this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Episode 42

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of The Somerset Inn

We see April dressed in black

April: Are you OK in there Victoria?

We hear Victoria's voice

Victoria: Yes, I will be out in a minute

April: Ok

April looks at picture of Julian

April: Oh Julian, We are sure going to miss you

Victoria walks up behind April she is dressed in black to

April: Are you ready to go?

Victoria: Yes I suppose

April: Ok

Victoria walks over to get her coat on the bed and picks up a picture of Julian

Victoria: Today is the day I say goodbye to you my love

Victoria puts the picture down and starts to cry

April walks over to Victoria and puts her arm around her

April: Let's go Vicky

Victoria: Ok

April and Victoria walk out of the room

We see a shot of Tom's house

We see Zoe dressed in black

Zoe: Ok, I am all ready

Zoe looks at the paper, in it is Julian's obituary

Zoe puts a black vale on her head

Zoe: I am coming to say goodbye to you my love

Zoe looks next to the paper, there lays a gun she picks it up

Zoe: And to get revenge!

We see a shot of Leo in a chair

We see Tiny standing next to him holding a gun

Tiny: You should of stayed put Kurtz

Leo: Go to hell

Tiny goes to hit Leo but Tom walks in, Tom is all dressed for Julian's funeral

Tom: Well hello Leo

Leo: Damn you Conway! Damn you!

Tom: You almost got away from me, Almost

Leo: I should of went to the police!

Tom: But you didn't you went to your brother like a good family man

Leo: I hate you!

Tom: Good

Tom takes Tiny's gun

Tom: You have been bad!

Leo gets a worried look on his face

Tom: Very bad

Tom hits Leo with the gun

Tom: I hope you enjoyed your little outing, because it will never happen again

Leo is sitting in chair very scared

Tom: And you will never see anyone in that family of yours again do you hear me!

Leo does not answer

Tom: Lock him up!

Tiny grabs Leo

Tom: I have a funeral to get to

Tom leaves the room

We see a shot of Molly and Bill's house

We see Molly sitting on the couch drinking coffee

We see Avis walk up to the door with her suitcase, she is already dressed for the funeral

Avis knocks

Molly gets up and answers the door

Avis: Hello Molly

Molly: Hello Avis

Avis hugs Molly, then walks into the house

Molly: Your already dressed?

Avis: Yes, I thought it would save me some time

Molly: Your not still planning on going ahead with this?

Avis: Yes i am

Molly: I am sorry Avis, I can't let you do it

Avis: You can't stop me Molly

Molly: I can and I will

We just see Avis standing there looking at Molly

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

We see Stan laying in bed he opens his eyes and looks around

Stan: Leo! Leo where are you!


We see a shot of St. Andrews Church

We see a coffin in front of the church and a large picture of Julian

We see April and Victoria walk in

Victoria: I don't think I can do this

April: You can, I am here for you honey

April walks with Victoria up to Julian's coffin, Victoria puts her hand on the coffin

Victoria: I love you Julian

We see Jill And Ellen walk in to the church

Ellen walks up Victoria

Ellen: Victoria

Victoria: Oh Ellen

Ellen and Victoria hug

Jill: How are you?

Victoria: Fine

Victoria hugs Jill

Victoria: This is my friend from Dallas April Davis

April: Hello

Victoria: This is Ellen and Jill Grant

Ellen: Hello

Jill: Hello

Jill and Ellen shake April's hand

Ellen walks up to Julian's coffin and puts flower on top then Ellen and Jill sit down

The priest Father Chapman walks up to Victoria

Father Chapman: Hello Victoria

Victoria: Hello father

Father Chapman: How are you felling?

Victoria: I am fine

Father Chapman: Julian is at peace now

Victoria: Thank you father

Father Chapman walks away

April sits down

Victoria walks up the picture of Julian and just looks at it

Victoria: I will find out who did this to you my love I will

We see a shot of Zoe with a gun, Tom walks up to Zoe

Tom: Are you ready to go?

Zoe: I have a few questions first

Tom: Questions?

Zoe: Yes! Are you sure this Victoria woman is the cause of Julian's death

Tom: I am positive, she needs to pay

Zoe: Well how do you know this?

Tom: I just do, listen she is awful woman who needs to pay for murdering Julian! She killed your husband Zoe, she needs to pay

Zoe: Yes, she does! I have one more question

Tom: Ok

Zoe: Are you connected to the Alroiz family?

Tom becomes shocked

Tom: Why do you ask this?

Zoe: Because i just found out something that makes it look like that

Tom: I don't know what your talking about Zoe!

Zoe just looks at Tom

Zoe: Fine!

Zoe walks away

Tiny walks up to Tom

Tom: She was asking some weird questions

Tiny: Really?

Tom: Yes, but never mind! Is Leo locked up?

Tiny: Yes

Tom: And is our new guest on the way

Tiny: Yes, and the guest will arrive at the church

Tom: Good, now i must go

Tiny: Ok

Tiny walks away

Tom looks at Zoe who is standing by the front door

Tom: She can never find out anything about my involvement in Julian's murder, or my involvement with the Alroiz Family, she can never ever find out!

Tom walks away

We see a shot of Molly and Avis

Molly: You can not go there Avis

Avis: I have to, its time the truth got out

Molly: Not today Avis

Bill walks into the room

Bill: Hello Avis

Avis: Hello Bill

Molly: Avis, that woman has enough going on today she does not need to find this out

Avis: Molly

Molly: Please Avis don't

Avis: I am still going to say goodbye

Molly: Avis

Avis: Look, I will think about not telling her today, but I am still going to say goodbye

Molly: Fine, then I am going with you

Avis: No Molly, you did not know much about Julian

Molly: Still Avis

Avis: No look I will come back here after the funeral OK

Molly: Fine

Avis walks out of the house

Avis: I will tell her today, I have to

Avis walks away

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

Stan: Where is my brother!

The nurse runs in

Nurse: Stan whats wrong?

Stan: My brother was here last night

Nurse: What!?

Stan: Yes, he is not dead! He is alive and well and was here last night

Nurse: I'll go get the doctor

Stan: No go find my brother please go find Leo!


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

Stan: My brother was here I know it

Nurse: You have to calm down Stan

Terry walks in the room

Terry: What is wrong?

Nurse: I don't know

Stan: Terry, I saw Leo last night

Terry: What?

Stan: He was here

Terry: Stan no!

Stan: Yes I know

Nurse: Who is this brother?

Stan: Its my brother Leo

Terry: Was he given any medication last night?

Nurse: Yes, he was giving some strong medication to sleep

Terry: Stan, It was the medication that made you see this

Nurse: It must be that Stan

Stan: What? No! He was here, we hugged!

Terry: Please Stan, it did not happen

Stan: He was here I know it! Terry you have to believe me

Terry: It had to have been the medication Stan

Stan: No! He was here! Its the truth, and no medication made me see it

Terry just looks at Stan

We see a shot of Bill and Molly house

Bill: Do you think Avis well say anything?

Avis: I hope not

Bill: I told you she was determined

Avis: Yes, but her determination could make things alot worse

We see a shot of St. Andrews church

We see Avis walk into the church

Avis sits down in the back so no one will see her, Avis sees Victoria

Avis: I have to tell her about me and Julian

Avis sees Julian coffin and picture

Avis: Oh Julian, I know you would not want this to remain a secret forever and it won't

We see Tom walk into the church

Tom walks up to Victoria

Victoria: Hello Tom

Tom: Hello Vicky

Tom hugs Victoria

Ellen and Jill see Tom

Jill: Tom Conway?

Ellen: What is he doing in Somerset?

Jill: I don't know

April sits next to Ellen and Jill

April: He lives in town

Jill: What?

Ellen: He does not live in town

April: Yes, he called Victoria in Dallas last week and said he has been living in Somerset for a long time

Ellen: What? That can't be true, what is this all about

Mary walks into the church with Ginger and Tony and they sit next to Jill

Jill: You came?

Mary: Yes, I did not know the man but came to pay my respects anyway

Jill: That's nice

Tony: Poor Julian

Ginger: Yes, and Victoria

We see Zoe walk into the church behind a few more people she sees the coffin and walks up to it and starts to cry

Victoria and Tom sit down

Tom sees Zoe

Victoria: I wonder who that could be

Tom: Probably just someone who knew Julian long ago

Victoria: Probably

Father Chapman walks up to Victoria

Father Chapman: Are your ready to start?

Victoria: Yes

Father Chapman: Ok

Zoe sits down in the back of the church behind Avis

Zoe sees Victoria

Zoe takes the gun out of her purse and keeps it on her lap

Zoe: You will pay you bitch!

Avis look behind her and sees Zoe just looking at Victoria

Avis: I wonder who that is?

Zoe looks just looks at Victoria

We see Victoria crying

Announcer: This is Somerset

Announcer: Next on Somerset

We see Stan

Stan: You have to go look for him

Terry: What! No Stan!

Stan: Please Terry

We see a shot of Sarah who walks into the Foster Dinner

Sarah: Hello David

David: Your out!

David grabs Sarah and hugs her

Sarah is a little shocked

We see Victoria making a speech about Julian

Victoria: I loved him so much!

Victoria's voice breaks

Victoria: And I will miss him

Zoe holds her gun up

Zoe: You murdering Bitch! You have to die

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List
1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Lois Smith As Zoe Matson Cannell
7.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
8.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
9.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
10.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
11.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
12.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
13.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
14.Matthew Ashford As Detective Daniel Hunter
15.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
16.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
17.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
18.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
19.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
20.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
21.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny

Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset



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