this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Here are the closing credits for Somerset that will be used beginning in 2008! I am working on an opening but it will not be available for a time yet.

Episode 45

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

We see Mary and Ellen

Mary: I wonder when that nurse will come back?

Ellen: I don't know Mary but I hope it is soon

We see India and Robert come into the hospital

India: Ellen, are you here?

Ellen: Yes

India walks up to Ellen

India: Oh Ellen

India hugs Ellen

India: Its all OK now

Ellen: Oh India, Jill was shot

India: I know, Robert told me

Robert: Yes, I told her

Ellen just looks at Robert

India: She will be alright Ellen I know it

The nurse comes back again

Nurse: Mrs Grant?

Ellen: Yes

Nurse: We have some news about your daughter

Ellen: Good or Bad?

The nurse does not answer

Ellen: It's bad isn't it?

We see a shot of Stan and Terry's house

We see Terry and Kane

Kane: I can't believe that was him

Terry: You could be wrong Kane

Kane: I don't think so Terry, It was him I know it

Ginger and Tony walk into the house

Ginger: Where back

Ginger sees Kane

Ginger: Oh, your here

Tony: Ginger!

Ginger: You will never believe what happened at the funeral

Terry: What?

Ginger: Someone was shot

Kane: Who?

Tony: Jill, Jill Grant

Kane: Oh my god Jill

Terry: Is she OK?

Tony: We don't know, she was brought to the hospital

Kane: Was anyone else shot?

Tony: No just Jill

Kane: I better get to the hospital, you can tell them about what I saw Terry

Ginger: What did you see?

Kane: Terry will tell you

Kane begins to walk away

Ginger: What did you see?

Kane: Ok, I saw Leo Kurtz

Ginger: What?

We see a shot of St. Andrew's Church

We see Victoria and April

April: This will all be over soon

Victoria: I hope so

Father Chapman walks up to Victoria

Father Chapman: The police said there almost done here and we can continue the service outside soon

Victoria: Thank you father

April: Yes, thank you

We see Daniel

Daniel: Ok, I will talk to you now Victoria

Victoria: Fine

Victoria and Daniel walk away

We see Avis walking up to Victoria, A police officer stops Avis

Police Officer: I will talk to you now

Avis looks at Victoria and Daniel

Avis: Fine

We see Tom

Tom: This better end soon

Tom looks at Victoria

Tom: I have to get home and welcome my new guest


We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

Ellen: What is the news?

Nurse: She is out of surgery

Mary: Is she OK?

Nurse: Yes, you can see her now

Ellen: Thank you

Mary: Yes, Thank you

The nurse walks away

India: I told you everything would be OK

Ellen: Yes

Mary: Well lets go see her

Ellen: Ok

India: We will wait here

Mary: Thanks India

Mary and Ellen walk away

India: I am glad everything is fine with Jill

Robert: Me too. I am also glad Ellen did not bite off my head this time

India: Well she is just very upset about Jill Robert, give her time

Robert: Well then Maybe I should leave

India: No, you stay here

Robert: I don't want to upset Ellen today, not with Jill being in the hospital and all

India: You won't, I promise you won't

India hugs Robert

India: It will be OK

Robert: I hope so

We see a shot Stan and Terry's house

Ginger: What did you say?

Kane: I think I saw Leo

Ginger: You think you saw Daddy?

Kane: Yes

Ginger: Oh my god he is alive!

Terry: We don't know that Ginger

Ginger: Where did you see him?

Kane: Terry will tell you everything, I have to get to the hospital

Kane walks out

Ginger: What is he talking about Terry!?

Terry: He thinks he saw your father at a gas station last night

Tony: Gas station?

Terry: Yes, they talked and he said it was him

Ginger: Oh my god, he is alive

Tony: Like Terry said we don't know that Ginger

Terry: Also

Ginger: What?

Terry: Stan thinks he saw him to

Tony: What?

Terry: Stan said he came to him last night

Ginger: It has to be true

Terry: But Stan was giving some strong medication and he could of just imagined it

Ginger: No, he is alive I know it

Tony: We have to go slow on this Ginger

Ginger: Yes, but we have to call the police that's the first thing we have to do

We see a shot of St. Andrew's Church

We see April, Victoria and Tom all standing around a grave

Victoria throws a flower into the grave

Victoria: I love you Julian

April and Tom both throw flowers into the grave

Tom: I have to go now Victoria

Victoria: So soon?

Tom: Yes, I have some business to take care of

Victoria: Ok, thanks for coming

Tom hugs Victoria

Tom: No Problem, you be strong

Victoria: Thank you

Tom: Bye

April: Bye

Tom walks away

April: Maybe we should go to Victoria

Victoria: No, not yet

April: Ok

April sits on a bench by the grave, Victoria just looks into the grave

Victoria: Rest now darling, rest


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see India and Robert

India: So how are you?

Robert: I am OK

India: Yes. You know I hate hospitals!

Robert: Me to

India: Do you remember that time you broke your leg and I spent the night in the hospital

Robert: I do, the food was terrible

India laughs

Robert: It was not all bad back then

India: Must of it was

Robert: Yes. But that is going to change

India: Yes, now we just have to convince Ellen

Robert: We will, hey remember I am a Delaney I can convince anyone of anything

India: Yes

India kisses Robert

Kane walks into the hospital

Kane: How is Jill?

Robert: She is OK

India: She is out of Surgery

Kane: Thank god

Robert: She will be OK

Kane: Where are Mary and Ellen?

India: They are both in with Jill

Kane: Thanks I am going to go find them

Kane walks away

We see a shot of Ginger

Ginger: He is alive, and we have to call the police

Terry: Stan wanted to do the same thing

Ginger: He was right

Tony: Maybe we should wait

Ginger: Why? So the mob can get him

Tony: No Ginger its just

Ginger: I am calling them

Ginger picks up the phone and dials

Tony: I hope this is the right thing to do

We see a shot of Victoria by the grave

April: Its getting cold out now Victoria

Victoria: You can go now April, I can get back to the hotel

April: I don't want to leave you

Victoria: Just a few more minutes

We see Avis standing behind some bushes watching Victoria

Avis: I won't tell her now, but soon

We see Victoria crying

Avis: I will have to tell her about my affair with Julian very soon

Avis walks away

We see Rachel O'Neil walk out from behind a tree

Rachel: Affair? Oh my, I think I just got myself a front page story

We see a shot of Tom's house

We see Tom walks up to someone sitting at a table

Tom: Your a bad shot you know

The person does not answer

Tom: Oh well next time

The person stands up

Tom: You know, I am so glad your here, now the rest of my plan to get this town can finally be put into process!

We see the camera pull up slowly and we see the face of the new guest it is Kate Thornton Cannell

Kate: I hope that plan includes killing Victoria Paisley

Tom: It does, believe me it does

Announcer: This is Somerset

Announcer: Next on Somerset

We see Kate and Zoe

Tom: I would like you to meet Kate Thornton, Kate this is Zoe Matson

Kate: Hello Zoe

Zoe: Hello Kate

We see Stan and Ginger

Ginger: He is alive and we will find him

Stan: I hope so, I really do

We Daniel and Kane

Daniel: How sure are?

Kane: Truthfully, 100%

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List
1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Lois Smith As Zoe Matson Cannell
7.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
8.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
9.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
10.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
11.Tina Sloan As Kate Thornton Cannell
12.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
13.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
14.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
15.Matthew Ashford As Detective Daniel Hunter
16.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
17.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
18.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
19.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
20.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
21.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny
22.Anne Marie Howard As Rachel O'Neil

Guest Stars
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway
2.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan

Locations in Somerset


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Episode 44

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Somerset Park

We see Sarah and David sitting on a bench

David: Did you go to college?

Sarah: Yes, I am a real estate agent

David: Really, did you ever own your own business?

Sarah: No, I always worked for other people

David: Did you ever want to own your own business?

Sarah: I guess but I never did, maybe some day

David: I always wanted to be a doctor

Sarah: Really, what happened?

David: I got stuck with the diner, I tried to get my dad to sell it but he never did

Sarah: You could still be a doctor

David: No, I think its to late

Sarah: Its never to late

David: You think?

Sarah: Differently!

David smiles at Sarah

David: I am glad your out of the hospital and here with me

Sarah: Me to

We see a shot of Terry and Stan's house

We see Terry looking at a picture of Leo

Terry: I wonder if your really died?

We see Kane come to the door and knock

Terry: Coming!

Terry walks to the door and opens it

Terry: Hello Kane

Kane: Hello

Kane walks in

Terry: Your not at work today?

Kane: Oh I only had to work this morning

Terry: I see

Kane: So how's uncle Stan?

Terry: He seems to be fine except

Kane: Except what?

Terry: Well, He got very upset today

Kane: Upset why?

Terry: Well, he seems to think Leo visited him last night

Kane: What?

Terry: Yes, that's what he thinks, but I think it was the medication the nurse gave him

Kane: That's probably it

Kane sees the picture of Leo

Kane: My father, I wonder if the police are right and he is dead?

Terry: I don't know, I just don't know

We see a shot of the church

We see two ambulance drivers run in

Paramedic 1: What happened?

Mary: She was shot

Paramedic 2: By who?

Victoria: Why don't know

Ginger: This is terrible

Tony: Another shooting, what is happening to this town?

Ellen: Help my daughter please

Paramedic 2: We will don't worry

The put Jill on the stretcher

Zoe watches the whole thing

Zoe: Who shot her, who?

Zoe looks around

The ambulance drivers run out

Mary: I will take you to the hospital grandma

Ellen: Ok

Ellen and Mary walk out

Rachel rights stuff down on a pad

Rachel walks up to Avis

Rachel: What happened?

Avis: Not now!

Avis walks away

2 police officers walk in

Zoe: The cops

Zoe walks away to another side of the church

Tom sees the police then sees Zoe

Tom walks away

Father Chapman: I wonder who did this?

Victoria: I don't know but I would like to know myself


We see a shot of Somerset Park

Sarah: Have you lived in Somerset your whole life?

David: No, I grew up in Point Claire

Sarah: That's not to far from here

David: Only like 50 miles west, Our house burned down when I was 17 and we moved here to Somerset and my father opened the Diner

Sarah: I see

David: Have you ever been here before your parents moved here

Sarah: Yes, my aunt lived here in the 70s I came to visit her a couple of times

David: Really that's interesting

Sarah: Its getting cold

David: Yes, how about I drive you home

Sarah: Ok

David and Sarah walk away

We see a shot of Stan and Terry's house

Kane: Where is Ginger and Tony?

Terry: They are at Julian Cannell's funeral

Kane: Oh, That is where Mary is, did you know him?

Terry: Yes I did

Kane: Why didn't you go to the funeral?

Terry: I thought Stan would need me, I guess not

Kane: It's funny he said he saw Leo

Terry: He was obsessed about it, he wanted me to go out and look for him

Kane: Wow, did you tell him what the police said?

Terry: I had to, but he called me a liar

Kane: I am sorry

Terry: I don't really want to think about it, would you like some coffee?

Kane: Sure

Terry: Ok

Terry walks away

Kane picks up the picture of Leo and looks at it

Kane gasps

Kane: Oh my god!

Kane remembers seeing the man at the gas station

Kane: That was the man at the gas station, that was him!

We see a shot of Somerset hospital

We see Mary and Ellen

Mary: I wonder how she is?

Ellen: I don't know

Mary: They said the are taking her into surgery right away

Ellen: She has to live, she can't die

Mary: She will be OK

Ellen: I hope so, god I hope so

Mary: I better call some of the family

Ellen: Yes, call David and Kane

Mary: And India?

Ellen: I suppose

Mary: Ok

Mary walks away

Ellen looks at the floor and begins to cry

Ellen: Be OK Jill please be OK!

We see a shot of the church

A cop walks up to Rachel

Cop: Maybe you should leave

Rachel: I have a story to report

Cop: Not now, wait outside

Rachel: Fine, Rachel walks out

We see Daniel walk in the church

Daniel: I don't want any one to leave, not until we talk to all of you

Father Chapman walks up to Daniel

Father Chapman: Not here with the body

Daniel: Of course, is there some room we can use?

Father Chapman: Yes, I will show you

Father Chapman and Daniel walk away

We see Victoria

Victoria: I can't believe this is happening

April: It will be OK

Victoria: Oh this is horrible

Victoria starts to cry

April hugs her

We see Tom looking for Zoe, someone grabs him and brings him into a room it is Zoe

Tom: What are you doing?

Zoe: I did not shot my gun

Tom: Really?

Zoe: Yes, so who was it?

Tom: I don't know

Zoe: Well they missed Victoria

Tom: I know

Zoe: Well she is still here I will go get her now

Tom: No! Not with all these cops around

Zoe: I can kill her

Tom: No Zoe!

Father Chapman walks into the room

Father Chapman: What is going on here?

Tom just looks at Father Chapman


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Sarah and David in David's car

David: So, here you are

Sarah: Yes, It was great talking to you

David: Same here

Sarah: Maybe we can meet again

David: You mean a date?

Sarah: Well not if you don't want to

David: No, we can go on a date

Sarah: When?

David: Tomorrow night

Sarah: Ok

David: I will pick you up

Sarah: Ok great

David: Ok

Sarah leans over and kisses David

Sarah: Bye

David: Bye

Sarah gets out of the car

David smiles

David: See you later

David starts up the car

We see a shot of Stan and Terry's house

Kane: Its him

Terry walks out with a tray

Terry: What?

Kane: This was the man at the gas station, it was my father

Terry: What, no!

Kane: Yes, I knew i seen him somewhere before

Terry: Are you sure?

Kane: Yes, It was Leo, he is in Somerset

Terry: Oh my god, maybe Stan did see him

Kane: I can't believe it, I just can't!

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

Mary walks up to Ellen

Mary: I called India and David, I could not get in touch with Kane he must have his cell turned off

Ellen: OK

Mary: Did you here from any doctors?

Ellen: No

A nurse walks up to them

Nurse: I have some news about your daughter

Ellen: What?

Nurse: She is still in surgery, but the doctors got the bullet

Mary: That's good

Ellen: Thank god

Nurse: When she is done in surgery you can see her

Ellen: Thank you

Mary: Yes thank you

Mary hugs Ellen

Mary: She will be OK Grandma, I knew it

Ellen smiles

We see a shot of Rachel standing outside the church

We see Tony and Ginger

Tony: We have talked the police so we can go

Ginger: Yes, It's sad this all happened, and here of all places

Tony: I know

Ginger and Tony walk out of the church

Rachel walks up to them

Rachel: Can I talk to you about the shooting?

Ginger: Your that woman from the TV news

Rachel: I work at the Magazine Somerset Lives now

Tony: Yes, I heard you were fired

Rachel: I was not fired!

Tony: We have to go

Rachel: But?

Ginger: Goodbye

Rachel: Damn people

Rachel looks at the church

Rachel: Sorry!

We see Tom

Father Chapman: What are you doing in here?

Tom: Just talking

Father Chapman: Well come out, the police need to talk to everyone

Tom: Yes, we will be right out

Father Chapman: Fine

Father Chapman leaves

Tom: You have to get out of here

Zoe: Why?

Tom: Because you can't talk to the police so go out the back and there should be a car out there for you

Zoe: Fine

Tom: Be careful

Zoe: Ok

Zoe and Tom walk out of the room

We see Victoria

Victoria looks at the coffin

Victoria: Why did this all happen at Julian's funeral?

April: I don't know

We see Father Chapman walk up to Victoria

Victoria: Oh Father!

Father Chapman: Would you like to continue the service outside at the grave

Victoria: Yes father please

Father Chapman: I will talk to the police and tell them to speed this up

Victoria: Thank you

Father Chapman walks away

Daniel walks up to Victoria

Daniel: I would like to talk to you now

Victoria just looks Daniel

We see Avis

Avis: Maybe I should go talk to Victoria now

Avis begins to walk up to her

We see a shot of Tom on the phone

Tom: Is our new Guest there? Good! No one saw her? Good, I know that but its not over yet, We will get her next time!

Announcer: This is Somerset

Announcer: Next on Somerset

We see India and Ellen

India: Oh Ellen

India hugs Ellen

India: It's all ok now

We see Kane and Ginger

Ginger: You think you saw Daddy?

Kane: Yes

Ginger: Oh my god he is alive!

We see Tom at his house

Tom: I am so glad your here, now the rest of my plan to get this town can finally be put into process!

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List
1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Lois Smith As Zoe Matson Cannell
7.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
8.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
9.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
10.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
11.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
12.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
13.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
14.Matthew Ashford As Detective Daniel Hunter
15.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
16.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
17.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
18.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
19.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
20.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny
21.Anne Marie Howard As Rachel O'Neil

Guest Stars
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway
2.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan

Locations in Somerset


Episode 43

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Somerset hospital

We see Stan and Terry

Stan: Please help me?

Terry: Stan you did not see Leo, it was the medication

Stan: No, he was here I know it you have to believe me please

Terry: Stan Leo was not here

Stan: You have to go look for him

Terry: What? No!

Stan: Please Terry

Terry: No Stan, no

We see a shot of the Foster Diner

We see David serving customers

David: Thanks for coming

The customers leave, Sarah walks in

Sarah: Hello David

David: Your out!

David grabs Sarah and hugs her

Sarah seems surprised

David: I am so glad your out

Sarah: Yes, I am to I was going crazy in that hospital

David: Yes, I think I would to

Sarah: So, lets sit down and talk

David: Yes

Sarah and David sit down

David: So, how are you feeling?

Sarah: Better, I really came here to thank you

David: You don't have to do that

Sarah: I do you saved me life

Sarah takes David's hand

Sarah: I do have to thank you

David: You being OK is thanks enough for me

Sarah smiles

We see a shot of St. Andrew's Church

We see Father Chapman

Father Chapman: Were here to remember a man who we all loved, that man is Julian Cannell

We see Victoria crying and April holding her hand

We then see Zoe who is still looking at Victoria, she looks at the picture of Julian by the coffin

Zoe: Oh Julian, your death will be avenged my love

Zoe remember Tom telling her Victoria is the reason that Julian is dead

Zoe: You will pay you Victoria

Avis hears Zoe

Avis: Who is that?

Avis looks over her shoulder but cannot see Zoe threw the veil

Avis: I wonder what she is saying

We see Zoe take a gun out of her hand bag

Zoe: Its your time now Victoria Paisley!

Father Chapman: Now Julian's long time partner Victoria would like to say a few words about him

Victoria stands up and walks up to Julian's casket she puts her hand on it then turns around and begins to speak

Victoria: Julian was a very special man to all of us, he loved all of you very much and never forgot about any of you. I remember when Christmas came around he would always run out of Christmas cards because he had so many of people on his Christmas cards list. So many friends, he always wanted to reach out to on Christmas, that was my Julian, my beloved

Zoe: Damn you Victoria! Your the reason he is dead

Zoe grabs the gun and begins to raise it


We see a shot of Somerset hospital

Terry: Stan, Leo was not here and is not even in town if he was the police would of found him

Stan: No Terry, your wrong he was here and I think he was hiding from something or someone that's why you have to find him, you have to go look for him

Terry: No Stan, I can't do that now I just can't

Stan: Fine then I am calling the police

Stan grabs the phone

Terry takes it from him and slams it down

Terry: No!

Stan: What?

Terry: Listen I was not going to tell you but maybe I should

Stan: Tell me what?

Terry: A police Detective came to the house and they had some info on Leo

Stan: When?

Terry: A couple of days ago

Stan: Why didn't you tell me?

Terry: Because I did not want you getting upset

Stan: Why would I get upset?

Terry: Because they said they think he is dead

Stan: What?

Terry: I am sorry Stan

Stan: No! He is not, no!

We see a shot of the Foster Diner

David: Are you sure you don't want any coffee or anything?

Sarah: No I think that gross hospital coffee but me off the stuff for a while

David: Yes, that coffee is very gross. I remember when my mom was in the hospital I had to drink it alot and it was really gross

Sarah: Why was your mom in the hospital?

David: Cancer, she passed away a few years ago

Sarah: I am sorry

David: It was a terrible time for my father and me and my sister

Sarah: Where is your family?

David: My sister lives in New Hampshire and my father lives in Bay City

Sarah: That's not to far from here

David: No its not, he owns this diner, I just run it

Sarah: I see

David: I got an Idea

Sarah: What?

David: Why don't we go for a walk in the park, its such a nice day out

Sarah: Ok

David walks up to the woman behind the counter talks to her then walks back to Sarah

David: Lets go

Sarah: Yes

David and Sarah leave the Diner

We see a shot of the church

We see a reporter outside

It is Rachel O'Neil

Rachel: I wonder when these people will get out, If I am covering this story for Somerset Lives I have to have someone to talk to, and its cold out here!

A person with a hood walks past Rachel

Rachel: Excuse me can I have a moment of your time?

The person does not pay any attention to Rachel and walks into the church

Rachel: Well never mind then! I guess I will have to wait!

We see Victoria still talking at the front of the church, the person who walked in does not sit down, the person just turns and goes in a different direction in the church

Zoe: Now I can get you Victoria

Zoe stands up

Victoria: I loved him so much!

Victoria's voice breaks

Victoria: And I will miss him

Zoe holds her gun up

Zoe: You murdering Bitch! You have to die!

Zoe points her gun at Victoria

Then we hear a shot and some screams and the screen goes black


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Somerset Park

We see Sarah and David

Sarah: I broke up with my boyfriend Joe before I came to Somerset

David: How long did you date him?

Sarah: Oh about 2 years, I caught him with the cashier at his tattoo shop

David: Wow, I am sorry

Sarah: Its OK, I got over him long ago

David: Have you ever been married?

Sarah: No, you?

David: Yes, Misty we were married for three years and we have a son Vinny

Sarah: You have a son?

David: Yes, I see him a couple of times a year, they live in Canada

Sarah: Wow, how old is Vinny?

David: 4, he is the reason I married Misty, and that's kind of of the reason we divorced. We did not love each other

Sarah: I see, I think that happens alot these days sadly

David: Yes, I wish it could of worked but It did not

Sarah: I don't think I will ever get married

David: Really?

Sarah: I don't think I will ever find the right guy

David: You never know. Hey, he might be right under your nose and you just don't know it yet

Sarah just looks at David

Sarah: Maybe

Sarah and David smile at each other

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

Stan: Your lying Terry!

Terry: No Stan, It's true

Stan: Get out Terry, leave!

Terry: Stan please calm down!

Stan: I don't want to hear this leave Terry, now!

Terry: Fine, I will be back

Stan: And don't bring your lies next time!

Terry: Goodbye Stan

Terry leaves

Stan: I don't believe you Terry

Stan remembers talking to Leo

Stan: He is alive and I will find him

Stan grabs his phone and dials a number

Stan: Yes can have the Somerset police station please?

We see a shot of the church

we see Rachel standing outside, she hears the gunshot

Rachel: What was that?

Rachel runs up to the church

We see Zoe who sits down

Zoe: I did not shot, I did not shot!

We here screams

Mary: Mother!

We see that Jill was shot

Ellen: Jill! No Jill!

Mary: Someone call an ambulance!

April: I will

April gets out her cell phone

Victoria: Oh my god

Victoria runs up to Jill

There is another shot it hits the window and breaks it

Father Chapman: Who is shooting?

Tom: What are you doing Zoe?

We see Avis

Avis: What is happening

Rachel runs into the church, the person with the hood runs out and almost knocks Rachel down

Rachel: Hey, you stop, Stop!

Zoe: Who shot the gun, it was not me, who was it?

We see Jill laying on the floor

Ellen: Please Jill be OK, be OK

Mary: Oh god please, please

We see Jill laying there with blood all over the floor

Announcer: This is Somerset

Announcer: Next on Somerset

We see Zoe and Tom

Zoe: I did not shot my gun!

Tom: Really?

Zoe: Yes, so who was it?

We see Mary talking to Ellen

Mary: She will be OK

Ellen: I hope so, god I hope so

We see Kane at Terry and Stan's he sees a picture of Leo

Kane: That was the man at the gas station, that was him!

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List
1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Lois Smith As Zoe Matson Cannell
7.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
8.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
9.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
10.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
11.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
12.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
13.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
14.Matthew Ashford As Detective Daniel Hunter
15.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
16.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
17.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
18.George Coe As Leo Kurtz
19.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
20.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny
21.Anne Marie Howard As Rachel O'Neil

Guest Stars
1.Ted Danson As Tom Conway
2.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan

Locations in Somerset
