this is my blog i created to remember the NBC soap somerset.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Houses and buildings in Somerset

Here are some pictures of them!!!!

Bill and Molly's House

Mary and Kane's Beach House

Jill's Downtown Apartment

Ellen's House

Somerset Hospital

Somerset Inn

Somerset Airport

Stan and Terry's House

The Foster Diner

Delaney Brands

Bill's Office Building

Somerset Park

Tom's House

Somerset Police Station

Somerset Courthouse

St. Andrew's Church

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Episode 2 Somerset

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Mary and Kanes Beach House, then we see Kane standing in the doorway with flowers

Kane: Hello Jill! What are you doing here?

Jill just looks at Kane

Mary: My mother just came over to talk to me Kane(Mary looks at Jill)she was just leaving!

Jill: No I was not!

Mary: Yes mother

Kane: Look I will go put these flowers in some water in the kitchen while you two finish talking

Kane walks over to Mary kisses her then walks into the kitchen

Mary: Mother leave I do not want to hear this from you not now or ever

Jill: Mary please do not do this, do not take him back he will hurt you again

Mary: Mother! Stop!

Jill: No,(Jill walks away)

Mary: Mother were are you going?

Jill: I am going into the kitchen to talk to that so called husband of yours!

Mary:(Mary walks up to Jill and grabs her arm)Mother no! You need to go now!

We hear Angela call out mommy from upstairs

Kane is now listening at the kitchen door

Mary: Mother I have to go upstairs Angela needs me!

Jill: Mary I am telling you not to get involved with Kane again! Please dear do not do this again!

Mary: Mother go now!

Jill: Fine but this is far from over!(Jill goes to the door stops looks back at mary then leaves)

Mary runs upstairs

Kane comes out of the kitchen looks out the window to see if Jill is gone

Kane: Oh god, that was fun

We see a shot Of Somerset Hospital

We see Dr. Terry Martin walking out of a room

Terry: Ok now I guess I can go have lunch with my wonderful husband

Dr. Stan Kurtz, Terry's husband walks up behind her

Stan: Well there you are

Terry kisses Stan

Terry: I was just coming to look for you

Stan: Well here I am

Terry: Ya I can see that.So are you done your shift yet?

Stan: Yes for the day. I hope you are!

Terry: Yes my dear I can very happily say I am done work for today so let's go have lunch then go back home!

Stan: Ok your the boss

Terry: Yes and don't ever forget it!

Stan puts his arm around Terry they walk away

We see a shot of Ellen Grant's house

We see Ellen sitting down on a chair in her kitchen she remembers her phone call

Ellen: Oh my god it can't be! He can't be dead!!


We see a shot of Ellen's house, then we see Ellen she gets up walks over to the phone and dials a number

Ellen: Hello, can you have Dr. Stan Kurtz come to the phone?

We see a Nurse standing behind a desk

Nurse: I am sorry Dr Kurtz left the hospital

Ellen: Oh do you know when he will be back?

Nurse: He is done at the hospital for the day

Ellen: Oh well is Dr. Terry Kurtz there?

Nurse: No she left with Dr Kurtz

Ellen: Oh well thank you(Ellen hangs up phone)Oh god were are you! Oh(Ellen picks up Phone deals number)please pick up please

We see Jill driving in her car then her cell phone rings she picks it up

Jill: Hello

Ellen: Jill Thank god

Jill: Mother what's wrong

Ellen: Oh Jill I just got the worst call

Jill: What mother? What happened?

Ellen: Jill someone has died

Jill: Who?

Ellen: Julian, Julian Cannell

We see a close up of Jill face

We see a shot of Kane and Mary's Beach House

Mary comes downstairs with Angela in her arms Kane is on the couch

Mary: Do you want to go see daddy(Mary hands Angela to Kane)

Kane: Hi baby hi

Mary: Kane I am sorry for my mother

Kane: It's ok iam use to all the prejudice that comes with the Kurtz name,they think just because you are a Kurtz you are part of the mob

Mary: Well yes! But that is not all my mother was thinking she just does not trust you sense well you know!

Kane: I thought we got over that Mary?

Mary: Yes we did but my mother has not

Kane: Well maybe I can do something?

Mary: No there is nothing you can do my mother will not listen she is just hard headed

Kane: Well now I know were you get it

Mary: Hay you better watch it our you will not get the kiss I was about to give you

Kane: Oh I am sorry I do not want to miss that kiss

Mary: Ok I forgive you

Kane and Mary kiss. Mary puts her hand on the top of Angela's head and laughs

We see a shot of The Somerset Inn. We see Terry and Stan walk in

Stan: Oh I could eat a horse

Terry: Well let's sitdown

A waiter walks up to Stan and Terry

Waiter: Would you like a table?

Stan: Yes thank you

The waiter looks around

Waiter: This way

The waiter shows Stan and Terry to a table by the window. They sit down

Stan: Well this is nice

Terry: Yes it is very nice indeed

Stan: When is the last time we went out for lunch or dinner?

Terry: Oh it has been a very long time

Stan: Well we are here now and I am loving it already

Terry: Me too

Waiter walks over with two menus hands them to Stan and Terry

Stan: Thank you

Terry: Thank you

Waiter walks away

Stan: So what looks good?

Terry: Oh I don't know

Stan: Terry?

Terry: What?

Stan: I just got the best idea

Terry: And what is that?

Stan: Why don't we drive up to Bay City for the weekend and visit some old friends?

Terry: Do you think we can get the time of from work?

Stan: I think so

Terry: Well let's do it

Stan: Ok

Stan and Terry hold hands look at each other


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see a shot of The Somerset Inn.We see Terry and Stan they are talking to the waiter who is standing by the table taking there order

Waiter: It will not be long

Stan: Thank you

Waiter walks away

Terry: So this weekend we are going to take do you think we will have fun?

Stan: Sure lots! And it will be good for us to I mean we need this break

Terry: Yes we do

Stan: So as soon as we are done her let's go home and call up some of our friends in Bay City and tell them we are coming

Terry: Ok. I love you Stan Kurtz

Stan: I love you

Stan gets up walks over to Terry and Kisses her

We see a shot of Ellen's House we see Ellen on the phone

Ellen: Jill, Jill are you there?

We Jill in her car she pulled over on the side of the road

Jill: Yes mother I am here

Ellen: Are you ok?

Jill: Yes. It is just a shock! How did he die?

Ellen: I think you should come over before I tell you anymore

Jill: Ok, Mother did you talk to Victoria?

Ellen: No not yet

Jill: Oh well you should

Ellen: Ok I will call her

Jill: Fine I am on my way to your house now

Ellen: Ok bye

Jill: Bye

Ellen hangs up the phone

Jill turns off her cell phone. Turns on her car and drives away

We see Ellen in her kitchen still by the phone

Ellen: Well I guess I will call Victoria. But what will i say to her?

We see a shot of a hospital.the words Dallas come across the screen

We see Victoria Paisley standing out on the hospital balcony. A nurse comes out

Nurse: Miss Paisley would you like for me to call you a cab?

Victoria: No thank you. I would like you to do something else for me

Nurse: Yes miss

Victoria: Could you ask the doctor if I could see Julian! Please? One more time before they take his body away!!

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits role!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Note: I will post a history of Julian Cannell before i post episode 3

Monday, August 21, 2006

Episode 1 Somerset

Announcer: This is Somerset

We see a shot of Ellen Grant's kitchen. Ellen walks in!
The phone rings

Ellen: Hello, Ellen Grant

The person on the other line is Jill Ellen's daughter

Jill: Hello Mom, I have to talk to you

Ellen: About?

Jill: About Mary
Mary is Jill's daughter, she had her in 1978 after Somerset ended!!

Ellen: What is wrong, has something happened?

Jill: No it is just she called me and she and Kane have gotten back together

Ellen: Well Jill what did you expect he is the father of her child and her husband

Jill: He is also a Kurtz and I do not want my daughter to get involved with that mob family!!

Ellen: Well you should of told her that before she slept with him and got herself pregnant! Then married him!

Jill: Mom

Ellen: Well Jill I only speak the truth, if you did not want your daughter to get involved with a kurtz you should of spoke up before they decided to break the bed in if you catch my drift!!

Jill: You know how Mary is she will not listen to anyone when it comes to the topic of Kane Kurtz

Ellen: Well Jill you should not worry about Kane. He only found out he was a Kurtz 4 years ago when his mother told him before she died and he has not gotten himself involved in the mob like his father did!!
Kane only found out he was the illegitimate son of Leo Kurtz(Somerset mob boss who is now in the witness protection program)when his dying mother told him on her deathbed!!

Jill: Still he is a Kurtz I do not care how long he knew it they are all the same and they will never change!!

Ellen: Well Jill what can we do if they love each other!!

Jill: I will tell you what I will do I will drive up to Whispering Beaches(A nearby suburb where Mary, Kane and there daughter Angela live)and try to talk my daughter out of making the same mistake again!!

Ellen: Oh Jill I wish you would not!!

Jill: To late bye mother(Jill hangs up)

Ellen:(Ellen hangs up)Oh Jill you have a hard head just like that daughter of yours!!

We see a shot of the house next door, a woman walks into this empty house holding a lamp the woman's name is Molly Ryan Scott

Molly: Honey come in and see it!!!

Molly's husband Bill Scott enters the house

Bill: Molly I have seen our new house 5 times already, why do I have to see it again?

Molly: because it is so beautiful! I can not wait till Sarah sees it, when is her Plane arriving again?
Sarah is Molly and Bill's daughter

Bill: Her plane will arrive at 5:30pm we will be at the Somerset airport to pick her up at 3:00pm because I know what you are like you always want to be early!

Molly: I thought she was getting off in Bay City?

Bill: No there was change of plans and she is coming to Somerset!

Molly: Oh good!!

Bill looks out the window

Bill: I wonder when the movers will get here!

Molly: They will get here when they get here!

Bill: Ok, well I guess I will go get the few things we have in the car

Molly: Wait! Why don't you follow me upstairs and we will explore the house some more!!

Bill: I can't

Molly: Why!

Bill: The movers are here

Molly: Ok fine! But later my dear

Bill: Yes!(Bill grabs Molly and kisses her)

Mover walks in

Mover: Oops sorry Mr.Scott I was just wanting to ask you some questions

Bill: Ok I am coming

Mover exits

Bill: Later my darling

Molly: Yes

Bill walks outside to talk to the movers

Molly looks at the empty living room

Molly: We will love it here in Somerset!!


Next scene

Molly is in the back yard singing, Ellen is in her garden when she hears Molly and looks over the fence

Ellen: Hello there

Molly: Oh you scared me, I did not think anyone could hear my concert

Ellen: Oh yes I heard it and may I say it was great

Molly: Thank you, my husband says that I do not sing that well

Ellen: Well do not listen to him you have a wonderful voice

Molly: Thank you ahh

Ellen: Oh Ellen, Ellen Grant

Molly: Hi my name is Molly Scott

Ellen: Well Hi and welcome to Somerset

Molly: Thanks Ellen so how long have you lived here

Ellen: Oh 45 years

Molly: Wow that is great so you must know this town very well

Ellen: Oh yes I do very well

Molly: Great maybe you can tell me a little bit about it

Ellen: Sure, just pop over when you are all settled in and we will have some coffee

Molly: Thank you Ellen

We hear a loud bang

Molly: Oh my I hope that was not my good dishes, I better go check nice to meet you Ellen

Ellen: Very nice to meet you Molly Bye

Molly: Bye(Molly runs inside)

Ellen walks back in her garden and looks over it and says ahhh my new roses and walks into the garden shed

We see a shot of a beach house. We see a girl walk down the steps it is Mary

Mary: I wonder where Kane is

We hear a Knock at the door

Mary: There you are(Mary walks to the door opens it, it is her mother Jill

Mary: Mother what are you doing

Jill: stopping you(Jill walks in the house)

Mary: Mother what are you talking about!!

Jill: Kane, Kane Kurtz!!

Mary: What about him

Jill: Where is Angela

Mary: Upstairs taking a nap

Jill: Good I do not want her to hear what I am going to say to her mother!

Mary: Mother I know how you feel about Kane but he is my husband the father of your grandchild and I love him!

Jill: You think you love him there is a big difference Mary and I want to tell you what the difference is!

Mary: Mother stop I will not hear this

Jill: When you love someone you do not cheat on them like your so called husband did to you!!

Mary: Mother we worked that out

Jill: Oh you did, What did he say to you I love you I will never do it again I heard that before and it is not true

Mary: Who did you hear that from Daddy
Mary's father is Craig Timmins he and Jill married in 1977 when he moved to Somerset from New York!! People say he cheated on Jill but no one knows because he dead in 2003 from cancer and never told anyone if he did or did not!!

Jill: Mary do not ever say that

Mary: Well that is what other people say

Jill: Well it is lies and you know better

Mary: Sorry, Look mother I think you should go

Jill: I am not going anywhere till I stop this so called reunion dead in its tracks


Announcer: And now the conclusion of Somerset

We see Bill and Molly surrounded by boxes

Bill: Well let's get started

Molly: Do we have to do this now why don't we wait till later

Bill: Ok, so what do we do now

Molly: Let's go for a drive I want to see some more of our new beautiful Town

Bill: Ok

Molly hugs Bill

Molly: We will be happy here won't we

Bill: Yes honey we will be!!

Molly and Bill walk out of the house and close the door

We see Mary and Kane's Beach house

Mary: Mother you will not stop this I love Kane and he loves me and we will be together

Jill: Like hell you will be

Mary: Mother!

Jill: Mary, You were not born when the Kanes mob friends were in Somerset and making it hell

Mary: Mother Kane is not like that he is not involved with the mob and he has never been

Then Kane walks throw the door with flowers in his hands

Kane: Hi honey, oh Jill what are you doing here

Mary looks at Jill. Jill roles her eyes

We see a shot of Ellen Grants kitchen again the phone rings Ellen walks in holding a basket of flowers she answers the phone

Ellen: Hello, Ellen Grant, What? Who?

Ellen hangs up phone and drops the basket

Ellen: Oh my god!

Announcer: This is Somerset

Credits role!

Announcer: Join us again for the continuing story of Somerset

Monday, August 14, 2006

New promo for Somerset

Announcer:Be here on August 21st for the new Somerset!!!!!

we see a picture of Somerset's three logos!!!!

Announcer:Somerset NBC Daytime