this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

I had some time, so i will post some episodes tonight!!!!

Episode 16

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Victoria in her apartment

Victoria: What was that

We see a shot of Sergeant Jones laying on the ground died. We see Joe run away! Then we see a bunch of people run out of the apartment building, and stand around Sergeant Jones. One woman screams and one man screams call 911

We see a shot of The Somerset police station, we see Detective Harper laying on the ground. A bunch of cops run out, see Detective Harper. One cop sits down by him, and asks who did this. Detective Harper opens his eyes and points at the tree, Tiny is behind it, but when the cops look up Tiny is gone. We see Tiny running away, then we see Detective Harper.

Detective Harper: Help Me!

Detective Harper dies

One cops starts crying

We see a shot of Ellen standing in the doorway of the restaurant at The Somerset Inn.

Ellen: Oh my god, Jill! Mary! Anyone!

Ellen takes a couple of steps forward, she sees a man laying on the ground died.

Ellen: Oh No! Oh No!!


We see a shot of Ellen standing in the restaurant. We see a waiter stand up then we see Jill come out from under the table. Jill sees Ellen

Ellen: Oh my god, mother!

Jill runs to Ellen and hugs her

Jill: Where is Mary? Mary!

We see Mary she is under Kane

Mary: Help! Help!

Jill runs to Mary

People start making noise. One woman starts crying

Waiter: I am going to call 911

Jill: Are you OK Mary?

Mary: Yes

We see Kane wake up

Mary: Oh Kane

Ellen walks over to Jill

Ellen: Are you two alright?

Kane: Yes

Mary: Yes grandma

We hear a woman scream, it is Ginger

Ginger: Oh my god Tony

Mary, Kane, Ellen and Jill look at Tony and Ginger

Jill: Oh no!

Mary and Kane get up and they all walk over to Ginger

Ginger: Oh Tony please don't be died please!

Ellen touches Jill shoulder

Ellen: Where are Terry and Stan?

Jill: Oh god, i don't know!

Ellen looks around and sees Terry and Stan laying on the ground not moving

Ellen: Terry!

Kane looks up and sees Stan

Kane: Oh god uncle Stan

Kane and Jill run over to Stan and Terry

Kane: Oh my god Stan is shot

We see Ginger

Ginger: Is help coming

Mary: Here Ginger let me see Tony!

Mary find Tony's pulse

Mary: He is still breathing

Ginger: Oh thank god

Kane looks for Stan's pulse

Kane: Stan is still breathing

Kane finds Terry's pulse

Terry: So is Terry

Jill: Oh thank god!

We hear sirens

Ellen: Oh help is coming!

We see a shot of Sergeant Jones laying on the ground, then we see Victoria run out of her apartment!! Victoria runs over to Sergeant Jones, and screams.

Victoria: Oh my god Sergeant Jones

We hear sirens

Victoria: Is he dead!

Woman: Yes

Victoria: Oh dear god

We see Joe standing behind a car watching! Joe laughs

We see a cop car pull up! We see Jake get out, he runs up to Sergeant Jones

Jake: Oh my god

We see two ambulance drivers run up to Sergeant Jones. They check him

Ambulance driver: He's dead

Jake: Oh no!

The other cops but their heads down

Victoria remembers seeing Julian's body

Victoria: Oh no, not again!

Jake looks up at Victoria

Victoria walks away from the crowd! She sees Joe. Joe looks at Victoria, he gives her a weird look, and walks away!

Jake walks up to Victoria

Jake: Are you Victoria Paisley?

Victoria looks at Jake

We see a shot of the Somerset Inn

We see cops and Ambulance drivers run in

Cop: Oh my god

An ambulance driver runs over to Tony!

Ginger: Help my husband please!

We see Kane kneeling by Stan! We see Molly walk over to Kane and put her hand on his shoulder

Kane: Help! Someone help them!

An ambulance driver sees Stan and Terry

Ambulance driver: Over here, it is Dr. Stan Kurtz and Dr. Terry Kurtz

Two ambulance drivers run up to Terry and Stan! Kane gets up and they all move out of the way! Molly hugs Kane. The ambulance driver touches Terry face, and she wakes up! Terry sits up and sees Stan

Terry: Oh no! No!

Terry touches Stan

Ambulance driver: Stay still Dr. Kurtz

Terry: Help him please

The two Ambulance driver put Stan on the stretcher

Ellen walks over to Terry!

Terry stands up

Ellen and Terry hug

Terry: Help him please


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of The Somerset police station. We see a two people take Detective Harper's body away in a body bag

Cop: Who could of done this

We see a shot of the Foster Diner

We see Tiny sitting at a table. He takes a drink of coffee, then takes out his cell phone and dials a number. He is calling Joe

We see Joe standing in a ally in Dallas, his phone rings he answers it

Joe: Go!

Tiny: Is the job done?

Joe: Yes. How about you?

Tiny: Well i killed that detective and i am waiting for the other two guys to call me

Joe: Good, maybe now the Kurtz' will all be died!

Tiny: Lets hope so, or the boss will be very angry

Joe: Ya!

Tiny: Look I got to go, I will call you back

Joe: Ok bye

Joe hangs up

Tiny hangs up

We see a shot of The Somerset Inn. We see Ellen standing by Terry.

Ambulance Driver: We are taking Dr. Kurtz to the hospital now

Terry: I will follow in the car

Ellen: We will meet you at the hospital Terry

Terry: OK

Terry follow the ambulance drivers, who have Stan on the stretcher, out of The Somerset Inn

Jill walks up to Ellen, she is about to cry

Jill: Mother

Ellen hugs Jill

Ellen: Lets go to the hospital

Jill: OK!

Ellen walks over to Mary and Kane

Ellen: You two can follow us in your car

Mary: OK

Ellen and Jill walk out. Jill sees a body being put in a body bag

Jill: Oh god!

Ellen holds Jill's hand, and they walk out of The Somerset Inn

We see Tony laying a stretcher. Kane and Molly walk up to Ginger, who is standing next to him crying

Mary: Where going to the hospital, we will see you there!

Ginger: Alright

Kane: I can drive your car to the hospital?

Ginger: I don't want you in my car!

Ginger and two ambulance drivers walk out of The Somerset Inn with Tony

Mary looks at Kane

Mary: It is OK

Kane put his arm around Mary, and they walk out of The Somerset Inn

We see a shot of Victoria and Jake

Victoria: Yes I am Victoria Paisley

Jake: Hello I am Jake Edwards, I am a police officer

Victoria: What do you want?

Jake: I want to talk to you

We see April run over to Victoria

April: Oh god are you OK?

Victoria: Yes April i am fine

April: Oh but poor Sergeant Jones

Jake: Hello

Victoria: This is Jake Edward, he is a cop

April: Hello

Victoria: Mr. Edwards do you have any idea who did this?

Jake: I don't know

We see a shot of Joe in the ally

Joe: I lied to Tiny, I did not finish everything, I still have to kill that cop Jake!

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List

1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
3.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
4.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
5.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
6.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
7.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
8.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
9.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
10.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
11.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
12.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
13.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
14.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
15.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
16.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny
17.Charles Grant As Joe
18.Ethan Erickson As Jake Edwards

Guest Star
1. Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset



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