this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!

I have some big news on October 1st i will post episodes 5, 6 ,7 all on the same day and then the next day October 2nd i will post episodes 8, 9, 10!!!!

And in Episode 10 we will have 2 former stars return to the show!!!!!And in episode 15 a shocking event will happen that will leave everyone on the edge of their seats!!So check back to my blog for all this coming up!!!!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Episode 4

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Mary and Kanes Beach House. Kane is still on the phone with Stan

Kane: Ok Uncle Stan Goodbye

Kane hangs up the phone

Mary: Kane what was that about you said Leo did something happen

Kane: Yes the mob found him

Mary: After all these years?

Kane: Yes

Mary: Oh no! Well what are the police going to do?

Kane: They are trying to find my father now

Mary: You mean they do not know were he is

Kane: No, when he found out the mob knew were he was he just took off did not stop for anything

Mary: Oh god So what are you going to do?

Kane: I am going to call Ginger

Mary looks at Kane

We see a shot of Ellen's House

We see Ellen sitting in her Living room Jill walks in

Jill: Mother

Ellen: Oh Jill

Jill walks up to Ellen and Hugs her then the both sit down

Jill: Have you called Victoria?

Ellen: No

Jill: Why?

Ellen: I do not know what to say to her

Jill: Do you want me to call her?

Ellen: No Jill, I Think we should give her some time

Jill: Ok, Oh mother poor Victoria I wonder how she is taking his death

We see a shot of the hospital in Dallas. Then we see the door that says Hospital morgue on it

We see Victoria Standing over a body and Doctor Dempsey Standing behind her

Doctor Dempsey: Are you ok

Victoria: He looks so different

Doctor Dempsey: Well I told you he did

Victoria: I know but I did not think he would look like this

Victoria starts to cry

Victoria: Could you give me a minute alone please

Doctor Dempsey: Yes of couse, I will just be outside

Victoria: Thank You

Doctor Dempsey leaves the room

Victoria takes Julian's hand

Victoria: Oh my love


We see a shot of Kane and Mary's Beach House

Kane: I have to call Ginger

Mary: Oh Kane do you think you should

Kane: Yes she has to know what is going on

Mary: I know but you know how Ginger feels about you, maybe it would be best if Stan called her

Kane: No Stan asked me to do it and I am going to do it

Kane picks up the Phone and deals a number

We see a shot of a apartment building and the words Oakland California come across the screen

We see a phone it is ringing, then we see a hand pick it up it is Ginger

Ginger: Hello

Kane: Ginger it is me Kane

Ginger: Kane! What do you want

Kane: I need to talk to you Ginger

Ginger: Kane I do not want to talk to you

Kane: But Ginger this is important

Ginger: No Kane

Kane: It is about Leo

Ginger: Dad what about him tell me what's wrong

We see a shot of Ellen's house Then we see Jill walk into Ellen Living room with a tray of coffee

Jill: Here mother

Jill sets tray down on coffee table

Ellen: Thank you

Jill: So do you think Victoria is going to be ok?

Ellen: I do not know I hope so

Jill: Do you think she will come back to Somerset now?

Ellen: I do not know. She has no family her now, they are all in Maine

Jill: Yes but this is her home and her and Julian lived here for many years

Ellen: Yes they did so she will not want to come home

Jill: What do you Mean?

Ellen: Well her and Julian did live here for many years and there is lots of memories in Somerset for her

Jill: I see what you mean, well Victoria is strong she should be ok

We see Victoria Standing over Julian's body still holding his hand

Victoria: Oh honey

Victoria gets a chair sits down

Victoria: Hey do you remember when we first moved to Dallas, boy Dallas is far from Somerset you said and it was still is, We made a home here and I learned not to live without you so how I am I going to do that, how am I going to go on without seeing your face everyday. Oh Julian! Why did this happen why

Victoria gets up throws chair across the room Starts crying

Doctor Dempsey runs in

Doctor Dempsey: Are you ok

Victoria: No! I am not ok! He's dead my world is gone,now what am I going to do what?

Victoria falls to the floor crying


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Mary and Kane's Beach House

Kane: Ginger

We see Ginger in California

Ginger: Tell me what happened to my father

Kane: Ginger the mob found him

Ginger: What? No!

Kane: He is on the run Again

Ginger: No he can't be

Kane: He is the police called Uncle Stan and told him

Ginger: I knew this would happen one day! No they can not find my father no!

We see a shot of Kane looking at Mary worried

We see a shot of Ellen's House

Ellen: Victoria will be ok

Jill: Good. Well mother I am going to go

Ellen: Ok

Jill gets up hugs Ellen

Ellen: See you later

Jill: Ya, call me if you hear anything about Victoria

Ellen: Ok

Jill: Ok Bye

Jill leaves

Ellen gets up from the couch walks over to the desk in the corner there is a laptop on there

Ellen: I should try to find out the number to That hospital in Dallas

Ellen sits down Starts Typing

We see a shot of The Hospital in Dallas

We see Victoria walk out of the morgue she is still upset, Doctor Dempsey walks out after her and shots door

Doctor Dempsey: Are you going to be ok Miss Paisley

Victoria: Yes I'll be fine

Doctor Dempsey: Would you like me to call you a cab

Victoria: Yes thank you

Doctor Dempsey walks into the office across from the morgue

Victoria: I wonder if the people in Somerset know about Julian

Victoria walks over to a chair sits down

Victoria: Oh my god, Zoe! Kate! What are they going to do when they find out Julian is gone?

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Episode 3

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of the hospital in Dallas, then we see Victoria and the nurse standing on the balcony

Victoria: Please I need to see Julian one more time please

Nurse: I do not know Miss Paisley

Victoria: Please I need to see him!

Nurse: I will ask the doctor hang on

Nurse steps back inside hospital, Victoria just looks out onto the city of Dallas

We see a shot of Somerset Airport

Airport Announcer: Flight 84 is now boarding

We see Bill and Molly walking around the airport

Bill: I wonder were Sarah is she said her plane was getting in at 5:30pm and it's 6:00pm

Molly: She should be somewhere

We see a woman walk up behind Molly and Grab her arm

Molly: Oh!

Molly turns around

Molly: Oh Sarah

Sarah: Hi Mom

Bill: Sarah

Sarah: Hi Dad

Sarah hugs her Mom and Dad

Molly: Sarah you scared me

Sarah: Sorry, I wanted to surprise you not scare you

Molly: Its ok I am just glad your here

Molly puts her arm around Sarah

Bill: Well before you two start crying we should go get Sarah's bags

Sarah: Yes I think we should

They all walk away

We see a shot of Mary and Kanes Beach House

We see Mary walking down the Stairs and Kane sitting on the couch

Mary: Well our daughter is out for awhile

Kane: Good

Kane gets up grabs Mary throws her on the couch and kisses

Mary: Well what's that for?

Kane: Oh just because I love you

Mary: Well I love you too

Kane and Mary sit up

Kane: So what do you think we should do about your mother

Mary: I do not know and I do not want to talk about my mother just you and me

Kane: Well I think we should do something about your mother

Mary: Well what do you think we should do

Kane: I think we should try to show her what a happy family me,you and Angela are

Mary: Well that may take a bit of time

Kane: We got time so let's do it

Mary: Well ok

Kane: You know what, I remember your mother's birthday is coming up maybe we should throw her a party and then she can see that we are happy

Mary: Ya ok I bet we can get My Grandmother in on it too

Kane: Ya that would be great

Mary: Ya, you know how much I love you

Kane: No show me

Kane and Mary kiss!


We see a shot of Bill and Molly's house, we see Molly, Bill and Sarah walk throw the front door

Bill: Welcome to your new home

Sarah: Oh its beautiful I love it

Bill: Well we still got lots of work to do on the house

Sarah: Well it still looks great

Molly: The bedrooms are the best thing they are so big

Bill: Well I guess I will bring these bags to your room

Sarah: Ok thanks Dad

Bill walks out of the room with the bags, Sarah walks over to the window looks outside

Molly: Honey is there something wrong

Sarah: No nothing

Molly: Are you sure you seem upset

Sarah: Well there is something

Molly takes Sarah's hand and they walk over to the couch and sit down

Molly: Tell me what's going on

Sarah: Well me and Joe had this big fight before I left Boston

Molly: What happened

Sarah: He did not want me to come to Somerset but I told him I had enough of Boston and needed to get away

Molly: Ya then

Sarah: Well then we shared some words and broke up

Molly: Oh Sarah

Sarah: Mom I really loved him

Molly hugs Sarah

Molly: I know honey but sometimes these things do not work out

Bill walks into the room and flips over a box

Molly: Oh Bill

Sarah: Dad

Molly and Sarah walk over to Bill

Bill: I am ok

They help him up, they bring him over to the couch

Bill: These damn boxes are all over the place

Molly: I know

Sarah: Dad are you sure you are ok

Bill: I am fine

Molly touches bills Foot

Bill: Oh that hurts

Molly: Maybe its broken

Sarah:I'll get some ice

Molly: There some in the freezer in the back porch

Sarah: Ok

Sarah walks into the kitchen she stops when she sees the phone

Sarah: Maybe I should call Joe

We see a shot of Kane and Mary's Beach House

Kane: Well we should have the party here

Mary: Are you sure I could get the big room at the Somerset Inn

Kane: No I think we should have it here

Mary: Well ok

Kane: So do you think this will help your mothers relationship with me?

Mary: I do not know let's hope

We see Shot of Stan and Terry's house

Stan Is sitting in his office at his desk

Stan: Now were is that file

Terry walks in

Terry: What are you looking for

Stan: That file I took home on one of my patients Mr King

Terry: Oh

Terry looks behind her on the table by a big Chair

Terry: You mean this one

Stan: Oh thanks

Terry hands Stan the file

Terry: So did you think anymore on our trip to Bay City

Stan: Ya I am really looking forward to it

Terry: Good

The phone rings, Stan answers it

Stan: Hello, what,where , are you sure

Terry: What is it Stan

Stan: That is not possible

Terry looks at Stan

Stan: Ok fine Yes do stay in touch Bye

Stan hangs up the phone

Terry: Stan what is it

Stan: You are not going to believe this

We see shot of The hospital in Dallas, Victoria is still on the Balcony. A doctor walks out onto the Balcony

Doctor: Miss Paisley

Victoria: Oh Dr.Dempsey

Doctor Dempsey: The nurse tells me you want to see Julian

Victoria: Yes please

Doctor Dempsey: Are you sure You have been threw a lot today miss and well he does not look like you remember him that gun shot did a lot to him.

Julian was shot by someone and Victoria got to the hospital after he died

Victoria: I do not care I have to see him

Doctor Dempsey: Ok Miss: Paisley but I worn you again he looks very different

Victoria: I do not care I have to see him

Doctor Dempsey: Fine Follow me

Victoria and Doctor Dempsey both walk into the hospital


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Bill and Molly's House

We see Sarah standing in the kitchen looking at the phone

Sarah: I should call Joe just to tell him i am ok

Sarah picks up the phone then we hear Molly scream out from the other room

Molly: Sarah were is the ice!

Sarah: coming Mom

Sarah hangs up phone

Sarah: Maybe later

Sarah walks into the back Porch

We see shot of Stan and Terry's House

Stan: Oh my god I can't believe it

Terry: Stan tell me what is going on now

Stan: That was a call from the police

Terry: Police

Stan: Yes it was about Leo

Terry: Leo

Stan: Yes Oh god

Stan picks up the phone

Terry: Who are you calling

Stan: Kane

We see a shot of Kane and Mary's beach house

Mary: I think the party will be the biggest event Somerset saw in along time

Kane laughs

Kane: I think so to

The phone rings

Kane: I'll get it Mary

Mary: Ok

Kane gets up walks over to the phone and picks it up

Kane: Hello

It is Stan

Stan: Hello Kane

Kane: Uncle Stan,how are you?

Stan: I am fine Kane

Kane: Good very Good so what's up

Stan: I just got a call from the police

Kane: The police!

Stan: Yes Kane

Kane: What did the police want?

Stan: They called about Leo

Kane: Leo, what happened

Stan: The police say that the mob found him and he is on the run again

Kane: Well what are they going to do

Stan: They are looking for him now but need our help

Kane: Ok what can I do?

We see a shot of The hospital in Dallas then we see a shot of a door that says Hospital morgue

Victoria and Doctor Dempsey walk up to the door

Doctor Dempsey: Do you still want to do this

Victoria: Yes I have to see Julian

Doctor Dempsey: Ok

Doctor Dempsey and Victoria walk into the room and Shut the door

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Ok so in the last Episode of Somerset we found out that Julian Cannell has died, so who is Julian? Julian Cannell is a former Character from Somerset he was played by Joel Crothers from 1974-1976.

Julian first was a concert pianist but then became a reporter for the local newspaper the Somerset Register. He had two wives first was the Psychotic and Jealous Zoe Matson Cannell(played by Lois Smith)Then his second wife Kate Thornton Cannell(played by Tina Sloan). When both of his wives were sent to a mental hospital Julian and Victoria got together now there relationship was not the best but they seemed happy in the last episode of Somerset! Victoria and Julian never got married but we will find out about what has been going on with these two characters later on in my fan fic!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I am sorry I have not posted episode 3 yet(I have been filling in for someone at work and have no time for anything) but it is coming I plan to post episode 3 and 4 the same day!!!!!!