this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Episode 33

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Mary and Kane's beach house

Mary: Thank you mom

Jill: Its fine. Now, I want you at work tomorrow 10am you got me?!

Kane: Yes, I will be there

Jill: Good, you better be! Now I have to go, I have some business to take care of at the office

Mary: Fine, I will walk you out Mom

Jill: Alright

Kane: Thank You again Jill!

Jill: 10am!

Kane: Yes

Mary hands Angela to Kane

Jill and Mary walk outside Mary shuts the door

Jill: I do not want to do this Mary!

Mary: I know mother, You did it for me and Angela and I thank you

Mary hugs Jill

Jill: I have to go

Mary: Fine, goodbye mother

Jill: Goodbye

Jill walks away

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

We see Terry and Stan, Stan is in a wheelchair

Terry: Are you OK?

Stan: Yes, I wish you would stop asking me that

Terry: I am just worried about you Stan

Stan: Well don't be, worry about the test results

Terry: They will be fine Stan

Stan: Yes I hope so. I wonder why the doctors are taking so long with the results?

Terry: They just don't want to make any mistakes

Stan: I have been a doctor for over 40 years Terry, I know that is not true

Terry: Stan please?

A doctor walks into Stan's room

Doctor: Hello

Stan: Finally, so how are the results?

We see a shot of Tiny sitting in a car

Tiny: What's taking Tom so long?

Tom jumps into the front seat

Tom: Drive!

Tiny: What?

Tom: Just drive, I have something to do and it needs to be done now!

Tiny: What?

Tom: Are you deaf?

Tiny: No?

Tom: Then drive!

Tiny: Oh

Tiny starts the car

Tom: I have to do this now!


We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

Stan: So tell me?

Doctor: Well

Stan: Well what?

Doctor: It's not good Stan

Terry: Oh no!

Stan: How bad is it?

Doctor: Do you want me to be frank Stan?

Stan: Yes

Doctor: I don't think you will ever walk again

Terry gasps.

Stan: What?

We see a shot of Kane and Mary's Beach House

Mary is back inside

Mary: Where's Angela?

Kane points to the playpen

Mary: Oh

Kane: So I guess some of our problems are taking care of

Mary: I sure hope so

Kane: I think there is a way to end another one of our problems

Mary: Which one is that?

Kane: The problem your mother has with me

Mary: How do you think we can end that?

Kane: By throwing her that birthday party we talked about

Mary: I forgot about that. Her birthday is next week

Kane: So what do you say?

Mary: Yes differently, but you know one party is not going to change my mothers opinion of you

Kane: I know that, but it will pave the road to a happier relationship between me and your mother

Mary: Your so optimistic, and I love that about you

Kane walks over to Mary and they hug

Kane: I just plain love you

Kane and Mary Kiss

We see a shot of a phone booth

Tom and Tiny walk up to the phone booth

Tiny: What are we doing here?

Tom: I need to make a call

Tiny: Why couldn't you do it back there?

Tom: I did not want to take a chance of anyone over hearing me

Tiny: What is the call about?

Tom: I need someone to make a delivery to me

Tiny: What kind of delivery?

Tom: I need a smoke bomb

Tiny: Smoke bomb?

Tom: Yes, I am breaking Zoe Cannell out of the Institution tonight!

Tiny smiles


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Kane and Mary's beach house

Mary: Well we have alot to do if we are going to have this party next week

Kane: Where do you want to have it

Mary: Well I think my mother's place, we can just get her out of the apartment while we set up

Kane: Yes

Mary: Well I better go shopping

Kane: Why?

Mary: Well I have to get stuff for the party and for your new job too!

Kane: Oh

Mary: I won't be long

Kane: Ok

Kane walks to Mary and kisses her

Mary: Bye

Kane: Bye

Mary leaves

Kane: Well lets hope Jill likes surprise parties!

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

Doctor: There are things we can do Stan

Stan: Like what

Doctor: There is surgeries and specialists that may help you

Stan: May! May!

Terry: Stan calm down

Stan: No you calm down, the doctor just told me I may never walk again

Terry: Please Stan?

Terry begins to cry

Stan: No damn it, I won't

Stan's voice breaks

Stan: I won't! Oh god why? Why?

We see a shot of Tom on the phone in the phone booth

Tom: Yes, OK Thanks bye

Tom hangs up the phone and walks out of the phone booth

Tiny: Is it all set up?

Tom: Yes, tonight Zoe will be a free woman

Tiny: Yes!

Tom: And Victoria will be in big trouble!

Tom and Tiny laugh

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List

1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Lois Smith As Zoe Matson Cannell
7.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
8.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
9.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
10.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
11.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
12.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
13.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
14.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
15.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
16.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
17.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
18.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
19.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
20.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny

Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset



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