this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Episode 18

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

Ellen walks up to Jill with a tray of Coffee

Ellen: Here is your coffee dear

Jill: Thank you

Ellen walks over to Terry

Ellen: Here is your coffee Terry

Terry: Thank you

Ellen puts the tray of coffee down, and sits by Terry

Ellen: How are you feeling dear?

Terry: I am worried, Stan has been in surgery for hours!

Ellen: It won't be to much longer dear

We see Jill walk up to Ginger in the corner

Ginger: Yes Jill?

Jill: Oh nothing, i am just wondering how your feeling?

Ginger: I am fine Jill

Jill: My mother has coffee

Ginger: I don't won't no coffee! I want Tony to be alright

Kyle walks out of a room, Terry sees him

Terry: Kyle hows Stan

Kyle looks at Terry in a worried way

Terry: No Kyle! Don't you tell me Stan is dead

We see a shot of Victoria standing outside of her apartment building with April and Jake in Dallas

Victoria: I hope the police catch that guy

Jake: They will

Victoria: I think he knows something about Julian's murder!

April: You don't know that Victoria

Victoria: Oh i bet he does, and if he does, he will tell us and i will make sure who ever did this will pay!!

We see a ambulance driver walk up to Jake

Ambulance driver: Are you OK

Jake: Yes, the bullet missed me! God I wonder who that guy was?

We see Joe run into a alley and hide behind a dumpster, two cops run into the alley.

Cop: It is over give it up, we got you know

1 cop sees Joe behind the dumpster, Joe shots and misses, the cop grabs him and pins him to the ground

Joe: Get off me

Cop: Your under arrest buddy

We see a shot of Molly and Bill's house.

Molly is still on the phone with Avis

Avis: What is wrong Molly

Molly looks at the T.V Bill turns it off

Molly: Avis

Avis: Yes

Molly: There was a shooting at the Somerset Inn

Avis: Oh my god is anyone hurt?

Molly: Yes lots of people, the person on the news just said

Avis: Oh my god! Have they caught the person who did it

Molly: No, and it was more then one person! There was two or three

Avis: Oh my, you know what this reminds me of

Molly: What?

Avis: No never mind

Avis knocks on her table

Avis: Knock on wood! I should not even think about it

Molly: What Avis?

Bill: What is Avis talking about?

Avis: The mob Molly, I think it might be the mob

Molly: The mob?

Bill looks at Molly

Avis: Oh god help the people of Somerset if it is the mob! God help them!


We see a shot of Molly and Bill's house

Molly: What are you talking about Avis?

Avis: The mob! Oh god i should of told you, when i heard you where moving to Somerset

Molly: The mob, the mob is in Somerset?

Bill: What is this about Molly?

Avis: I don't think there has been any mob in Somerset for years

Molly: There was mob here before?

Avis: Yes years ago, but they are gone now, or so I thought

Molly: Your scaring me Avis

Bill: Molly

Avis: Look i shouldn't of brought up the subject, look I hope no one dies from this

Molly: I just hope Ellen is OK

Avis: Ellen?

Molly: Yes Ellen Grant

Avis: Ellen Grant! I know her

Molly: Yes and she knows you, and I just saw her on the news, she was at the hospital

Avis: Oh my

Molly: Yes, oh I just Hope Ellen is OK!

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

Terry: Don't you tell he is gone Kyle

Kyle: No Terry, he is alive, but he may not be the same every again

Terry: What?

Kyle: Lets go talk in here

Terry: Fine

Kyle and Terry walk into a exam room

We see Kane and Mary walk up to Ellen

Kane: What is wrong

Ellen: Where were you two?

Mary: We went to get some air, what is happening

Ellen: The doctor just brought Terry into the exam room to talk about Stan

Kane: Is he OK?

Ellen: The doctor said he is alive that's all we know

We see Terry and Kyle in the exam room

Terry: What is this about Kyle?

Kyle: Terry, Stan is alive and we got the bullet, but there is a problem

Terry: What problem?

Kyle: The bullet damaged his spinal cord very severely, I think he may have problems to move his body at all for a very long time

Terry: Oh my god!

We see a shot of two cops putting Joe into a cop car

Cop: You get in here

Joe: You can't arrest me

Cop: I just did

The cop slams the car door

Joe: Damn cop! Don't worry Joe, they will help you, they have to!

We see a shot of Victoria and April and Jake outside

April: I think its time we went inside Victoria

Victoria: No, I can't go in till I find out if this guy knows anything about Julian's murder

Jake: This could take a while Ms Paisley

Victoria: I have time

A cop walks up to Jake

Cop: They caught the guy who shot at you

April: Good!

Jake: Thank you

Cop walks away

April: See they caught him Victoria we can go inside

Victoria: Not till I find out if he knows anything about Julian's Murder

Jake: Look Ms Pailsey, this could take all night. Why don't you go upstairs, and get some sleep, and we will call you if we hear anything about your husbands case

April: Please Victoria?

Victoria: OK fine, but call me the minute you hear anything?

Jake: Yes I will

Victoria and April walk back into the apartment building

Jake walks up to his car and gets in

Jake: Now its time to find out what this guy knows!


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Molly and Bill's house

Molly: I do hope Ellen was not hurt

Avis: She is probably fine Molly

Molly: I bet your right. So Avis are you coming back to Somerset?

Avis: I don't know yet

Molly: Well I hope so, it would be good to see you

Avis: It would be good to see you to dear

Molly: Well as soon as you decided you tell me alright?

Avis: I will Molly

Molly: Well I will leave you go for now Avis

Avis: Alright

Molly: And no more talk about the mob OK?

Avis: Yes, I will agree to that

Molly: OK bye dear

Avis: Bye

Molly and Avis hang up their phones, Molly walks over to Bill and sits by him

Bill: So what was all this about the mob?

Molly: Oh nothing

Bill: Oh come on don't keep me in suspense

Molly: I will tell you some other time dear, just hold me

Molly hugs Bill

Bill: Are you OK Molly?

Molly: I am fine. just hold me

Bill: OK!

Molly: And never let me go!

We see a shot of Victoria's apartment, April and Victoria walk in

April: Can i get you something dear?

Victoria: No

April: Well I am going to go home and go to bed

Victoria: OK, thanks for everything

April: Of course Victoria

April and Victoria hug

April: Bye

Victoria: Bye

April leaves

Victoria sits down by her phone. The phone rings, Victoria picks it up

Victoria: Hello

It is Tom Conway

Tom: Hello Vicky, It is Tom

Victoria: Hello Tom

Tom: I know it is late

Victoria: It is fine, I don't think I will be sleeping tonight

Tom: Why?

Victoria: Well I had a very long evening

Tom: Well what happened?

Victoria: Do you have time, because this is a long story?

We see a shot of Terry and Kyle in the exam room

Kyle: I am sorry Terry

Terry: Are you sure Kyle?

Kyle: Will, of course we will not be able to tell how bad it is till Stan wakes up, but it does not look good

Terry: Oh god no!!

We hear a scream

Kyle: What was that?

Terry and Kyle walk out of the exam room. They see Ginger hugging a body bag

Ginger: Oh no! Not Tony, oh god no!!

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast list

1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
3.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
4.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
5.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
6.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
7.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
8.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
9.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
10.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
11.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
12.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
13.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
14.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
15.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
16.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny
17.Charles Grant As Joe
18.Ethan Erickson As Jake Edwards

Guest Star
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset



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