this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Episode 23

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Molly and Bill walking into a big office

Bill: I love it

Molly: It is big

Bill: Yes, that's why I love it

Molly: Did the real estate agent say when she would get here?

Bill: Soon, I hope.

Molly: Well, do you think you will take it?

Bill: I think so, I love it

We see a shot of India in Springfield

India: Ok, now to pack

India walks to her closet, and takes out a bag, she puts it on the bed, opens it, and finds a piece of paper

India: Oh that's where it was. I can't lose this, it is part of Ellen's surprise.

India walks over to the desk, and puts the paper in a purse

India: I wonder where the other part of Ellen's surprise is?

We see a shot of Jake in his office in Dallas

Jake: What, Somerset?

Cop: Yes

Jake: No address, no number?

Cop: Nope, The only thing I could get, was that call was coming from Somerset

Jake: Great, well i better call the Somerset police, wait, yes Sandy Stewart

Cop: You mean the guy that was in here before?

Jake: Ya, I want you to find him, now!

We see Joe and the man standing outside of the police station in some bushes

Joe: Now to wait for Jake Edwards

We see a shot of The Foster Diner

David: Oh my God!

Sarah: Oh, Help Me!

Sarah passes out

Robber: Give me the money

The woman behind the cash gives him the money

David: You shot her

Robber: And your next if you don't shut up

The Robber runs out

David: Sarah

David feels for a pulse

David: Oh my god she is not breathing, someone call an ambulance!

David starts CPR

David: Come on Sarah


We see a shot of Bill in the big office

Bill: You should see the washroom, it is big

Molly: Really?

Bill: Ya. I wonder where that real estate agent is?

Bill's cell phone rings, he answers

Bill: Hello. It is the agent

Molly: Oh

Bill: Ya, I love it, I don't care about the rent,I want it, ya

Molly: Bill

Bill: Ya, we will be in touch, Bye

Bill hangs up

Molly: Bill?

Bill: What?

Molly: I think you should know what the rent is

Bill: No, I don't care, I love it.

Molly: Better then New York City?

Bill: Much

Molly: Good

Bill grabs Molly and hugs her

Bill: Oh, I wish Sarah was here

Molly: Me to

Bill: Let's go

Molly and Bill leave the office

We see Sarah laying on the floor at the Foster Diner. We see two ambulance drivers run in

David: Oh, thank god

Ambulance Driver: Is she breathing?

David: Yes, I gave her CPR

Ambulance Driver: Great. What is her name

David: Sarah, I don't know her Last name

Ambulance Driver: That's OK

David: I will ride in the ambulance with her

Ambulance Driver: Fine

They put Sarah on stretcher and leave the Diner

We see a shot of India in Springfield

India: Were are you? You should be here by now

India puts more clothes in her suitcase

India: I am not packing for you too

India grabs a picture of her and Ellen

India: Oh, I hope you like your surprise Ellen, you probably won't

We see a shot of Jake In Dallas

Jake: Find that guy now

Cop: Fine, the cop leaves the office

Jake picks up the phone

Jake: I must call Somerset and tell them

Jake hangs up the phone

Jake: No, I will wait till I find Sandy Stewart

We see Joe and the man, in the bushes outside the police station. Two cops run out and almost see them

Joe: Damn, that was not Edwards

The Man: Do You have to kill Jake Edwards now?

Joe: Yes, I want to get it over with

The Man: Fine

Joe: Come on Jake, come on!


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of The Foster Diner. We see Bill and Molly walk in.

Bill: I really need Coffee

Molly: Me too

A cop stops them

Cop: This is a crime scene, you can't come in

Bill: Crime scene? What Happened?

Cop: A woman was shot

Molly: Oh No!

Bill: Oh god, I wonder who it was?

We see Sarah rushed into the emergency room

David: Hold on Sarah

A cop walks in

David: Did you find out her last name yet?

Cop: Yes, Scott, Sarah Scott

David: Oh, I wonder if she has any family in town?

We see a shot of India in the bathroom

India: Ok, all cleaned out in here

We see a pair of legs walk in the door. The legs walk in the bathroom and a hand goes on India's Shoulder

India: Oh. You Scared me

We see the face, It is Robert Delaney.

Robert: Sorry Dear

India: It is OK Darling

India and Robert hug, then Kiss

Robert: Did you call Ellen?

India: Yes

India and Robert walk out of the bathroom

Robert: Was she surprised?

India: Very

Robert: I bet she will be shocked when you come back to Somerset, with me?

India: Ya, I bet

Robert: Wait till she finds out we got married again, she will blow her top

India laughs

India: I bet!

We see a shot of Jake Edwards, he walks out of his office.

Jake: Did you find him?

Cop: Not yet

Jake: Damn, Well I will find him

Jake walks out the door

Joe sees him coming from the bushes

Joe: Here he comes

Joe picks up the gun

Joe: Bye Jake Edwards

Joe points the gun at Jake and fires

Jake falls to the ground

Joe: Bullseye

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List

1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
3.Nicolas Coster As Robert Delaney
4.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
5.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
6.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
7.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
8.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
9.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
10.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
11.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
12.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
13.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
14.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
15.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
16.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
17.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
18.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny
19.Charles Grant As Joe
20.Ethan Erickson As Jake Edwards

Locations in Somerset



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