this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Episode 29

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

Terry: What do you mean doctor?

Doctor: The test did not go well Terry

Terry: Oh no, can he feel anything?

Doctor: No

Terry: No!

Doctor: Listen Terry, we will do more tests OK?

Terry: Ok

Doctor: This is not over!

Terry: Yes

The Doctor walks away, Terry walks back into Stan's room

Terry: Stan

Stan: Yes

Terry: The doctor told me the test did not go well

Stan: No. Damn! Damn!

Terry runs to Stan and hugs him

We see a shot of Tom's house

Tom: Get in here!

We see Tiny run in

Tiny: Yes?

Tom: I need you to do something for me

Tiny: What?

Tom: Find out where this person is

Tom hands Tiny a piece of Paper, Tiny reads it

Tiny: Ok

Tom: And hurry!

Tiny: Yes

Tiny leaves the office

Tom: Get ready Vicky!

We see a shot of Vicky and April on a plane

April: So, What is Somerset like?

Victoria: Oh, it seems like a nice town when you first see it

April: Seems?

Victoria: Yes, The nice town image disappears

April: Is it that bad?

Victoria: It was last time I was there

April: Really?

Victoria: Yes. And I don't care what people say, things like that don't change, ever!


We see a shot of Terry

Terry: It will be OK Stan

Stan: I may never walk Terry!

Terry: Don't talk like that!

Stan: Its true

We see Ginger and Tony come in the room, Tony is in a wheelchair

Ginger: Uncle Stan!

Ginger runs to Stan and hugs him

Stan: Hello Ginger

Ginger: How are you?

Stan: I am not doing well

Ginger: What?

Tony: Mary told us you were awake

Stan: Tony, are you OK?

Tony: Yes, I was shot to

Stan: Can you walk?

Tony: Yes, I am still weak

Ginger: Now, what do you mean your not OK?

Terry: Its his legs

Ginger: Oh no

Stan: I can't feel them!

Ginger: Oh No Uncle Stan

Stan: Yes, Damn shooters! Did they catch the people who did this?

Terry: No, I am afraid not

Stan: What! Who ever did this to me and Tony have to pay

Terry: Oh they will pay Stan, they will

We see a shot of Tom walking into the basement, he opens the door to the room Leo is in

Leo: Who is there?

Tom: Me. Hello friend

Leo: Go to hell!

Tom: Oh Leo, be nice

Leo: Why are you doing this Tom? Why?

Tom: Oh for fun

Tom Laughs

Tom: Just joking

Leo: Tell me why!?

Tom: Because it is time Leo

Leo: Time for what?

Tom: Revenge

Leo: Why do you want revenge against me?

Tom: Because Leo, you have a big mouth!

Leo: What?

Tom: I said to much

Leo: No!

Tom: I must go

Tom leaves

Leo: No!

Leo throws a book at the door

Leo: Damn you Tom!


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

Stan: I hate this!

Ginger: It will be OK Uncle Stan

Terry: Ginger's right Stan, There is will be more tests

Stan: Ok! So, Your fine Tony?

Tony: Yes, I am getting out of here Tomorrow

Stan: Good

Terry: Yes, that is good. Where are you staying?

Ginger: The Somerset Inn I guess

Stan: What?

Tony: Yes

Terry: You can stay with us

Ginger: What? No!

Terry: Yes, we have a big house, your staying with us!

Tony: Ok

Ginger: Ok

Terry: Great

We see a shot of April and Victoria on the plane

Victoria: So, it will be a new day when we arrive in Somerset

April: Yes

Victoria: And I hope everything goes well.

April: Yes

Victoria: And, I will have to find out what Jake meant

April: What he said was weird

Victoria: Yes I know. And I will find out who Sandy Stewart is!

We see a shot of Tom sitting behind his desk. Tiny comes in

Tiny: Ok, I found the person you wanted me to

Tom: Good. Now The rest of my plan can be set into motion

Tiny: What plan is that?

Tom: To get rid of Vicky Paisley!

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role!

Announcer: Join us for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List

1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
7.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
8.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
9.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
10.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
11.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
12.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
13.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
14.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
15.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
16.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
17.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
18.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
19.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny
20.Charles Grant As Joe
21.Ethan Erickson As Jake Edwards

Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Stay tuned for Episode 30, When My favorite Character returns, Psycho Zoe! Also in Episode 30 both Ethan Erickson(Jake Edwards)and Charles Grant(Joe)Exit! So Stay tuned!
Also I will have more Casting news to post after I post Episode 30!


Episode 28

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Terry and Stan

Stan: Terry

Terry: Yes, Stan

Stan: What Happened?

Terry: You were shot

Stan: In the legs?

Terry: No

Stan: Well why can't I move my legs

Terry: What?

Mary: What?

Stan: I can't move my legs

Doctor: Oh no

Terry: Oh my God

Stan: What!? What!?

We see a shot of Tom sitting at his desk, Tiny walks back into the office

Tom: What now?

Tiny: Our visitor is getting restless

Tom: Well make him take a rest!

Tiny: How?

Tom: Be creative

Tiny: Fine. Did you here from Joe

Tom: Not yet! I hope I will soon

We see Joe standing over Victoria with the scalpel, he sees April coming, and hides behind in a corner, Victoria grabs her purse and stands up

April: Ok Vicky, we can go

Victoria: Great

April and Victoria walk out

Joe: Damn, I have to go find her

Joe sees Jake laying in his bed

Joe: I'll be back for you Mr. Edwards

Joe walks out of the hospital


We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

Stan: What?

Doctor: When you were shot the bullet damaged your Spinal Cord!

Stan: What?

Mary and Terry just watch Stan

Doctor: It will be OK Stan, I will do a test

Terry: Hurry

The doctor pages a nurse, a nurse comes in

Doctor walks over to her they talk and she walks out

Doctor: I have to do a test on his legs

Terry: Ok. Come on Mary

Mary and Terry leave the room

Terry: God I hope he is OK

Mary: Me too, I hope he is not paralysed!

We see a shot of Victoria and April in a parking garage

April: Ok, I will go get my stuff and call the cab

Victoria: Ok

April walks away

We see Joe standing behind a truck, he pulls out a gun and points it at Victoria

Joe: Don't move now

Joe fires the gun

We see a shot of Tom and Tiny

Tiny: I have been doing some checking on Vicky Paisley

Tom: Why?

Tiny: Well it is interesting, and that man she was with Julian Cannell, what a past he has

Tom: Yes, I know

Tiny: He has two wives locked up, both gone crazy

Tom: Yes

Tiny: I bet they hate this Victoria Paisley

Tom: Yes. I bet the do!

Tiny: Yes

Tom: Tiny, you just gave me a very good idea!

Tiny: What?

Tom: I can't tell you now, I have to call Joe

Tom picks up the phone

Tom: I hope its not to late


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

Terry: What is taking so long?

Mary: I have to go Terry, I have to get home

Terry: Fine dear

Mary: I will go tell Ginger and Tony the news before I go

Terry: Ok

Mary hugs Terry

Mary: It will be fine, he will be OK

Terry: I hope

Mary: Bye

Terry: Bye

Mary walks away

The doctor walks out of the room

Doctor: Terry?

Terry: How's Stan?

Doctor: It's not good Terry, its not good

Terry: Oh No!

We see a shot of Joe with the gun

Joe: Damn!

We see Victoria looking around

Victoria: What was that?

April comes out

April: What?

Victoria: I heard a loud bang

April: It was probably just a car backfiring

Victoria: That's it I bet

April: You better go get your stuff I called the cab!

Victoria: Oh!

April: Let's hurry

Victoria: Yes

Victoria and April run away

Joe: Damn

Joe's phone rings

Joe: Hello

It is Tom

Tom: Joe

Joe: Boss, I tried to kill her twice

Tom: Don't kill her Joe

Joe: What?

Tom: Don't kill Victoria

Joe: Why?

Tom: There has been a change of plans

Joe: Ok

Tom: Now, you just have to make sure she gets on that plane to Somerset

Joe: Ok. What is your plan now?

Tom: Never mind, just do as I say!

Joe: Ok

Tom hangs up

Tiny: Is he going to do it?

Tom: Yes

Tom laughs

Tom: I can't wait for Victoria to get to Somerset now, She will have alot in store for her

Tom laughs

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List

1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
7.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
8.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
9.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
10.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
11.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
12.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
13.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
14.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
15.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
16.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
17.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
18.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
19.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny
20.Charles Grant As Joe
21.Ethan Erickson As Jake Edwards

Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset


Episode 27

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Tom's house

Tom: Now I must call someone

Tiny: Who Boss

Tom: Joe, in Dallas

Tiny: Joe?

Tom: Yes, he is going to take care of the problem

Tiny: Victoria Paisley?

Tom: Yes

Tom picks up the phone, and dials a number

We see Joe in Dallas, his phone rings

Joe: Hello

Tom: Hello, its me

Joe: Boss?

Tom: Yes, its time to get our next target

Joe: Alright

Tom: Find her, and take care of it

Joe: I know where she is, The hospital

Tom: For what?

Joe: Visiting Jake Edwards

Tom: I thought you took care of that problem?

Joe: Don't worry, at the hospital I will finish both Jake and Victoria off

Tom: Fine, then go take care of business!

Joe: Ok

Joe hangs up

Joe: I am coming Victoria Paisley

We see a shot of Victoria and April following the cops, they go to the ISU. April and Victoria hide behind a corner.

April: Jake must be here

Victoria: Yes

Victoria looks around, she sees a doctor pull open a curtain, Jake is the bed behind it.

April: There he is

Victoria: Yes

April: Well, lets go

Victoria: Just wait

The two cops walk away

Victoria: Ok lets go

We see a shot of Terry standing next to Stan

Terry: Well Stan, Its time to wake up

Terry begins to cry

Terry: Please Stan

Terry sits down

Terry: Do you remember all we have been through, we got through it together. Together, both of us, You need to wake up, And we can both get through this

We see Stan's hand begin to move, Terry does not see it

Terry Stands up

Terry: Where is Mary?

We see Stan's hand moving again


We see a shot Tom and Tiny

Tiny: So, all your plans are working out

Tom: Yes

Tiny: Is this been a plan for long?

Tom: What do you mean?

Tiny: I mean have you had this plan for long?

Tom: No

Tiny: Has someone else?

Tom: What are you getting at?

Tiny: Well, I was thinking maybe your doing this for someone else?

Tom: Who?

Tiny: Well, whoever got you in the mob business. Who was that?

Tom: That is none of your business!

Tiny: You never told me

Tom: If I wanted you to know, you would know. I don't want you to know, that's how it works. You understand?

Tiny: Yes

Tom: Good. I hope Joe is at the hospital taking care of Vicky now!

We see Victoria standing next to Jake

Victoria: Jake?

Jake opens his eyes, he is very weak

Jake: Victoria

Victoria: Yes

Jake: I have something to tell you

Victoria: What?

Jake: It is about Julian's murder

April: There is a nurse coming Victoria

Victoria: Tell me Jake?

Nurse walks in

Nurse: What are you doing here?

Victoria: Tell me Jake?

Jake: Somerset! Mr. Big!

Victoria: What?

Jake: Sandy! Stewart!

The nurse grabs Victoria

Nurse: Get out

The nurse takes Victoria out of the room

Victoria: What do you mean Jake

Nurse: Come on

April: Be careful with her!

We see Joe standing close by

We see a shot of Stan laying in the bed, his hand is still moving, Terry turns around

Terry: Oh my god, Stan

Terry touches his hand

Terry: Wake up Stan

Terry calls a doctor, Mary comes back in

Mary: What is wrong

Terry: He is waking up

The doctor comes in

Terry: Look at him, he is waking up

Terry smiles


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see Stan

Terry: Wake up Stan!

Mary: I think he is waking up!

The doctor checks Stan

Terry: Come on Stan

Stan begins to open his eyes

Terry: Stan

Doctor: Stan! Can you here me!

Stan opens his eyes

Terry: Oh Stan

Terry runs to Stan

Mary: Thank God

Terry Hugs Stan

Terry: Stan

Stan: Terry

Terry: Yes

Stan: Where am I?

Terry: Your at the hospital, and your safe

Terry kisses Stan's Forehead

We see a shot of Tom's house

Tom: Right about now Vicky should be No more

Tom takes a drink

Tom: Yes, She should be gone! And When Joe calls me, I can put the next part of my plan into action!

We see a shot of Victoria and April

April: I wonder what Jake meant

Victoria: I know, And I know where to start when I get to Somerset

April: That's great! Look, I got to make a call

Victoria: Ok

April walks away

We see Joe, he sees a scalpel and grabs it

Victoria drops her purse, and bends down to get it

Joe: Bye Victoria Paisley

Joe walks up behind Victoria, and raises the scalpel

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List

1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
7.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
8.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
9.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
10.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
11.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
12.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
13.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
14.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
15.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
16.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
17.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
18.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
19.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny
20.Charles Grant As Joe
21.Ethan Erickson As Jake Edwards

Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset


Monday, June 11, 2007

Tom Conway

In Episode 25, we find out Tom Conway is behind everything happening to the people of Somerset. Who is Tom Conway?

Tom Conway, is a lawyer, He can be called a bad lawyer, since he likes to make his own rules as he goes along. Tom's major story on Somerset was his part in Kate Cannell's Abortion. Tom was not really a bad guy, but he was no saint either. You will learn more about Tom, and why he is doing all these bad things in the next few episodes so stay tuned!


Episode 26

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Molly, Bill and David standing around Sarah, who is laying in her bed

Sarah: So you saved me David?

David: Yes

Sarah: Thank you

David: No need to thank me

Sarah: Yes, Yes there is

Molly: I guess, if you had not given Sarah CPR, she would be dead

Sarah: That's right

David: I would of done it for anyone

Molly: Well you did not just do it for anyone, you did it for Sarah, Thank you

Bill: Yes, Thank you. I do not know what I would of done if I lost Sarah

David: It is nothing, I saved her and that is it

Bill, Sarah and Molly just look at David

David: It was nothing, Really

We see a shot of Terry sitting in Stan's hospital room

Terry: Well, it is a beautiful day

Terry walks towards the window

Terry: Look at that sun

Terry walks over to Stan

Terry: You would love it. Open your eyes Stan, Open your Eyes, and see the sun

Someone puts there hand on Terry's shoulder, it is Mary

Mary: Terry

Terry: Oh Mary, Mary

Terry hugs Mary

Terry: Why hasn't he woke up?

Mary: I don't know

Terry: He needs to wake up, I need him Mary, I need Stan

We see a shot of Tom and Tiny

Tom: Hello Leo

Leo is in the corner

Tom: Tom Conway

Tom: Yes sir, it's me

Leo: Oh Tom, you need to help me someone is holding me here

Tom laughs

Tom: I know, it is me you fool

Leo: What?

Tom: It is me, I am your capture, and your worst nightmare

Tom and Tiny laugh

We see a shot of Victoria watching the T.V

Victoria: No, not another Shooting

April walks over to Victoria

April: What is it?

Victoria: There was another shooting

April: What?

Victoria: Yes, the cop that I saw last was shot

April: Oh god, is he still alive?

Victoria: I don't know, they have not said

April: Oh no Vicky

Victoria: Please be alive, please


We see a shot of Victoria

Victoria: He needs to be alive

April: Did he take over Julian's case?

Victoria: Yes, That's why he needs to live

We here the announcer on T.V

Announcer: We repeat, Officer Jake Edwards, was gunned down in front of Dallas Police Department. Now we just got a report, that says Officer. Edwards was rushed to Dallas Memorial hospital Alive!

Victoria: Oh, Thank god

April: Yes

Victoria: I have to get over there

April: What?

Victoria: I have to see if I can talk to him

April: Vicky?

Victoria gets up and grabs her coat and keys

April: Victoria?

Victoria: What?

April: You need to slow down

Victoria: No, I have to get to the hospital

April: Fine, I am coming with you

April and Victoria run out the door

We see a shot of Terry and Mary

Mary: He will wake up Terry

Terry: Oh, I hope so. The doctors say he should of woke up by now, why hasn't he

Mary: Sometimes this takes awhile, just wait

Terry: I have been waiting Dammit, I can't wait any longer!

Mary: I know

Terry: Sorry I yelled, I am very upset

Mary: I know, it is OK Terry

Terry: Where is Kane?

Mary: Oh at home with the Baby, he was looking for another job today

Terry: Really

Mary: Yes, he hasn't worked since the Sawmill closed

Terry: I hope he finds something

Mary: Yes, me too

Terry walks over to Stan

Mary: Are you OK?

Terry: Yes, I am fine, Just worried

Mary: Yes, look maybe I should go

Terry: No, I really can't be alone

Mary: Ok

Mary walks over to Terry and puts her arm around her

Mary: Ok

We see a shot of Leo

Leo: What are you doing Tom

Tom: Oh, just talking to you

Leo: Why did you kidnap me?

Tom: Oh, you will find out in time

Leo: Tell me Tom?

Tom: In time! Now i just came down for a quick visit, and to see if your enjoying your stay

Leo: Have you gone crazy Tom?

Tom: You could say that

Tiny laughs

Tom: Now, I must go

Leo: No, please Tom leave me go?

Tom: Hummm, Let's see, No!

Leo: Why?

Tom: Because, I have plans for you Leo Kurtz

Leo: At least tell me where I am?

Tom: In time! Now goodbye for now

Leo: No

Tiny and Tom leave the room and close the door

Leo: No, No Tom!


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see Victoria and April run into Dallas hospital

April: Maybe you should of called the police station?

Victoria: No, this is better

They walk up to a desk

Victoria: Where is Jake Edwards?

Nurse: Are you a reporter?

Victoria: No, I just want to see Jake

Nurse: Sorry, no one can see him

Victoria: But

Nurse: Sorry

Victoria: Damn

April: Look Vicky, it is a payphone call the police Station

We see two cops run by

Victoria: No, I think I will follow those cops

April: Vicky?

Victoria: Come on

April and Victoria follow the two cops

We see a shot of Sarah

Sarah: I am very tired

Molly: Just rest Dear

Bill: Yes, you need your rest

Sarah: Alright

David: I am going to go

Bill: Ok, Thank you

Bill shakes David's hand

David: Yes

Molly: Bye David

David: Bye

Sarah: Bye

David: Bye, Sarah Scott

David leaves

Sarah smiles

Molly smiles at Sarah

We see a shot of Terry and Mary

Mary: I think you need to rest Terry?

Terry: I get rest here

Mary: No, I mean you should go home

Terry: No, I am not leaving Stan

Mary: But Terry?

Terry: No Mary, I am not leaving

Mary: Ok, Well You can eat something?

Terry: Yes, I am hungry

Mary: Ok, I will go get you something

Terry: Thank you

Mary leaves the room

Terry: Oh Stan, Wake up Please

We see a shot of Tom who walks back behind the desk and sits down

Tom: That was fun

Tiny: Yes

Tom: Now, back to business

Tiny: What's next Boss

Tom: Vicky is next

Tiny: Victoria Paisley?

Tom: Yes, I need to Take care of her

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List
1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
7.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
8.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
9.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
10.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
11.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
12.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
13.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
14.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
15.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
16.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
17.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
18.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
19.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny
20.Charles Grant As Joe
21.Ethan Erickson As Jake Edwards

Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset


Monday, June 04, 2007

Episode 26 and 27 coming soon!!
