this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Episode 32

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Ellen's house

We see Ellen and India standing in Ellen's living room

Ellen: Well, Well, Well, I never thought I would be in this situation again!

India: Well, you are

Ellen: I knew you would marry again India, but Robert, Robert Delaney, India?!

India: Don't Start Ellen!

Ellen: Your damn right I am going to start India, you marry that, that, Manwhore

India: Ellen! Don't ever say that again, Manwhore!

Ellen: He is India! And you married him again?

India: I am not listening to this!

Ellen: Yes, You will listen, and i am going to plow this into your hard head!

We see a shot of Mary and Kane's beach house

We see Jill walk to the door and knock, Mary answers the door

Mary: Hello Mother!

Jill walks in and Mary closes the door, Kane is sitting on the couch

Mary: Now mother, we need to talk

Jill: About what?

Mary: You and Kane

Jill: What about it?

Kane: I read about the job openings at Delaney Brands

Jill: Oh!

Mary: Ya oh! You knew Kane needed a job, Why didn't you tell him about the job openings?

Kane: We know why!

Mary: Ya, you thought I would leave Kane if he had no job

Jill: Stop this Mary!

Mary: No! That's the reason you did not tell him isn't it?

Jill: Yes alright! Yes it is!

We see a shot of Zoe Pushing Tom

Zoe: No, Your thats not true, Julian is not dead, he is not

Tom: He is Zoe, Julian is dead, he was murdered!

Zoe: No!

A nurse and doctor run in the room, the doctor grabs Zoe and the nurse gives her a needle. Zoe falls to the ground!

Doctor: You need to leave!

Tom: Ok

Tom leaves the room, the nurse shuts the door

Tom: Wow!

Tom Laughs


We see a shot Ellen's house

Ellen: You know what Robert is like India, Manwhore!

India: Stop saying that, you how that sounds coming out of your mouth, werid!

Ellen: I am justing stating the truth, do you know how many women he had been with?

India: Yes Ellen !

Ellen: There was you and god knows how many before you, Then there was Jessica the lounge singer, then there was Lenore Moore, then he had a child with that woman i can't remember her name, a child he did not rise or even see for god knows how many years!

India: Stop this India!

Ellen: Then there was Iris Cory and we all know what happened to her, then that Olivia woman and those three other wives after that, now you again!

India: Yes me, and only me from now on!

Ellen: If you think that India your more dumber then i thought

India: I am leaving

Ellen: Yes, go ahead, but don't come crying to me when that man cheats on you!

Ellen walks into the kitchen

We see a shot of Mary's house

Jill: Yes, that's why i did not tell him alright Mary!

Kane: I knew it! How dare you Jill!

Mary: Yes mother!

Jill: I don't want my daughter with you that's why!

Kane: Listen Jill, for the last time, i am nothing like my father or family!

Jill: All the Kurtz's are the same, I don't care what anyone says!

Kane: God, you have a hard head!

Mary: Mother can i see you in the kitchen?

Jill: Fine!

Jill and Mary walk into the kitchen

Mary: I want this to end!

Jill: Fine

Mary: I want you to give Kane a job!

Jill: What?! No! No!

We see a shot of Tom standing outside Zoe's door, the nurse and doctor come out

Tom: I want to see her again

Doctor: I don't think that's wise

Tom: I need to see her

Nurse: We gave her something strong, she may not even understand you!

Tom: I don't care

Doctor: Fine, 5 minutes!

Tom: Thank you

Tom goes in the room

Zoe is sitting in a chair with her eyes open not moving

Tom: Zoe! I am sorry you had to hear the news from me!

Zoe does not answer

Tom: Julian was murdered Zoe, and his murder is on the hands of Victoria Paisley!

Zoe moves her head and looks at Tom


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot Mary

Mary: You need to give Kane a job mother

Jill: No Mary, I won't!

Mary: Yes Mother, after what you did!

Jill: No!

Mary: He needs a job to support both me and your granddaughter

Jill: I can support both of you Mary!

Mary: No Mother, Now please, please give Kane a job?

Jill: I don't know

Mary: Please!

Jill: Fine!

Mary: Thank You! Kane!

Mary and Jill walk out of the Kitchen, Kane is standing there holding Angela

Kane: Yes?

Mary: My mother has something to tell you!

Mary walks over and takes Angela

Mary: Mother?

Jill: Fine! Kane if you want a job at Delaney brands you have it!

Kane: Thank you Jill!

Jill: Its fine!

Mary: Thanks Mom!

Jill just looks at Mary

We see a shot Ellen in her kitchen

Ellen: India is dumb, marrying Robert again, that's the stupidest thing that woman has ever done!

We see a shot of India standing outside of Ellen's house

India: Ellen your wrong, i love Robert, and that is never going to change. I don't need you Ellen! I don't need you!

We see a shot of Tom

Tom: It is all Victoria Paisley's fault Julian is dead Zoe!

Zoe just watches Tom

Tom: You need to get Victoria Paisley Zoe, and i can help you do it

Zoe still watches Tom

Tom: I am going to break you out of her OK?

Zoe does not talk

Tom: Do you understand me?

Zoe does not answer

Tom: Blink twice if you understand me?

Zoe blinks twice

Tom: Good, I will get you out tonight!

Zoe blinks twice again

Tom Laughs

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List

1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Lois Smith As Zoe Matson Cannell
7.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
8.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
9.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
10.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
11.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
12.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
13.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
14.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
15.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
16.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
17.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
18.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
19.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
20.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny

Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Episode 31

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Kane and Mary's beach house

We see Kane looking at his laptop

Kane: Why is it i can't find a job in this damn town?

Mary walks out of the kitchen

Mary: Talking to yourself?

Kane: Yes

Mary: Well don't start answering yourself!

Kane: Funny

Mary: Sorry. Not in a good mood today?

Kane: No. Its not having a job that's doing it to me!

Mary: I see

Kane types and then pauses

Kane: Oh my god!

Mary: What?

Kane: Well, i should of figured

We see a shot of Ellen's house

Ellen: Robert, what are you doing here?

Robert: Well hello to you to Ellen!

India: Aren't you surprised?

Ellen: Surprised is not a word that comes to mind

Jill laughs

Robert: What does come to mind Ellen?

Ellen: Alot of things. So what are you doing here?

Robert: Do you want to tell her India?

India: I don't know

Ellen: Well, someone tell me!

India: Ok, Ellen I married Robert Again

We see a shocked look on Ellen's face

We see a shot of a smiling Zoe

Zoe: So you wanted to meet me?

Tom: Yes very much Zoe

Zoe: Who are you?

Tom: Oh, I am Tom Conway

Tom and Zoe shake hands

Zoe: How do you know me?

Tom: Oh, I am from Somerset

Zoe: Somerset?

Tom: Yes

Zoe: Get out!

Tom: What?

Zoe: I don't want to see anyone from Somerset

Tom: Oh you want to see me

Zoe: Why?

Tom: Because I have something to tell you, and believe me Zoe Matson Cannell you want to know this


We see a shot of Mary and Kane's Beach House

Kane: I don't believe it

Mary: What is it Kane?

Kane: There is two job openings at Delaney Brands

Mary: Really?

Kane: And Jill never told me

Mary: That's no surprise

Kane: I know, but still, your mother knows i need a job

Mary: My mother wants me to leave you, and she thinks if you don't have a job, i will

Kane: I can't believe this

Mary walks to the phone

Kane: Who are you calling?

Mary: My mother

Mary picks up the phone and dials a number

We see a shot of Jill standing in Ellen's Living room

Ellen: What did you just say to me India?

India: You heard me Ellen

Jill's cellphone rings

Jill: I'll get in the kitchen

Jill walks in the Kitchen

Robert: Say something Ellen?

Ellen: I have only one thing to say Robert, and its not nice!

India: Ellen!

Ellen: No, India! This is not true

India: It is Ellen, It is!

Ellen: No

We see Jill in the kitchen, she is on her cellphone

Jill: Mary

Mary: Yes, mother, I need to see you now!

Jill: I am busy Mary

Mary: No, Now mother!

Mary hangs up the phone

We see Jill

Jill: What is wrong with her?

We see a shot of Tom

Tom: You will want to hear this Zoe!

Zoe: Hear what?

Tom: Its sad Zoe

Zoe: What?

Tom: Its Julian Zoe

Zoe: Julian? What about him?

Tom: He's dead Zoe

Zoe: What?

Tom: Julian's dead

Zoe: No! No! No!!


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Mary and Kane's Beach House

Mary: The queen is on her way

Kane: You did not have to do that Mary!

Mary: Well I did, she's coming. And were finally all going to work this out, once and for all!

We see a shot Ellen's house

We see Jill walk out of the kitchen

Jill: I have to go mother, Mary wants to see me

Ellen: Fine, I want to talk to India alone anyway

India: What about Robert?

Ellen: He can leave to!

India: Robert?

Robert: Its fine, I will drive around

India: Good

Robert walks over to India and kisses her, Ellen just watches them

Robert and Jill leave

Ellen: Now India!

India: Ellen

Ellen: What the hell were you thinking?

We see a shot of Zoe and Tom

Zoe: No! Julian is not dead!

Tom: Yes, I am afraid so

Zoe: No

Zoe begins to shake and scream

Zoe: No! Julian is not dead!

Tom: Sorry Zoe

Zoe: Damn you

Zoe begins to hit and push Tom

Zoe: Damn you!

Tom Laughs

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List

1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Lois Smith As Zoe Matson Cannell
7.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
8.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
9.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
10.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
11.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
12.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
13.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
14.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
15.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
16.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
17.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
18.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
19.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
20.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny

Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset


Thursday, July 05, 2007

Tina Sloan returns! Tina Sloan, who played Kate Thornton Cannell, one of Julian's ex wives returns! More info to follow!


Episode 30

Announcer: This is Somerset

It is a new day in Somerset

We see a shot of Ellen's house, we see Jill standing at the door knocking

Jill: Mother let me in!

We see Ellen on the phone

Ellen: Thanks for calling Molly dear, I am glad your daughter is OK, Yes bye.

Ellen hangs up the phone

Ellen: I am coming Jill, hold on

Ellen walks to the door and answers it

Ellen: Yes! Yes!

Jill walks in, Ellen closes the door

Jill: So shes coming today

Ellen: You mean India?

Jill: Yes!

Ellen: Well yes she is, and she has a surprise for me

Jill: Oh wait till you see it!

Ellen: What?

Jill: Nothing!

Ellen: Do you know what it is Jill?

Jill: No!

Ellen: You do! Tell me Jill. What is India's surprise?

We see a shot of Somerset Airport

We see April standing looking out a window

April: So that's Somerset! Its nice, I guess

April looks behind her

April: Vicky

Victoria: Yes I am here

April: Oh

Victoria: I got our bags

April: That's good! Are you ready?

Victoria: For what?

April: To go see Somerset?

Victoria: Not yet, I think I need some coffee first

April: Well, there is a small cafe, we can get some there

Victoria: Ok

April and Vicky grab there bags and walk away

We see a shot of Tom's house, Tom's in his office

Tom: Tiny, get in here!

Tiny runs in

Tiny: Yes boss?

Tom: Did you check to see if the plane from Dallas arrived?

Tiny: It did, and Victoria was on it

Tom: Good! Did you arrange for us to meet our friend?

Tiny: Yes and the car's all ready

Tom: Good, I have one call to make then we can leave!

Tiny: Fine

Tiny leaves the office

Tom picks up the phone and dials a number, he calls Joe

Joe: Hello

Tom: You did well

Joe: Thank you

Tom: Do you have other business today?

Joe: Yes, just one thing

Tom: Good, we will be in touch

Joe: Yes, bye

Tom: Bye

Joe hangs up

Joe: Yes, I have one more person to take care of!


We see a shot Ellen's house

Ellen: Tell me Jill!

Jill: No mother!

Ellen: You know what it is?

Jill: Yes!

Ellen: How did you find out?

Jill: I talked to India yesterday

Ellen: Really?

Jill: Yes!

Ellen: And what did she say?

Jill: You will find out soon

Ellen: Come on Jill!

Jill: No

The door bell rings

Jill: Oh maybe that's her!

Ellen walks to the door and opens it, India is at the door

India: Ellen

Ellen: India!

India hugs Ellen

India: How are you?

Ellen: Fine, where is my surprise?

Jill: Mother!

India laughs

We see a shot of Tom and Tiny in Tom's car

Tom: Now, I can't wait to meet this person

Tiny: You have never meet this person

Tom: Nope, but I heard alot about her

Tiny: I read alot about her

Tom: Yes, Well I can't wait to meet her and tell her all about Victoria and Julian

We see a shot of Vicky sitting at a table with April

April: You OK?

Victoria: Ya, I am OK

April: Good, So where are we staying?

Victoria: The Somerset Inn

April: Is it nice?

Victoria does not answer

April: Vicky!

Victoria: What! Sorry!

April: Is the Hotel nice?

Victoria: Ya, sure

April: Are you sure your OK?

Victoria: No, and I don't think I will be OK till I leave Somerset

April: Oh, Vicky

Vicky starts to cry

Victoria: I don't think I can handle this!

April hugs Vicky

April: It will be OK, you will see


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see India standing in Ellen's door way

India: Oh Ellen, let me say hi to Jill first!

India walks to Jill and hugs her

India: Hello Jill!

Jill: Hello Aunt India

Ellen: Ok India

India: What?

Ellen: You know what, the surprise

India: Oh I see, your ready

Ellen: Yes

India: Ok! You can come in now!

Robert walks in

Robert: Hello Ellen

Ellen: Robert! What the hell are you doing here?

We see a shot of Victoria and April

April: Are you ready Victoria?

Victoria: Yes, go get a cab?

April: Ok!

April walks away

Victoria: Oh, what is happening to my life?!

We see a shot of Dallas Hospital

We see Jake laying in his hospital bed, we see a man walk in. It is Joe dressed as a doctor

Joe: Hello Jake!

Jake opens his eyes

Jake: Sandy, Sandy!

Joe: Nope, that's not my name, I lied!

Jake: No!

Joe: Ya

Joe walks over to Jake's heart monitor, and turns it off

Jake: What...What are you doing?

Joe: Oh, just taking care of a problem!

Joe grabs a pillow on the chair next to Jake's bed

Joe: Bye Jake Edwards!

Jake: What?

Joe puts the pillow over Jake's face

Joe: Bye Jake, Bye!

Jake Dies

Joe runs out of the room

We see a shot of Tom standing at a desk

Tom: Hello, my name is Tom Conway

Woman: Yes, come this way!

Tom and The woman walk to a door

Woman: It is open, you can go in!

Tom: Thank you

Tom walks in the room

Tom: Hello

We see someone sitting in chair

Tom: Hello, I have been waiting to meet you for awhile

The person is Zoe Cannell

Zoe: Really! Well Hello

Tom: Hello

We see a shot of Zoe smiling

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List

1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Lois Smith As Zoe Matson Cannell
7.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
8.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
9.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
10.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
11.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
12.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
13.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
14.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
15.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
16.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
17.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
18.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
19.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
20.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny
21.Charles Grant As Joe
22.Ethan Erickson As Jake Edwards

Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset
