this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Episode 17

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

We see two ambulance drivers run into the hospital with Stan. A Doctor and Nurse run up to them

Doctor: Is he one from The Somerset Inn

Ambulance Driver: Yes

The doctor looks at Stan

Doctor: Oh god Stan

They bring Stan into an examining room

We see Terry walk into the hospital. She walks up to a nurse

Terry: Hello!

Nurse: Oh Dr. Kurtz

Terry: Was my husband brought in

Nurse: He is in exam room 5 Dr. Kurtz

Terry walks up to exam room 5, and sees the doctor and two nurses checking Stan. The Doctor sees Terry

Doctor: Take over here nurse

Nurse: OK

The Doctor walks out to Terry

Doctor: Terry

Terry: Oh god Kyle, how's Stan

Kyle: He is in Critical Condition Terry

Terry: Oh god

Kyle: We are going to have to operate

Terry: OK

Kyle: You know how things work, I will come out to see you when we are done!

Terry: OK! Kyle be careful?

Kyle: Of course dear

Kyle walks back into the exam room

Kyle: OK prep Dr. Kurtz for surgery!

We see Two ambulance drivers bring Tony in they bring him in exam room. Ginger runs in after him.

Ginger: Oh god help my husband, help him!

Terry sees Ginger

Terry: Ginger

Ginger: Oh aunt Terry

Terry: Are you OK dear?

Ginger: Yes it is Tony, he was shot

Terry: Oh god! No!

Ginger: How's Uncle Stan?

Terry: There getting him ready for surgery

Ginger: Oh, who could of done this?

Terry: I don't know

We see Jill, Ellen, Mary and Kane walk into the hospital

Terry: Oh Ellen

Ellen and Jill walk up to Terry

Ellen: How's Stan?

Terry: He needs Surgery

Jill: Oh no

Mary and Kane walk up to Ginger

Mary: Is Tony OK?

Ginger: I don't know, there not telling me nothing!

Kane: I will find out what is happening

Kane walks away

Mary: Come sit down Ginger

Mary and Ginger sit down

We see Kane come back with a doctor

Doctor: Mrs. Cooper

Ginger: Yes

Doctor: I am Dr. Woods

Ginger: How is my husband

Doctor: He is in very Critical Condition Mrs. Cooper. The bullet is very close to his Heart

Ginger: Oh god no

Dr. Woods: We will have to do a very risky surgery to get it.

Ginger: Can i see him first

Dr. Woods: Not now Mrs. Cooper, after surgery, I will come see you and then you can see him.

Ginger: But I want to see him now

Dr. Woods: Please Mrs. Cooper

Mary: Calm down Ginger

Ginger: OK fine

Dr. Woods: Alright, I will see you after the surgery.

Dr. Woods walks up to a nurse talks to her and walks away.

They bring Stan out for Surgery

Terry: Oh god

Ellen hugs Terry

Terry: Be careful, please save my husband

We see a shot of Victoria, April and Jake standing outside of Victoria's and April's apartment building

Victoria: So you have no idea who killed Sergeant Jones

Jake: No, Wait!

Jake remembers seeing the name

Jake: I think I do know who killed Sergeant Jones!


We see a shot of Molly and Bill's house. Molly is siting on the couch with Bill

Molly: Are you sure your foot is better?

Bill: Yes Molly it is fine

Molly: Good? I can't believe Sarah fell asleep so early, she use to stay up to 1'clock in the morning when she was young.

Bill: Well she is not so young anymore

Molly: I know that

Bill: Oh well

Bill turns on the t.v. The news is on

News Host: Again there was a mass shooting at The Somerset Inn, several people are hurt some dead

Molly: Oh my god

News Host: WSTV will stay with this story through the night

Bill: Wow! I wonder what happened

Molly: I don't know some mass shooting

Bill: Wow! Somerset seemed like such a quiet town

Molly: It is, that is why this is weird

Bill: Ya

Molly: Oh god who could of done such a thing!

We see a shot of Terry siting in the hospital

Terry: Who could of done this Ellen?

Ellen: I don't know

Jill: You know who i think did this?

Terry: Who?

Jill: The mob

Ellen: Jill

Jill: No mother, you know it could happen, I mean look at Somerset 31 years ago the mob tried to take the town over then, maybe it is happening again

Ginger walks up to Jill

Ginger: Maybe what is happening again?

Jill: I said I think the mob is trying to take over Somerset again, and they are behind the shooting

Ellen: Jill I said stop this

Ginger: No Ellen, I think Jill is right

Ellen: What?

Ginger: I think this could be the mob

We see a shot of Victoria, April and Jake

Jake: I think i know who shot Sergeant Jones

April: Who?

Jake: No, never mind it couldn't be

Victoria: Couldn't be who?

Jake: Well Ms Paisley, me and Sergeant Jones where doing some work on Mr. Cannell's case, and we found a couple of names that could be tied to it.

Victoria: Yes, I know Sergeant Jones told me on the phone, but he said he would not tell me the names till he got here

April: But he did not make it

Victoria: What were the names

Jake: Well there where two, the first one we found out was dead, he also had connections to Somerset Illinois

Victoria: Somerset, The mob!


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot Molly and Bill's house

Bill: This is a terrible thing

Molly: I know

The phone rings

Molly: I will get it

Molly Gets up answers the phone

Molly: Hello

It is Avis

Avis: Hello Molly

Molly: Avis how are you dear

Bill: Is it Avis?

Molly: Ya

Avis: Tell Bill I said hello

Molly: Avis says hello Bill

Bill: Same to her

Molly: He says Hello. So Avis what's going on?

Avis: Well honey, I just called to see if you found out anything about Julian and his funereal, is it going to be in Somerset?

Molly: I don't know

Avis: Well I thought you wouldn't, I thought I would just call and see

We hear the News Host on the t.v

News Host: We go live to Somerset Hospital, where our reporter Rachel O'Neil is on the scene, Rachel

Rachel: Hello I am on the scene with a eye witness her name is Ellen Grant. Hello Ellen

Ellen: Hello

Molly sees Ellen on the t.v

Molly: Oh my god Ellen!

We see a shot of Ellen at the hospital with the reporter

Rachel: So Mrs. Grant you saw the whole thing

Ellen: No, that is what I was trying to tell you before you went on the air. I did not see the whole thing, I was in the bathroom, and when i came out everyone was on the floor

Rachel: Oh my

Ellen: It was very shocking, and I don't really feel like talking about it with you now

Rachel: But

Ellen walks away, she walks over to Terry

Ellen: Terry how are you feeling dear

Terry: I am fine, I just hope Stan will be OK

Ellen: Look I will go get us all coffee

Terry: Alright

Jill: OK Mother

Ellen walks away

Jill walks up to Ginger

Jill: Ginger

Ginger: Yes

Jill: About before, what we were talking about

Ginger: No Jill, I believe what you were saying. I think the mob is behind all this

The reporter Rachel O'Neil heard what Ginger said

Rachel: Mob?

We see a shot of Victoria, Jake and April

Victoria: Did you say Somerset

Jake: Yes

April: Didn't you live there before Victoria

Victoria: Yes I did

Jake: Really

Victoria: Ya, what is this dead man's name

Jake: Dan Brisken

Victoria: Oh my god, that is the mob!

April: The mob

Victoria: Yes

Jake: Are you sure

Victoria: Yes, in fact me and Julian covered a story about him for the Somerset Register

Jake: Really

Victoria: Dan Brisken

We see a shot of Joe behind a car in the apartments parking lot he stands up, he has his gun, he shoots for Jake and misses. Jake falls to the ground so does April and Victoria, April Screams!

Victoria: What was that

The cops see Joe. Joe runs, three cops chase after him

Victoria: Who was that

Jake: That guy tried to shot me

April: What?

Jake: He tried to shot me! Why?

Victoria: Brisken! The mob!

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role!!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast list

1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
3.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
4.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
5.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
6.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
7.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
8.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
9.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
10.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
11.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
12.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
13.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
14.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
15.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
16.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny
17.Charles Grant As Joe
18.Ethan Erickson As Jake Edwards

Guest Star
1. Ted Danson As Tom Conway

Locations in Somerset



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