this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Charles Grant is Playing Joe

Robert Kelker-Kelly is playing Tiny

Episode 13

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Sergeant Jones Standing in Julian's office at the news paper office. Joe is still standing outside of the window

Joe: I know what to do Tiny i take him out

Tiny in Somerset still standing outside of Mary and Kane's beach house

Tiny: Good. Do you think that he is getting close

Joe: I don't know but i will find out

Tiny: Alright. Look i got to go call me back and tell me if you find anything out

Joe: Fine I'll do that

Tiny: Oh Joe remember If you don't find out anything the boss will be mad

Joe: I know don't worry

Tiny: Good. Well bye

Joe: Bye

Tiny hangs up so does Joe

We see Sergeant Jones standing in Julian's office holding the paper

Sergeant Jones: Who is Leo Kurtz? And why is his name on this paper in Mr. Cannell's office

We see a man walk into the office

Man: Can I help you

Sergeant Jones: I am with the Dallas PD I am Sergeant Jones

Man: I am Fred Sinclair i am the publisher here

Sergeant Jones: Hello

Fred: Are you here because of Julian's murder

Sergeant Jones: Yes

Fred: Oh I see well have you find anything

Sergeant Jones: Yes I think i have

Fred: Good, well are you done in here we have to clean out the office

Sergeant Jones: Oh yes i found what i wanted thank you

Fred: Good

Sergeant Jones: I am just going to use the phone then i will be out of your hair

Fred: Fine but please make it quick

Sergeant Jones: Yes of course

Fred: Ok good

Fred walks out of the office

Sergeant Jones picks up the phone he calls the police station in Dallas

Sergeant Jones: Hello, this is Sergeant Jones. Who is this? Oh Frank hi, Frank I need you to do something for me, ya I need you to find out all you can on a man named Leo Kurtz

We see a shot of Mary and Kane's beach house

We see Tiny standing outside

We see Stan, Terry, Mary, Kane, Detective Harper, Ginger and Tony standing in the living room

Stan: Oh Ginger I can't believe it is you

Ginger: Hello uncle Stan

Stan gets up and hugs Ginger

Ginger: Oh Stan it is so good to see you

Stan: Same here, hello Tony

Tony: Stan, Hello Terry

Terry: Hello Tony, Ginger

Mary walks over to Kane

Mary: So that is Ginger

Kane: I guess so

Stan turns around and sees Kane

Stan: Oh Ginger, This is Kane

Kane walks over to Ginger

Kane: Hello Ginger

Kane puts out his hand

Ginger: Hello

Ginger walks past Kane, walks over to Terry and hugs her

Kane puts his hand down

Tony walks up to Kane

Tony: Hello I am Tony Cooper

Kane: Hello

Tony and Kane shake hands

Detective Harper: Are you Ginger Kurtz

Ginger turns around sees Detective Harper

Ginger: Yes I am Ginger Kurtz Cooper, who are you

Detective Harper: I am Detective Harper and i am investigating your fathers disappearance

Ginger: Well You do not seem to be doing a good job

Detective Harper just looks at Ginger

We see a shot of Ellen's House

Ellen is standing in her kitchen she hears a knock at the door she walks into the living room to answer the door

Ellen: I am coming

Ellen answers the door it is Jill

Jill: Hello mother

Ellen: Jill

Jill walks into the house

Ellen: I thought you were at work

Jill: I left early to come see my mother and see if i can take her out to dinner

Ellen: Oh Jill I don't know I am waiting for a call from Victoria Paisley

Jill: So you talked to her?

Ellen: Yes Jill I did

Jill: Well, how is she?

Ellen: She is very upset

Jill: Well of course she would be after what happened, what did she say to you

Ellen: Nothing much, I told her that she should come back to Somerset

Jill: Well why on earth did you do that?!

Ellen just looks at Jill


We see a shot of Ellen's house

We see Ellen just looking at Jill

Ellen: I did that because she should be home

Jill: Mother did you ever think maybe she does not want to come back here

Ellen: Well she told me that

Jill: Well i would think so, I mean look at all the things she want through here with Kate Thornton and everything else, I would not want to come back either

Ellen: Well that is not the reason she does not want to come back

Jill: Well what is

Ellen: It is because she thinks she should lay Julian to rest in Dallas

Jill: Well they did live there for a long time, and maybe that is what Julian wanted

Ellen: Well I do not think that is a good idea

Jill: Well it is not up to you mother

Ellen: I know but I asked her to think about it

Jill: And

Ellen: And she said she would

Jill: Well It is up to her

Ellen: I know that Jill

Jill: Good

Ellen: I just hope she decides to come back to Somerset

We see a shot of Mary and Kane's beach house

Tiny is still outside

Detective Harper: I think we have been doing a good job

Ginger: Well you have not find him yet

Tony: Ginger calm down

Ginger: Well they haven't

Detective Harper: You have to give it time we just started the investigation

Ginger: Time! We do not have time my father could be dead we do not have anytime for nothing

Detective Harper: Well we are doing the best we can

Kane: Well Detective Harper you came here to ask me questions

Ginger looks at Kane

Ginger: You! You never meet my father how could you answer any of this man's questions

Tony: Ginger

Kane: Well Ginger that's what i said, I never meet Leo Kurtz and I think i may never meet him

Mary: Kane

Ginger: What do you mean by that?

Kane: I mean there is some big mob that wants him dead and they already got close to him once before I think it could happen again

Ginger: Don't talk like that

Kane: Well it is true

Ginger walks over to Kane and slaps him

Ginger: Stop it right now!

We see a shot of Sergeant Jones at the news paper office in Dallas

Sergeant Jones: Thanks Frank, bye

Sergeant Jones hangs up the phone and walks out of the office he takes the paper that says Leo Kurtz and the box it came from. Sergeant Jones bumps into Fred

Sergeant Jones: I am leaving Mr Sinclair

Fred: Fine goodbye

Sergeant Jones: Bye

Sergeant Jones walks out

Fred walks over to the Janitor who is standing by Julian's office

Fred: You can clean now

Janitor walks into the office

We see a shot of Sergeant Jones outside the news paper office. We see Joe walk over behind a tree close to Sergeant Jones

Sergeant Jones: I wonder who Leo Kurtz is

Joe: Oh my god he knows about Leo

Joe takes the gun out of his pocket again and points it up to Sergeant Jones


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Ellen's house

Jill: Well mother will you come out to dinner with me

Ellen: Jill i don't know

Jill: Well I think it would be a good idea, I am going to ask Mary if she wants to come with us, she has been very upset restless lately with all the things happening with Kane

Ellen: Oh about Leo Kurtz

Jill: Ya

Ellen: Oh I forgot about that. Ok Jill I will go

Jill: Good we will have a good time. I will go change at home then be back in 2 hours to pick you up

Ellen: Ok It will give me time to change and do a couple of things around the house

Jill: Good, I will be back in 2 hours

Ellen: Fine bye

Jill: Bye mother

Jill leaves

Ellen: I do hope Victoria calls me back before i leave for dinner

We see a shot of Mary and Kane's beach house

Tiny is still outside

Tony: Ginger what are you doing?

Tony walks up to Ginger and grabs her

Tony: Ginger stop it

Ginger: Don't you say that you hear me

Kane: I am just stating the truth honey

Ginger: The police will find my father alive and I will not have his bastard son telling me other wise

Stan: Ginger calm down

Mary walks over to Kane

Mary: Are you oK

Kane: Oh I am fine, You listen up honey I am just stating the facts and if you don't like it you can go back to where you came from you understand.

Mary: Kane

Kane: No Mary, The woman does not bother to come home for 25 years and she is not even back 1 day and acting this way making everyone more upset then they already are. I won't have that!

Stan: I think we need to all calm down and take a deep breath

Terry: I agree

Detective Harper: Me too. Now I came her to find out about Leo Kurtz and that is what I am going to do

We see Tiny outside.

Tiny: Oh this is better then that soap opera Another World!!

We see a shot of the gun Joe is pointing At Sergeant Jones. Then a guy walks in front of Sergeant Jones

Joe: Oh get out of the way

The guy moves and Sergeant Jones is gone. Joe turns around and sees him getting into his car

Joe: Sergeant Jones you better hope you do not find out about Leo Kurtz or it's curtain calls for you

Joe puts the gun back into his pocket and he halls out his cell phone,dials a number

Joe: Hello Boss, ya it is me Joe, I am outside of the newspaper office in Dallas and I just heard Sergeant Jones talk about Leo Kurtz. Ya I know what to do. I will follow him to find out more then if he gets close ''BANG''!! He is history

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset


Saturday, November 25, 2006

Episode 12

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Sergeant Jones at a newspaper office

Sergeant Jones walks up to a desk with a woman at it

Sergeant Jones: Hello can you please point me to Julian Cannell's office please

Woman: May i ask why you want to know

Sergeant Jones: I am with the Dallas PD and need to take a look at his office

Woman: Oh i see well it is over there

Sergeant Jones: Thank you

Sergeant Jones walks over to Julian's office door and walks in the first thing he sees a picture of Julian and Victoria

Sergeant Jones: Oh Nice couple they were. Well i better see what i can find

Sergeant Jones walks behind Julian's desk and starts looking around. We see someone looking in the window watching Sergeant Jones

We see a shot of Somerset airport

We see Tony and Ginger walking around

Ginger: Oh god i can't believe i am back in Somerset after all these years

Tony: Is that a happy oh god i can't believe i am back or a sad one?

Ginger: Both I guess

Tony: Oh well, I am going to rent us a car i will be right back

Ginger: Ok

Tony walks away. Ginger sits down

Ginger: Now i am going to have to go see my fathers bastard son Kane

We see a shot of Kane and Molly's Beach House

We see Molly and Kane and Angela sitting on the couch

Molly: Ok honey now your going to go take a bath

Kane: Ok bye Angela

Kane kisses Angela on the head. Molly and Angela walk upstairs, there is a knock at the door. Kane gets up and answers the door, It's Stan and Terry

Kane: Oh uncle Stan come in, Hello Terry

Terry: Hello Kane

Terry and Stan walk into the house and sit down on the couch

Kane: What are you doing here?

Stan: Well we need to talk to you about Leo

Kane: What about him

Stan: Well a police detective came to see us not long ago and he said he was going to be coming to see you

Kane: What did he want?

Stan: He wanted to talk about Leo and ask a lot of questions

Kane: Questions? Well i never meet the man so I do not think I could answer any of this man's questions

Terry: That's what i told him but he did not listen to me

Kane: Well let him come here i will not be able to answer any questions he has for me

We see a shot of Ellen's house

Ellen: How are you dear

We see a shot of Victoria sitting in her Dallas apartment

Victoria: Oh Ellen it has been so hard for me

Ellen: Oh honey i know how you feel

Victoria: Ya well I wish you were here to help me

Ellen: I wish i was there to dear. Maybe you should come back to Somerset

Victoria: No Ellen i can't. I can't go home to Somerset


We see a shot of Ellen's house

Ellen: Why Victoria?

Victoria: I can't leave Dallas Julian is going to be buried here and I can not leave him

Ellen: Well maybe you should bury him in Somerset

Victoria: Somerset why would i bury him there?

Ellen: Well he lived here for many years, and this was your home for many years to

Victoria: But we lived in Dallas for a long time and I think it would be best to have Julian put to rest here

Ellen: Well I think you should come home Victoria and you just said you well not do that without Julian close to you so I think he should be buried here

Victoria: Oh Ellen i don't know what to do, I just don't know

We see a shot of Somerset Airport

We see Tony walk over to were Ginger is siting

Tony: Well there is a car ready for us

Ginger: I do not know if i am ready to see my family after all these years

Tony: I think this is best Ginger

Ginger: I don't know Tony

Tony: Well I do and you have to go see your family so get up and let's go

Ginger: Alright

Ginger gets up and takes a deep breath

Ginger: Let's go

We see Tony and Ginger get up, grab there bags and walk out of the airport

We see a shot Kane and Molly's beach house

Kane: Would you both like some coffee

Terry: No

Stan: No thank you Kane

Kane: Ok

We see Molly walk downstairs

Molly: Oh hello Stan and Terry

Terry: Hello dear

Stan: Hello

Molly hugs both Stan and Terry

Kane: where is Angela?

Molly: Oh well she finished her bath and now she is resting

Kane: Oh good

Molly: So why are you guy's here

Stan: We came to tell Kane about the detective who is going to come see him

Molly: Detective! Who is this

Terry: A guy from the Somerset police who wants to talk about Leo

Molly: Oh

We here a knock at the door

Molly: I'll get it

Molly walks to the door and opens it we see a tall man

Molly: Hello

Man: Hello my name is Detective Steve Harper

Molly: Hello

Detective Harper: Hello can i please talk to Kane Kurtz if he is home

Kane stands up

Kane: I am home

Detective Harper walks in

Detective Harper: Are you Kane Kurtz?

Kane: Yes I am

Detective Harper sees Stan and Terry

Detective Harper: Well hello again

Stan: Hello

Terry: Hello Detective Harper

Kane: Well what do you want Detective

Detective Harper: I want to talk about Leo Kurtz

Kane: Fine. What about him?

Detective Harper: Well i want to know if you know were he is

Kane: Me? How the hell would i know where he was

We see a shot of the Sergeant Jones in Julian's office

Sergeant Jones: Oh there is nothing here

Sergeant Jones sees a closet in the corner. He walks over to it and opens it up

Sergeant Jones: Oh I think I hit the mother load

We see the guy still watching outside the window. The guy halls out a gun from his pocket and points it at Sergeant Jones


Announcer: And now the Conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Mary and Kane's beach house

Mary: Kane calm down

Kane: Well how would i know where Leo is

Detective Harper: I am sorry, I did not mean to upset you I am just asking a question

Kane: Do you think if I know where Leo Kurtz was I would be standing around here talking to you?

Detective Harper: No I do not

Kane: Well good

Detective Harper: I just wanted to ask you some questions

Mary: Maybe you should talk to him Kane

Kane: Fine sit down, what do you want

We see a shot of a window outside of Mary and Kane's beach house then we see some guy walk up to it and look inside. Then he hears voice's and hides on the side of the house

The voices are Tony and Ginger's

They walk up to the door

Tony: You ready

Ginger: Yes

Tony knocks on the door

Mary gets up and answers the door

Mary: Hello

Stan sees Ginger

Stan: Ginger!

Terry: Ginger and Tony?

Kane: Oh my god

Ginger just looks at everyone

Ginger: Hello everyone

We see a shot Of Ellen's House

Ellen: I think it would be a good Idea if you came home Victoria

Victoria: I do not know Ellen

Ellen: Well tell me you will think about it

Victoria: Ok I will think about it

Ellen: Ok good

Victoria: Well Ellen I am tired now can i call you back later

Ellen: Of course dear. I will talk to you later

Victoria: Ok bye

Ellen: Bye

They both hang up the phone

We see a shot of Victoria

Victoria: Should I go back to Somerset?

We see a shot of Sergeant Jones in Julian's office

We see the guy in the window pointing the gun at Sergeant Jones. The man
hears a voice, he puts the gun back into his pocket

Sergeant Jones takes a box out of the closet in Julian's office. He brings the box over and puts it in the desk opens it and sees some papers in it. He takes one out of the box, it says Leo Kurtz on the paper

Sergeant Jones: Leo Kurtz who is that?

We see the guy outside of the window take out his cell phone and deal a number

Guy: Hello Tiny it is me Joe. Ya how are things in Somerset

We see the guy standing outside of Mary and Kane's house. He is Tiny

Tiny: Oh they are OK. I am standing outside of the Kurtz house now

Joe: Good! I am at the Newspaper here in Dallas I am watching our friend Sergeant Jones

Tiny: Good you know what to do if he gets to close to the truth

Joe: Yes I know what to do

Joe takes out his gun again

Joe: I take care of him

We see a shot of Sergeant Jones looking at the paper

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role!!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset


Monday, November 13, 2006


On Saturday November 25th I will post episode 12

Remember to stay tuned for episode 15 when a big event happens, one that will keep you glued to your computer screens!!!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Episode 11

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Victoria on the phone

Victoria: Oh Tom is that you?

Tom: Yes Victoria it is me

Victoria: I have not heard from you in such a long time

Tom: I know 3 years now

Victoria: Oh has it been that long?

Tom: Yes it has Victoria. Look I am calling for a reason I heard about Julian this morning

Victoria: Yes

Tom: Oh Victoria I am so sorry

Victoria: Thank you Tom

Tom: Oh honey is there anything I can do?

Victoria: Can you bring Julian back?

Tom: What

Victoria: Can you bring Julian back to me?

Tom: Victoria

Victoria starts crying

Tom: Victoria what are you talking about

Victoria: I am talking about what I want I won't Julian back that is the only thing you can do for me

Tom: Victoria

April: Victoria are you OK

Victoria: No

April: Here give me the phone

Victoria gives April the phone and goes into the kitchen

April: Hello who is this

Tom: This is Tom Conway,who is this?

April: Hello Tom this is April Davis I am a friend of Victoria's

Tom: Oh hello April

April: Victoria is not feeling to good right now this whole thing has been a shock to her

Tom: I can imagine

April: Look Tom could you call back another time?

Tom: Yes just tell Victoria I hope to talk to her again soon

April: I'll do that

Tom: Thank you

April: Ok goodbye Tom

Tom: Goodbye

April and Tom hang up the phone

April walks into the kitchen, we see Victoria sitting at the table she looks up at April. April hugs Victoria

We see a shot of Ellen's house. We see Ellen sitting down watching TV then the phone rings. She walks over to the phone and answers it

Ellen: Hello

We see Jill at her office at Delaney Brands

Jill: Hello mother it's me

Ellen: Oh Jill what do you want?

Jill: I want to talk to you mother

Ellen: About?

Jill: About Victoria Paisley

Ellen: What about her?

Jill: Well have you called her yet?

Ellen: No why?

Jill: I think one of us should call her

Ellen: I will call her soon

Jill: When is soon

Ellen: It is soon OK Jill, Victoria needs some time to be alone.

Jill: Yes but

Ellen: No Jill, now I know what she is going through. I went through the same thing when I lost your father. It is hard to lose someone you love

Jill: I know mother I lost Mitch the same time you lost Dad and I lost Craig

Ellen: Oh yes the two men you said you loved

Jill: Oh mother do not start that know

Ellen: Look Jill I will call Victoria today OK

Jill: Good I am glad

Ellen: Fine I have to go now goodbye

Jill: Goodbye

Both of them hang up the phone

We see a shot of Ellen

Ellen: Oh what will I say to Victoria

We see a shot of Molly on the phone with Avis

Molly: Oh Avis are you OK

Avis: No I am not OK you just told me Julian Cannell is dead a man I loved is dead

We see a closeup of Molly's face


We see a shot of Molly on the phone with Avis

Molly: The man you loved?

Avis: Yes I loved Julian Cannell Very Much and I still do

Molly: Oh Avis did you have feelings for him?

Avis: Yes I did I loved him

Molly: You never told me that

Avis: I did not tell no one that I loved him

Molly: Oh Avis

Avis: And now he is gone

Molly: Yes

Avis: When is the funeral

Molly: I do not know, I just found out he was dead

Avis: Oh my I have to Call Victoria

We see a shot of Victoria and April hugging

Victoria: Look April I know you said that Julian funeral arrangements can wait but I do think I should take care of it now

April: You do what you want honey it is up to you

Victoria: Thank you

Victoria gets up and walks into the living room, then there is a knock on the door. She walks over to the door and opens it. It is Sergeant Jones

Sergeant Jones: Hello Ms Paisley, how are you this morning?

Victoria just looks at Sergeant Jones

April walks into the room

April: Oh no not you again

Sergeant Jones: Hello Mrs Davis

April: What do you want?

Sergeant Jones: I want to talk to Ms Paisley

April: Well she does not feel like talking

Victoria: It is OK April I will talk to him. Come in Sergeant

Sergeant Jones walks into Victoria's apartment. Victoria shuts the door and walks over and sits on the couch

Victoria: What do you want to talk about Sergeant Jones

Sergeant Jones: I want to talk about Julian, I want to know who could of killed him?

We see Victoria just looking at Sergeant Jones


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Molly on the phone

Molly: Who is Victoria?

Avis: Victoria is the woman Julian has been with for the past 31 years

Molly: Oh. Are they married

Avis: No they never got married

Molly: Why?

Avis: Well Julian married two woman and both were psychos

Molly: Psychos?

Avis: Yes. First was Zoe Matson she was a case. I was not in Somerset when she went out of her mind and killed two people and almost killed another person named Andrea Moore. Zoe is in a mental hospital today

Molly: Oh who was the other one

Avis: That is Kate Thornton she had a abortion and killed Julian's baby. Then she tried to kill herself and ended up in a mental hospital just like Zoe

Molly: Oh god that is bad

Avis: Ya. Now you can see why he did not want to marry

Molly: Ya I do

Avis: But he did love Victoria so much and I knew they would be together forever, and they were till Julian died. How did he die anyway?

Molly: He was murdered

Avis: Murdered! By who?

Molly: They do not know

Avis: Oh my god poor Julian I hope they find out who killed him

We see a shot of Victoria

Victoria: You what?

April: I do not think Victoria would know that

Victoria: I do not know who would want to kill him

Sergeant Jones: Well did he have any enemies

Victoria: No everyone loved Julian

Sergeant Jones: Well from what I learned about Mr Cannell he has two wives in a mental hospital. Do you think either of them could of killed him

Victoria: They are both in hospitals and have not been out in years.I do not think it could of been them

Sergeant Jones: Well I will check it out anyway

Victoria: Fine

Sergeant Jones: Mr Cannell also worked at the local paper. Did he have any enemies there?

Victoria: Julian never talked about work so I don't know

Sergeant Jones: Well I will go check it out after I leave here

April: I think you should leave now

Sergeant Jones: What?

April: Ms Paisley is upset and needs her rest you can come back tomorrow

Sergeant Jones: Fine. I am going to go to the paper where Mr Cannell worked when I leave here to see what I can find there

Victoria: Fine

Sergeant Jones: Well I will be in touch

Victoria: Fine goodbye

Sergeant Jones: Goodbye

We see Sergeant Jones leave then we see someone follow him into the elevator they just look at him

Sergeant Jones: Hello

The person does not answer

We see Victoria sitting down in here apartment

April: I am going to go now I will be back later

Victoria: Ok goodbye

April: Bye

April leaves

Victoria gets up walks into the kitchen gets some water and then goes back into the living room. The phone rings, Victoria answers the phone

Victoria: Hello

It is Ellen

Ellen: Hello Victoria It is Ellen Grant

Victoria: Oh Ellen Thank god it is you

We see a shot of Ellen's face

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset