this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Announcer: Alot has happened!

We see A shot of Sgt. Jones Body and Detective Harper's body, Then we see the shooters at the Somerset Inn!

Announcer: One person is behind it all!

We see shot of The hand hitting a desk!

Announcer: And his just getting started!

We see the hand make a fist!

Announcer: Find out what happens next on Somerset!


Episode 21

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Ellen's house, we see Ellen on the phone, and Molly sitting on the couch.

Ellen: India is that really you?

India: Yes, Ellen it is me

Ellen: How are you India?

India: I am just fine

Ellen: What's wrong?

India: Nothing is wrong! Why do you ask?

Ellen: Well, the only time you call me is if something is wrong, or if someone died

India: Nothing is wrong. And no one died, well at least I think no one has died?

Ellen: India

India: Look Ellen, I did call for a reason

Ellen: What?

India: I did something

Ellen: What? Lord, India what did you do?

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

Ginger: Your a cop?

Cop: Yes. And I am here to talk to you and your husband

Tony: About the shooting?

Cop: Yes and about Leo Kurtz

Ginger: Leo Kurtz, you know something about my father?

Cop: What?

Ginger: My father, Leo Kurtz! You know something about his disappearance!?

Tony: Calm down Ginger

Ginger: No, he knows something about my father. What do you know?

We see a shot of Joe and The Man in Dallas

The Man: So are you ready to go?

Joe: No not yet

The Man: But the boss wants you back in Somerset tonight

Joe: Well first I have to take care of Jake Edwards

The Man: What does this cop know?

Joe: He knows enough, and he is still searching so I have to take care of him now

The Man: Fine!

Joe: OK, give me your gun

The Man: Your going to shot him

Joe: Yes

The Man: Now

Joe: Yes right now, so give me your gun!


We see a shot of Ellen on the phone

Ellen: What did you do now?

We see Molly look at Ellen

India: Well I can't tell you now

Ellen: What? You just said?

India: Don't worry, you will find out when I get to Somerset

Ellen: Your coming to Somerset? When?

India: Tomorrow

Ellen: Tomorrow?

India: Yes I am bringing my surprise with me

Ellen: Where are you India?

India: I am just in Springfield

Ellen: Springfield? How long have you been there?

India: Don't worry, you will find out everything tomorrow

Ellen: India! Do you even know what happened here last night?

India: Yes I saw it on the news! I hope everyone is OK?

Ellen: No India! Stan Kurtz and Tony Cooper were both shot

India: Oh no!

Ellen: Yes

India: Well, I am sure they will be OK

Ellen: I hope so, I really hope so

We see a shot of Ginger

Ginger: What do you know about my father?

Cop: Nothing

Ginger: What?

Cop: I am here to talk not tell you anything

Tony: I told you not to get all worked up Ginger

Ginger: So your just here to talk?

Cop: Yes

Ginger: Fine

Cop: OK let's start

The cop pulls out a notepad

Cop: First I will start with you Mr. Cooper?

Tony: OK

Cop: Good. Tell me all you remember about the shooting?

We see a shot of Joe and The Man

Joe: The gun

The Man: Fine

The Man pulls out a gun and hands it to Joe

Joe: Good, how many bullets are in it?

The Man: Three

Joe: That's all I need. Now give me your phone!

The Man: Why?

Joe: I need to make a call

The Man: For?

Joe: I need to get my plan into motion

We see a shot of Jake Edwards in his office at the Dallas police station

Jake remembers seeing Sgt. Jones body, then he remembers talking to Joe

Jake: That man knows more then he is saying

The phone rings, Jake picks it up

Jake: Dallas P.D

There is a deep voice on the phone

Deep Voice: Hello

Jake: Hello?

Deep Voice: Hello Mr. Edwards

Jake: Who is this?

Deep Voice: You know me Mr. Edwards

Jake: I do?

Deep Voice: Yes, or you should. You and your dead cop friend have been very interested in me these past weeks

Jake: Oh my god

Deep Voice: No Mr. Edwards, I am not god, I am far from it

The Deep voice laughs

Jake: What do you want?

Deep Voice: I am calling to help you Mr. Edwards

Jake: How can you help me?

Deep Voice: Oh I can help you believe me, and when I am done helping you, I will be your new best friend!

Jake: How can you help me?

Deep Voice: Well Mr. Edwards, I am going to tell you all you want to know

Jake: What?

Deep Voice: That's right, I am going to answer all of your questions

We see a shot of a shocked Jake Edwards


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of Ellen

Ellen: OK, India

India: OK What?

Ellen: Tell me what you did

India: Don't worry Ellen , you will know everything tomorrow

Ellen: India, I don't like the sound of this

India: Don't worry Ellen, look I have to go. I will see you tomorrow. Bye!

India hangs up

Ellen: India? India?

Ellen hangs up

Molly: That was your sister?

Ellen: Yes, and she is coming tomorrow

Molly: Tomorrow?

Ellen: Yes! And she has a surprise for me

Molly: What kind of surprise?

Ellen: I don't know! But knowing India, I am not going to like this!

Molly: Has India done things like this in the past?

Ellen: Oh you don't want to know

Molly: Try me

Ellen: Hang on

Ellen walks over to the liquor cabinet, and takes out a bottle of wine. She walks over to the couch sits down, and pours some wine in the mug, and takes a drink

Ellen: OK, where do I start?

We see a shot of Somerset Hospital

Cop: That's all you remember?

Tony: Yes

Cop: That's not much?

Tony: Nope, but that's it!

Cop: Fine, now you

Ginger: Me?

Cop: Yes. What do you remember about the shooting?

Ginger: Not much, well the shooters came in dressed in black and started shooting!

Cop: What else did you see?

Ginger: Not much, I was on the floor

Cop: Did the shooters say anything?

Ginger: Maybe, I don't know. As time goes by was playing really loud, and I could not hear anything but that

Cop: That's all?

Ginger: Yes, and afterwards we found Tony and brought him to the hospital

Cop: OK

The cop writes on the notepad

Cop: Now let's talk about your father

We see Ginger's sad face

Ginger: Fine

We see a shot of Joe and The Man

The Man: Who did you call?

Joe: The Boss

The Man: But you just talked to him

Joe: Yes but I had to ask him a favour

The Man: What favour?

Joe: I asked him to help me with Jake Edwards, and that is what he is doing

We see a shot of Jake on the phone

Jake: You will tell me all I want to know?

Deep Voice: Yes

Jake: OK

Jake signals to another cop to come into his office

Jake: Trace this call?

Cop: Yes

Deep Voice: Are you still there Mr. Edwards

Jake: Yes

Deep Voice: Good because I have alot to tell you

We see a shot of a hand on a desk, next to the hand is a copy of The Somerset Register with the headline ''Fatal Shooting''. The hand is the deep voice

Jake: Well start talking

Deep Voice: First we will start with Julian Cannell and Leo Kurtz

Jake: You know everything about them?

Deep Voice: Yes, and now you will to!

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits Role

Announcer: Join Us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Cast List

1.Georgann Johnson As Ellen Bishop Grant
2.Michael Lipton As Dr. Stan Kurtz
3.Gloria Hoye As Dr. Terry Kurtz
4.Linda Gray As Jill Grant Farmer Timmins
5.Barry Jenner As Tony Cooper
6.Fawne Harriman As Ginger Kurtz Cooper
7.Veleka Gray As Victoria Paisley
8.Jennifer Bransford As Mary Timmins Kurtz
9.Julian Stone As Kane Kurtz
10.Judith O' Dea As Molly Ryan Scott
11.Amanda Wyass As Sarah Scott
12.Matt Mulhern As David Foster
13.Sigourney Weaver As Avis Ryan
14.Tim Thomerson As Bill Scott
15.Krista Tesreau As April Davis
16.Marie Wallace As India Bishop Delaney
17.Robert Kelker-Kelly As Tiny
18.Charles Grant As Joe
19.Ethan Erickson As Jake Edwards

Locations in Somerset


Friday, April 06, 2007

Sorry I have not posted in a while, I have been working so much and had no time, but I will post Episode 21 and 22 this weekend sometime so stay tuned for that!!!!!!!