this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


We see a shot of Tom

Announcer: A man out for revenge

Tom: I will get everyone in this damn town

Announcer: But why does he want revenge?

Zoe: Why do you hate the people of Somerset so much?

Tom: I have my reasons

Zoe: Well what are they?

Tom: You will find out in time

Announcer: Well that time has come!

We see Zoe looking at a file

Zoe: Now maybe this will tell me what Tom is up to

Zoe reads a page

Zoe: What? I can't believe it

Announcer: Somerset!


Friday, September 28, 2007

Episode 39

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of The Somerset Inn

We see Victoria getting ready for her date

Victoria: It will be good to see Tom again

Victoria puts on her necklace, then she picks up a picture of Julian

Victoria: We will find your killer Julian I promise!

We see a shot of Zoe sitting at a computer

Zoe: I wonder how you use these things

Zoe types on the keyboard then the computer makes a beeping sound

Zoe: They say you can find out anything on these things, I wonder if I can find out some things about Victoria Paisley

Zoe types some more

Zoe: Internet? Maybe this is what i need

Zoe clicks on the mouse

Zoe: Ok lets get started

We see a shot of The gas station

We see Kane and Leo

Leo: Your name is Kane Kurtz?

Kane: Yes, who are you?

Leo: Me?

Kane: Yes

Leo: Well

Kane: Are you a reporter?

Leo: Reporter? Oh yes

Kane: Oh

Leo: Can I ask you a few questions?

Kane: I don't know, I am in hurry

Leo: This will only take a few minutes

Kane: Ok

Leo: Let's sit down

Leo and Kane sit down at a bench in the gas station

Leo: So you are related to Stan Kurtz?

Kane: Yes

Leo: How is Mr Kurtz?

Kane: He is doing fine now, really well

Leo: Now?

Kane: Yes he was shot in the big shootout

Leo: What?

Kane: Yes

Leo: Do they know who was in charge of this Shootout?

Kane: They don't know but I think it was the mob

Leo: Tom!

Kane: Who?

Leo: Nothing, how is the rest of your family?

Kane: Fine, What do you want to talk to me about anyway?

Leo: Oh just you and your family

Kane: Why? Are you even a reporter?

Leo just looks at Kane


We see a shot of Zoe

Zoe: Here we go

Zoe types some more

Zoe: There is something about Julian's death

Zoe reads the screen

Zoe: Grieving Girlfriend? More like lying bitch, I bet she did kill Julian

Zoe gets mad and smashes the keyboard on the desk

Zoe: And if she did, I will get her just like I did the others!

We see a shot of Victoria

Victoria: Oh Julian, I miss you

Victoria sets Julian's picture back down on the desk

Victoria: You will be at peace soon my love I promise that

Victoria stands and walks over to a chair and gets her jacket

Victoria: Now I must go meet Tom

Victoria leaves her room

We see a shot of Leo

Leo: Yes, I am a reporter

Kane: Then why do you want to talk to me?

Leo: I want to talk to you about your family, The Kurtz family are very infamous in Somerset

Kane: I would not know anything about that I have only known I was a Kurtz for a few years

Leo: Yes, I know that. How old are you son?

Kane: I am 45

Leo: Really

Leo does not speak

Kane: Are you Ok?

Leo: Oh yes, who is your mother son?

Kane: My mother

Leo: Yes

Kane: Her name is Angela, I named my daughter after her

Leo: You have a daughter

Kane: Yes, she is 1 and a half

Leo: How nice

We see Terry walk into the gas station

Leo: So you said Stan is alright

Kane: Yes, he is in the hospital, but should be OK

Kane sees Terry

Kane: Oh there is Stan's wife my aunt Terry

Leo gasps


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Zoe sitting at Tom's desk

Zoe: I will avenge your death Julian, I promise you that my love

Zoe starts to look around in Tom's desk. She finds a gun

Zoe: Ah I may need this

Zoe puts the gun in her pocket, then she sees a file that says revenge

Zoe: I wonder what this is

She then sees a the photo album

Zoe: A photo album

Zoe opens it she sees a picture of Julian

Zoe: Julian!

Zoe turns the page sees a picture that has Kurtz written under it

Zoe: The Kurtz's, The mob family?

Zoe turns the page and sees a picture of Victoria, under it is written Victoria Paisley

Zoe: Oh My, so this is her

Zoe takes out the picture and rips it in half

Zoe: I will get you!

Zoe throws the Pieces of the picture in the garbage, then she grabs the file

Zoe: Now maybe this will tell me what Tom is up to

Zoe opens the file and begins to read

We see a shot of The Somerset Inn

We see Victoria sitting at the table

Victoria: Where are you?

We see Tom walk in

Victoria: Oh there he is

Victoria stands up

Victoria: Hello Tom

Tom: Hello

Victoria and Tom hug

Tom smiles at Victoria

We see a shot of the gas station

Kane: I will be right back

Kane walks over to Terry

Kane: Hello

Terry: Hello Kane, I was just on my way to see Stan

Kane: I see. I was just talking to a reporter

Terry: Really?

Kane: Yes over there

Terry and Kane look over at the bench and there is no one there

Kane: He was just there

Terry: Maybe he was in a hurry

Kane: I wonder where he went?

We see Leo standing outside

Leo: That was close, I can't let anyone see me yet

Leo looks around

Leo: Maybe I should. No! Not yet, I can't trust anyone yet, I can only trust Stan! And that's Who I must go see!

Leo walks away

Announcer: This Is Somerset

Announcer: Next on Somerset

We see a shot of Zoe

Zoe: He is part of the Mob?

Zoe looks at a page

Zoe: Aloriz?

We see a shot of Stan and Terry

Terry: Everything will be OK Stan

We see Leo standing outside of Stan's hospital room

Leo: Stan!

We see Molly on the Phone

Molly: No Avis

We see Avis

Avis: Yes, I will be back in Somerset tomorrow

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List
1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Lois Smith As Zoe Matson Cannell
7.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
8.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
9.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
10.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
11.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
12.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
13.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
14.Matthew Ashford As Detective Daniel Hunter
15.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
16.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
17.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
18.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
19.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
20.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
21.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny

Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Episode 38

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Leo in Somerset Park

Leo sees a sign that reads Somerset Park

Leo: Oh my god I am in Somerset!

Leo looks around

Leo walks to a picnic table and sits down

Leo: Ok I have to remember Stan's address

We see a shot Stan and Terry's house

We see Terry on the phone

Terry: Alright Mary, your welcome, goodbye

Terry hangs up the phone

Terry: I hope Kane does not take the news as hard as Ginger did

We see a shot of Kane at work

Kane: Oh my day is almost over

We see Jill walk up behind him

Jill: Its not over yet

Kane: Jill

Jill: You seem to have had a good day so far

Kane: Yes very good

Jill: It seems you have been working hard to

Kane: Yes as hard as I could

Jill: That good

Kane: I am sorry about earlier I did not know the rules

Jill: Its OK just don't let it happen again

Kane: Yes. Well I will go finish up then go home

Jill: Fine, don't be late tomorrow

Kane: Bye

Kane walks away

Jill: I don't think you will have this job long, not if I have anything to say about it

We see a shot of Tom's House

We see Zoe sitting in a chair

Zoe: I am sorry I let him out

Tom: It is OK. I just hope Tiny finds him

We see Tiny walk in the door

Tiny: Boss!

Tom: So you did not find him

Tiny: No

Tom: Then why the hell are you here, get back out there now!

Tiny: I have guys out there

Tom: You get out there now!

Tiny: I don't know where he is

Tom: Well go find out before some one sees him and this whole plan is blown out of the water

Tiny: Fine!

Tiny leaves again

Tom: Damn it, I hope no one sees him


We see a shot of Terry looking at photo album

Terry: Look how happy we all were

Terry comes to a photo of Leo

Terry: Leo, I wonder if you really are dead

Terry takes the picture of Leo out of the Photo album

Terry: Now

Terry walks over to a cabinet and opens it she gets a picture frame out, she walks over to the picture of Leo and puts it in the picture frame

Terry: Now everyone can see you

She sets the picture frame on the coffee table

We see a shot of Leo walking around in front of a newsstand he picks up a paper

Leo: Zoe Mattson?

He puts the paper down and walks up the street, he walks in front of the bank

Leo: Well the bank is still here, but everything else has changed

Leo looks around then sees Delaney Brands on the hill

Leo: Delaney Brands, its still there, it looks different oh well I have a place to go if i can't find Stan

Leo sees a phone booth, and walks over to it he picks up the phone book and looks inside.

Leo: Stan Kurtz 15 Albert Drive! He moved, that's not any address I remember

Leo walks out of the phone booth

Leo: Ok lets find 15 Albert Drive

We see a shot of Kane closing his locker

Kane: Now I can go home

Kane walks out of the room walks to the phone and dials a number

We see a shot of Mary answering a phone

Mary: Hello

Kane: Hello

Mary: How is your day going?

Kane: Ok, I am on my way home

Mary: I have some news for you

Kane: News?

Mary: Terry called

Kane: Terry, is Stan OK?

Mary: Yes, she called about Leo

Kane: Leo? What about him?

Mary: The police told Terry Tony and Ginger they think he is dead

Kane: They think?

Mary: Look I will tell you more when you get home

Kane: Ok, see you soon

Mary: Bye!

Kane hangs up the phone

Kane: Leo can't be dead!

Kane walks away

We see a shot of Tom and Zoe

Zoe: Why did you have that guy in your basement?

Tom: It's part of my plan

Zoe: What plan?

Tom: I plan to get the people of Somerset

Zoe: Why do you hate the people of Somerset so much?

Tom: I have my reasons

Zoe: Well what are they?

Tom: You will know in time

Zoe: Why all the secrets?

Tom: Don't worry about that just worry about getting Victoria

Zoe: Yes, I think I would like to know more about this Victoria

Tom looks at his watch

Tom: I have to go, look I will fill you in later

Zoe: Ok

Tom leaves the room

Tom: I have to get ready for my date with Victoria


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Tom dressed suit

Tom: I hope they find Leo before I go

Tom picks up his tie

Tom: But if they don't it will not stop this date, I have to see Victoria and get everything ready for the next part of my plan

We see Zoe listening outside the door

Zoe: What is this Plan?

Zoe looks at Tom

Zoe: And why does he want to see the woman he said killed Julian so much?

We see a shot Terry in her car

Terry: Now I have to go see Stan

Terry looks at her gas gage

Terry: But first I have to stop and get some gas

We see a shot of a gas station

We see Leo walking into it

Leo: I need to find out where Albert Drive is

We see Leo walk up to a man behind a counter and start to talk to him. We then see Kane walk into the gas station. Leo turns around and bumps into Kane

Leo: Sorry

Kane: Its OK

Leo: Hey maybe you can help me?

Kane: Sure

Leo: I need to know where Albert Drive is

Kane: Oh I know where that is, its 3 miles up the road on the right hand side

Leo: Thanks

Kane: I know where the street is cause my uncle lives on that street

Leo: Your uncle?

Kane: Yes, Stan Kurtz

Leo gasps

Leo: What is your name?

Kane: Kane, Kane Kurtz

Leo just looks at him in shock

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List
1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Lois Smith As Zoe Matson Cannell
7.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
8.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
9.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
10.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
11.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
12.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
13.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
14.Matthew Ashford As Detective Daniel Hunter
15.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
16.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
17.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
18.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
19.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
20.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
21.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny

Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset


Saturday, September 15, 2007

Episode 37

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Ellen's house

We see Ellen open her front door

Ellen: What do you want?

We see Robert

Robert: I want to talk to you Ellen

Ellen: No, leave!

Robert walks in

Robert: Now Ellen!
Ellen slams the door

Ellen: Fine, lets talk

Robert: Ellen what is your problem?

Ellen: You are Robert because I know you will ruin my sisters life again

Robert: No Ellen I have changed

Ellen: Changed? A leopard never changes its spots, and you Robert Delaney are a leopard

Robert: Ellen this is hurting India

Ellen: I am doing this for her own good

Robert: Her own good?

Ellen: Yes, and i won't stop till you are out of her life

We see a shot of Terry and Stan's house

We see Terry Ginger and Tony

Ginger: I hope that cop gets her soon

Tony: Yes, he is a hour late

We hear a knock at the door

Terry: I will get it

Terry answers the door

Terry: Hello

It is Daniel

Daniel: Hello Ginger Kurtz?

Terry: No I am Terry Kurtz

Daniel: Oh

Ginger: I am Ginger Kurtz Cooper

Daniel walks in

Daniel: Hello i am Detective Daniel Hunter

Ginger: Hello

Tony stands up

Tony: I am Tony Cooper Ginger's husband

Tony and Daniel shake hands

Daniel: Hello

Ginger: So what did you learn about my father

Tony: Ginger calm down

Daniel: Its OK I like to cut to the chase

Ginger: So?

Daniel: We found two witnesses who seen your father being kidnapped by two men dressed in black

Ginger: Oh my god

Daniel: Yes

Terry: So that means he is alive

Daniel: No, I am afraid not. We at the police station think he is dead

Ginger: What? No! No!

We see a shot Tom's house

We see Zoe sitting having a drink

Zoe: Victoria Paisley? If she did hurt Julian she needs to pay!

Zoe hears a noise in the vents

Zoe: What the hell is that?

Zoe listens then walks out of the room

We see Leo in the basement hitting on the wall

Leo: Let me out of here please!


We see a shot of Ellen's house

Ellen: I have been keeping up with your life Robert and i know what you have been doing

Robert: Do you?

Ellen: Yes, and I know you did not change

Robert: I did Ellen, I love India and only India

Ellen: No you don't, your a man whore

Robert: India told me you were saying that and it does sound weird coming out of your mouth

Ellen: I speak the truth now you leave I have nothing else to say to you

Robert: Well I have things to say to you

Ellen: Like what?

Robert: Like I love your sister and we are married for good this time it will not end

Ellen: Really?

Robert: Yes, and if it were to end it would not be because of the likes of you

Ellen: How dare you!

Robert: Oh I dare Ellen

Ellen: Leave now!

Robert: Fine but this is not over

Robert leaves

Ellen: Oh that man!

We see a shot of Ginger crying

Ginger: No he is not dead

Terry: Do you really think that?

Daniel: Yes

Ginger: There is no proof@

Daniel: Well Mrs Cooper there have been men trying to kill him for over 32 years, and there have been no ransom Request so it just speaks for itself

Ginger: No!

Daniel: I am sorry

Ginger: Its not true

Tony: Ginger please

Terry: Yes calm down please

Daniel: We well keep searching as i said we just think this

Ginger: Its not true I know it!

Daniel: You could be right

Tony: I hope she is

Daniel: Listen, I have to go we will keep you informed of any change

Terry: Thank you

Tony: Yes thank you

Daniel leaves

Ginger sits on the couch

Ginger: Oh it can't be true, it can't!

We see a shot of Leo

Leo: Oh I need to get out of here, I need to find out what is happening with my family and who this Kane Kurtz really is

We see Zoe walk around in the basement

Zoe: I think the noise come from down here

Zoe comes to a door, she sees a set of keys hanging next to it

Zoe opens the door

Leo: Hello

Zoe: Who are you?

Leo sees Zoe move away from the door he gets up pushes her away and runs

Zoe: Stop! You stop Now!


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Ellen sitting at her table

Ellen: Robert will hurt India I know it, but i can't let that happen

Ellen picks up the phone and dials a number

Ellen: Hello, I need to see you, A.S.A.P

We see a shot of Tony and Terry

Terry: We can not tell Stan about this

Tony: Yes

Terry: He cannot take anymore right now

Tony: I won't tell him, I will tell Ginger not to as well

Terry: Ok

Tony walks over to Ginger who is sitting on the couch

Tony: Are you OK?

Ginger: This is all my fault

Tony: What?

Ginger: My father had to go into hiding because of me! If he is dead it is my fault

Tony: No Ginger No!

Tony hugs Ginger

We see a shot of Zoe

Zoe: Stop

We see Tiny run up to her

Tiny: What are you doing down here?

Zoe: I heard a noise

Tiny sees the door open

Tiny: Where is the man that was in there

Zoe: He got away

Tiny: Oh no

Tiny runs away

We see Leo run out the front door

Leo: I am free! I am finally free!

Leo looks up at the sky

Leo: It sure is nice to see the sun again! Now I have to go see my family!

Leo walks away

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List
1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Lois Smith As Zoe Matson Cannell
7.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
8.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
9.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
10.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
11.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
12.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
13.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
14.Matthew Ashford As Detective Daniel Hunter
15.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
16.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
17.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
18.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
19.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
20.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
21.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny

Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset


Sunday, September 02, 2007


Announcer: Coming soon

We see a group of people sitting in a church

Announcer: They come to morn a man

We see Victoria crying

We see Ellen hug Victoria

We see Julian's Picture

Announcer: But there is an unwelcome guest

We see Zoe with a veil covering her face

Announcer: And she has revenge in mind

We see Zoe holding a gun in her hand

Announcer: Deadly Revenge!

We hear a gunshot

Announcer: Somerset


Episode 36

Announcer: This is Somerset

Its a new day in Somerset

We see a shot of Delaney Brands.

Kane is standing in Jill's office

Kane: Where is she?

Kane looks at his watch

We see Jill walk into the office

Jill: Your on time

Kane: Yes

Jill: That's good! I never want you to be late ever!

Kane: Don't worry Jill I won't

Jill: You call me Ms Grant at work

Kane: Fine Ms Grant

Jill: Now, I have a man waiting for you downstairs he will show you around

Kane: Great

Jill: Goodbye then

Kane: Oh

Kane walks out of the office

Jill: Now this should be an interesting day

We see a shot of The Somerset Inn

We see a paper laying on a table the headline Somerset Psycho Escapes! Robert picks up the paper

Robert: Oh my!

India: What is it?

Robert: Zoe Cannell escaped

India: Really?

Robert: That's what it says here

India: I hope she does not come back to Somerset

Robert: Yes I hope she is not dumb like us

India: Oh Robert

Robert: No India, I think it was dumb to come back here

India: Look just because Ellen was not happy to see us does not mean this was a bad idea

Robert: Ellen hates me

India: Who cares what Ellen thinks

Robert: You do

India: I use to not now not anymore

We see a shot of April reading the paper

April: Wow this girl is a nut

Victoria walks into the room

Victoria: What are you reading?

April: Oh just the daily news

Victoria sees the front page

Victoria: Oh my god

April: What?

Victoria: It is Zoe!

April: Who?

Victoria: Zoe Cannell Julian's ex wife


We see a shot of Delaney Brands

We see Kane by a set of Lockers

Kane: Now I am ready to work

We see Mary sneak up behind Kane

Mary: Hello

Kane jumps

Kane: Hello

Kane and Mary kiss

Kane: What are you doing here?

Mary: I just came to see you

Kane: Where is Angela?

Mary: With a baby sitter

Kane: I see

Mary: So how is work going

Kane: Great so far

Mary: Was my mother nice

Kane: So far

Mary: Yes lets hope that lasts

Kane: Yes

Jill walks up to Mary

Jill: Mary what are you doing here?

Kane: Jill

Mary: Hello Mother

Jill: Your not allowed to be here Mary

Mary: What?

Jill: You have to leave now!

We see a shot of the Somerset Inn

We see India and Robert

India: Don't bother with Ellen I am not

Robert: India i think it is important what your sister thinks

India: Really?

Robert: Yes

India: You never thought that before

Robert: I do now

India: This is a change Robert

Robert: Well She is your sister India

India: But still

Robert: I think you two should agree on this marriage, and i am going to fix it so you do

India: What?

Robert: I am

Robert grabs his coat and car keys

India: Where are you going?

Robert: To see Ellen

India: No Robert

Robert: I will be back

Robert walks out

India: Robert this is a bad idea!

We see a shot of April and Victoria

Victoria: Zoe!

April: Oh yes i remember you telling me about her

Victoria: I wonder if she knows about Julian?

April: She couldn't

Victoria: I hope not

There is a knock at the door

April: I will get it

April walks to the door and opens it

It is a man

April: Hello

Man: Hello my name is Detective Daniel Hunter

Victoria: Hello

Daniel: Hello are you Victoria Paisley

Victoria: Yes

Daniel: I am really glad to meet you


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Robert standing at Ellen's door

Robert: I have to fix this

Robert knocks on the door

Robert: I have to do it for India

We see a shot of Delaney Brands

Jill: You have to leave Mary

Mary: Why

Jill: You can't be here during working hours

Mary: Sorry

Jill: Someone can get fired for that

Mary: What?

Kane: I am sorry Jill I did not know

Jill: Yes well now you do

Mary: Oh mother

Jill: Don't let it happen again

Kane: I won't Jill

Jill: Yes

Jill walks away

Mary: I can't believe her

Kane: Its OK honey

Mary: No it is not

Kane: Yes cause we are alone

Mary: Oh

Kane: Yes

Mary and Kane start to kiss

Mary: Thank you mother

Kane laughs

We see a shot of Victoria Daniel and April

Daniel: I really don't have alot of time to talk

Victoria: Ok

Daniel: I just want to tell you we are working on Julian's case and we will find out who did this

April: Do you have any leads?

Daniel: Not yet but were working on it

Victoria: What about Zoe Cannell

Daniel: Oh yes! I am not in charge of that but I will have someone inform you about that

Victoria: Yes thank you

Daniel: Now we will talk soon

Victoria: Yes goodbye

Daniel: Goodbye

Daniel leaves

April: They will find Julian's killer Vicky

Victoria: Yes and if they don't I will

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List
1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Lois Smith As Zoe Matson Cannell
7.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
8.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
9.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
10.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
11.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
12.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
13.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
14.Matthew Ashford As Detective Daniel Hunter
15.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
16.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
17.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
18.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
19.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
20.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
21.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny

Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset
