this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Episode 14

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Sergeant Jones at the police station in Dallas. Sergeant Jones walks up to a man his name is Jake

Sergeant Jones: Hi Jake

Jake: Hello

Sergeant Jones: Did you find out anything on Leo Kurtz

Jake: Ya I think so

Sergeant: Well let's go into my office and you can tell me

Jake and Sergeant Jones walk into the office and shot the door. When they shot the door Joe walks in the police station with a cop uniform on

Joe: Now were the hell is Sergeant Jones

We see a shot of Kane and Mary's beach house

Everyone is still inside

Detective Harper: Now I do not have all night I would like to find out about Leo Kurtz now!

Kane: I already told you Detective I do not know anything about My father

Detective Harper looks at Stan

Stan: Don't look at me, I already told you what I know

Detective Harper: What about you?

Ginger: Who me?

Detective Harper: Yes you

Ginger: I do not know anything. I have not seen my father in 32 years

Detective Harper: Fine! It's seems I wasted my time here

Kane: It seems you did

Detective Harper: Fine, I will leave but i will keep in touch with you

Kane: Fine then

Molly: I will show you out Detective Harper

Molly and Detective Harper walk towards the door, Detective Harper leaves. When Detective Harper walks out of the house Tiny starts to follow him

Molly: Now that he is gone we can all talk

Ginger: I do not want to talk to Kane

Tony: Ginger stop it

Ginger: No! It was a mistake coming here I think we should leave

We see a shot of Ellen's house. Ellen walks down the stairs she has a nice red dress on. There is a knock at the door

Ellen: Coming

Ellen opens the door, it is Jill she has a nice black dress on to

Jill: Hello Mother

Jill walks in, Ellen shuts the door

Ellen: Hello Jill

Jill: Oh mother you do look nice

Ellen: Thank you Jill. You look very nice to

Jill: Thanks

Ellen: Did you call Molly and ask her if she is coming to dinner with us

Jill: I was just going to do that now

Jill takes out her cell phone and dials Molly's phone number

The phone rings at Molly and Kanes beach house. Terry answers the phone

Terry: Hello

Jill: Hello. Who is this

Terry: This is Terry Kurtz

Jill: Oh hello Terry this is Jill

Terry: Hello Jill. Would you like to talk to Molly

Jill: Yes please

Terry: Molly your mother is on the phone

Molly: Oh

Molly walks to the phone and takes it from Terry

Molly: Hello

Jill: Hello Molly. What is all that sound in the background

Molly: Oh that is Kane and Ginger

Jill: Ginger! Ginger who?

Molly: Ginger Cooper

Jill: She is back in town

Ellen looks at Jill

Jill: When did she get back

Molly: Today. And her and Kane are not having a good family reunion

Jill: Oh my! Well Molly if you would like to get away from all that noise, maybe you can come to dinner with me and your grandmother

Molly: Oh mother i can't

Jill: Are you sure

Molly: Yes! No wait

Molly looks at all the people at her house

Molly: Maybe i could. Yes! Mother I will see you at the restaurant

Jill: Good

Molly: Which restaurant is it

Jill: The Somerset Inn

Molly: Ok I will met you there in 30 minutes

Jill: Ok! See you there dear

Molly: Fine

Jill: Bye

Molly: Bye

They both hang up the phone

We see Ellen

Ellen: Is Molly coming

Jill: Yes mother she is

Ellen: Good! Oh Jill

Jill: Yes

Ellen: Who was it that is back in town

Jill: Oh Ginger Cooper, Leo Kurtz daughter

Ellen: After all these years

Jill: Yes

Ellen: Oh my, I wonder why she is in town


We see a shot of the Somerset Inn

We see Jill and Ellen walk in the Hotel restaurant. A man walks up to Jill and Ellen

Man: Hello! Can I show you to a table

Jill: Yes thank you

Jill and Ellen walk to a table and sit down. The man hands them to menus

Man: I will be back to take your order in a minute

Jill: Thank you

Man walks away

Jill: So mother what will you have

Ellen just stares into space

Jill: Mother

Ellen: Oh Jill! Sorry

Jill: Are you OK

Ellen: Yes I was just thinking about Ginger Cooper

Jill: Why?

Ellen: I was just wondering why she is back in town

Jill: Well mother, it is probably because of Leo Kurtz

Ellen: Oh yes, I bet that is it

Jill: Ya

We see a shot of Molly and Kane's beach house

Molly walks over to Kane

Molly: Kane stop now! I have a good idea!

Kane: What is it

Molly: Well I think we should all go out to dinner

Kane: What?

Ginger: What?

Kane: Molly, I do not think that is a good idea

Ginger: Yes same here

Tony: Maybe it would be good

Ginger: What?

Tony: Maybe it would be good to get out and go see Somerset after all these years

Ginger: We saw Somerset enough on the way over from the airport

Tony: Oh Ginger

Terry: I think it is a good idea

Stan: Me too

Molly: Alright then it is settled

Kane: Molly

Molly: No Kane! Now you go get ready

Kane: What about Angela

Molly: Oh! I will just call Amber or normal babysitter

Kane: What if she can not do it

Molly: Oh I think she will be able to do it. You go get ready Kane

Kane: Fine

Kane walks upstairs

Tony: We will go get ready to! Molly can we get ready here

Molly: Yes of course. You can use the downstairs bathroom

Tony: Ok! Come on Ginger

Ginger: No Tony

Tony: Oh Ginger come on it will be good to get out

Ginger: Tony, I do not want to eat dinner with Kane

Tony: Ginger come on he is family

Ginger: No he is not!

Tony: Come on honey do it for me

Ginger: Fine! For you

Tony and Ginger take there bags and walk into the downstairs bathroom

Stan: Me and Terry will go home and get ready and meet you at the?

Molly: Somerset Inn

Stan: At the Somerset Inn

Molly: Alright

Stan and Terry leave

Molly: This should be fun! I think

We see a shot of Sergeant Jones and Jake in the office at the Dallas police department

Sergeant Jones: Alright Jake, what did you find out?

Jake: Well I found out that Leo Kurtz is from Somerset Illinois

Sergeant Jones: Really

Jake: Yes and he was in the witness protection program

Sergeant Jones: He was?

Jake: Yes he was recently Found by the mob and is on the run again

Sergeant Jones: The mob!

Jake: Yes

Sergeant Jones: Why the mob?

Jake: I do not know that is all I found out

Sergeant Jones: Alright! Oh you said he is on the run

Jake: Ya

Sergeant Jones: Well then there must be a investigation

Jake: Ya

Sergeant Jones: Well do you know who is in charge of it

Jake: Oh it is the Somerset Police

Sergeant Jones: Really! Do you have the number do the police station

Jake: Yes

Sergeant Jones: Can I have it

Jake: Oh yes

Jake writes the number on a notepad and hands it to Sergeant Jones

Sergeant Jones: Thanks Jake! That is all

Jake: Ok

Jake walks out of the office. We see Joe standing there he watches Sergeant Jones Through the office window

Joe: I can not hear what he is saying

Joe sees the office next to Sergeant Jones walks in sees a door opens it. The door leads into Sergeant Jones office. Joe listens

Sergeant Jones: Ok, now I call the Somerset police and find out about Leo Kurtz

Joe: What? Oh no Sergeant Jones that is a bad idea

Joe takes out his gun


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of the Somerset Inn

We see a waiter walk up to the table Jill and Ellen are at

Waiter: What can I get you two tonight

Jill: Oh, we are going to wait for my daughter she will be joining us tonight

Waiter: Very well

The waiter walks away

Ellen: I wonder when Molly will get here

Jill looks up

Jill: There she is

Molly walks into the restaurant

Jill gets up and walks over to her

Jill: Hello Honey

Jill hugs Molly

Molly: Hello Mother

Jill: I am so glad you came

Molly: Mother I have something to tell you

Jill: What

Kane, Tony and Ginger enter the restaurant. Kane and Ginger are fighting again

Ginger: Don't stand so close to me

Kane: Oh get over yourself

Jill looks at them

Jill: What are they doing here

Molly: I invited them Mother

Jill looks at Ginger

Jill: Oh Ginger

Ginger: Jill

Jill: Hello

Ginger and Jill hug

Jill sees Tony

Jill: Hello Tony

Tony: Hello Jill

Tony Hugs Jill

Jill: I am so glad you here

Jill looks at Kane

Jill: Oh! Kane!

Kane: Hello Mother Jill

Jill: Please do not call me that

Kane: Sorry

Kane smiles

The waiter walks up to Kane can I help you

Kane: We would like a table for 4

Jill: For 6 me and my mother will join you

Molly: Table for 8, Stan and Terry are coming to

Jill: Oh good! This should be one eventful evening

We see a shot of Sergeant Jones siting in his office. Joe is still listening in the next office. Sergeant Jones picks up the phone and dials a number

Sergeant Jones: Hello is this the Somerset Police

The woman at the other end

Woman: Yes

Sergeant Jones: May I speak to who ever is in charge

Woman: Oh that is Detective Harper, I will put you through to him

Sergeant Jones: Thank you

Detective Harper is in his office. We see Tiny watching at the Window

Detective Harper's phone rings

Detective Harper: Hello Somerset Police

Sergeant Jones: Hello Detective Harper! This is Sergeant Jones calling from the Dallas Police

Detective Harper: Hello. How can I help you

Sergeant Jones: I would like to talk to you about Leo Kurtz

Detective Harper: Leo Kurtz! Do you know where he is?

Sergeant Jones: No, but we think he could help us find a murderer

Detective Harper: What do you mean?

Sergeant Jones: Well we had a murder down here. A man named Julian Cannell was murdered

Detective Harper: Oh we heard about it

Sergeant Jones: You did?

Detective Harper: Yes. Julian Cannell lived here in Somerset for a long time

Sergeant Jones: Oh yes I forgot

Detective Harper: Well how could Leo Kurtz help you

Sergeant Jones: We found a paper in Mr. Cannell's office with Leo Kurtz name on it

Detective Harper: Really

Sergeant Jones: Yes

Detective Harper: Well maybe he was investigating into Leo Kurtz disappearance

Sergeant Jones: That's what I thought but I think it goes further then that

Detective Harper: What do you mean?

Sergeant Jones: I mean I think Julian Cannell was investigating into the mob and they killed him!

Detective Harper: Really! I never thought of that. Sergeant Jones I think I can help you find a killer

Sergeant Jones: Really well tell me! Tell me who you think killed Julian Cannell

Joe looks at Sergeant Jones and starts to load his gun with bullets

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset


We see a shot of Gun! We hear a Gun Shot! We see a man fall to the ground! We see the Gun again! We hear another Gun Shot! We see another man fall to the ground! Then we see Ellen's Face
Ellen: OH MY GOD!!!
Announcer: On the Next Somerset.



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