

Victoria laughs

Victoria: Yes

Tom: So are you busy tomorrow?

Victoria: Yes, well not tomorrow night

Tom: Ok, how about Dinner?

Victoria: Ok, here at the hotel's restaurant?

Tom: Fine

Victoria: Where do you stay Tom?

Tom: Oh, Point Claire!

Victoria: That's not far from here

Tom: Yes, only about 50 miles

Victoria: Fine, see you tomorrow

Tom: Yes, bye

Victoria: Bye

We see Tiny and Zoe jump in the car Zoe gets in the back seat

Tiny: Ready to go

Tom: Yes

Tiny starts the car and drives away

Tom: Hello again Zoe!

Zoe: Hello, where are we going?

Tom: Oh we are going to Somerset Zoe

Zoe: Somerset? I have not been there for a while

Tom: Yes, and believe your homecoming is long over due!

Zoe laughs

Tom Smiles

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List

1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Lois Smith As Zoe Matson Cannell
7.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
8.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
9.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
10.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
11.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
12.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
13.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
14.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
15.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
16.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
17.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
18.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
19.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
20.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny

Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset



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